Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Essay about Multiculturalism In Canada - 1701 Words

Is multiculturalism a disruptive or an integrative force in Canadian society? In terms of education, multiculturalism is becoming increasingly disruptive in Canadian society. It seems that there is a new issue in the media focus regarding education on a weekly basis. Its becoming increasingly apparent that most, if not all issues in recent years stem from the debate of whether to centralize or decentralize our current system of education. Proponents of centralization argue that a standard national system of education will provide all people with access to the same quality of education. On the other hand, proponent’s of decentralization claim that individual educational institutions will provide a level of education that is sensitive to†¦show more content†¦Also the provincial government is taking steps to standardize the level of education received by students in Ontario. Programs like standardized testing for teachers and students as well as the standardization of the curriculum were implemented. These programs are intended to provide all stud ents regardless of race or economic standing in any area of the province and equal opportunity to succeed. These initiatives are part and parcel of increased demand by the Federal government to have Canadian students rise to quot;levels equivalent to those achieved by students in Asia and Europe.quot; (Lightbody, pg. 265) These steps however pay little heed to other cultures in the education system. All courses on history or culture at the high school level are aimed to familiarize students with the traditions, philosophy, literature and history of the western world. Proponents argue that this action is appropriate since our country is based on a democracy founded in European ideals of government. It is also claimed that there would not be enough time in the current school year to educate students on every culture that has contributed to the construction of our society. Proponents for centralization seem to prefer the quot;middle of the road approachquot; when making decisions on cu rriculum. It is argued that trying to push the subject of multiculturalism too far would actually be a hindrance. Over emphasis of multiculturalism may interfere with a student’sShow MoreRelatedMulticulturalism in Canada1819 Words   |  7 PagesMulticulturalism in Canada An Overview The term multiculturalism has been used by the Canadians in two different perspectives. The first use of this word is descriptive; meanwhile the other one is normative. The former sense implies the description of various religious and cultural groups that the Canadian population consists of. The nation of Canada is based on people from various races, religions and cultural backgrounds and there is a general acceptance of cultural pluralism in the countryRead MoreCanada Is A Multiculturalism Country1070 Words   |  5 PagesWe always say Canada is a multiculturalism country. However, what is multiculturalism? A country that is full of people with different cultural backgrounds and different races living together in peace. Canada is a multicultural society, so an increasing number of immigrants came to Canada, mostly from African, Asian, and Caribbean countries. But in Canadian history of multiculturalism has started with xenophobic approach to immigrants. In the beginning of 20th cen tury, immigrants could not be recognizedRead MoreEssay on Multiculturalism in Canada661 Words   |  3 PagesMulticulturalism is the existence of a culturally diversified society where people from different backgrounds and races come and live together. However an insight of this integrated society reveals that everyone seems to have a different opinion on the issue of how this diverse community should operate. One of the countries of North America called the mosaic is Canada. It has earned this distinct name because of the mix of races, cultures and ethnicities residing in it. Canadas geographical featuresRead MoreMulticulturalism : The New Reality Of Canada1353 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Multiculturalism exists when people accept and encourage many cultures to thrive in a society. Multiculturalism can lead to many great outcomes, including racial and ethnic harmony, which simply means that people from different backgrounds get along well together. Living with and accepting diff erent cultures helps us understand each other and discourage hatred and violence.† () Furthermore, various ethnic groups introduce their individual beliefs, traditions, as well as, religions to the CanadianRead MoreThe Government of Canada and Multiculturalism Essay examples1670 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Multiculturalism† entered public speech in the late 1960s and early 1970s in Canada that focused on unique cultural diversity, nationalities, and ethnicity across the nation. Multiculturalism and Immigration are important factors in the development of Canada to attain a strong multicultural example of economic stability, social and political growth which leads to the emergence of Canada’s identity and culture. The artefact design indicates the deep understanding of Canadian Multiculturalism whichRead MoreEssay about The Aspects of Multiculturalism in Canada838 Words   |  4 Pagesbuilt on immigration, Canada has long had a reputation of being culturally and ethnically diverse. While multiculturalism is meant to be built on equality and appreciation of different cultures, its concept has gained both support and opposition. On one hand, it allows for more assortment and the voices of minorities have a higher chance to be heard. On the other hand, loss of unity and conflicts may occur due to contrasting worldviews of the citizens. All in all, multiculturalism is a controversialRead MoreMulticulturalism In Canada: The benefits of a multicultural society.1881 Words   |  8 PagesMulticulturalism in Canada: The Benefits of a Multicultural Society Canada is a very interesting country, mainly due to its diversity. The weather in Canada can be both freezing and very hot. Some land is rocky and mountainous, while other places are composed of flat, rolling hills. And in Canada, you can find many different races, from Asian to Latin, African to Indian. Canada is the most multicultural country in the world, and a lot of Canadas development and success can be attributed to immigrantsRead MoreWhat Canada s Government Should Not Be Tolerated Under Multiculturalism1698 Words   |  7 Pagesintroducing multicultural policies which protect and accommodate the practices and beliefs of various minority groups. Granted that multiculturalism has enriched modern societies with creativity, innovation, and economic prosperity, problems have arisen. One of the significant challenges faces these societies is what should or should not be tolerated under multiculturalism. This question has resulted in conflicts between groups seeking to expand huma n rights and those trying to prevent such expansionRead MoreMichelle Julia Anderson- 250848884. 2230E- Erin Orr. Tuesday,1329 Words   |  6 PagesOrr Tuesday, February 7th, 2017 Multiculturalism has played a significant role in Canada, since its establishment 40 years ago. Much of Canadian society is reflective of different cultures from around the world making multiculturalism a very relevant topic to Canadians. While it can be argued that the majority of Canadians are in favor of multiculturalism, there are some who hold a different opinion. Though some critics claim that multiculturalism promotes a form of ‘hyphenated Canadianism’Read MoreMulticulturalism Essay1049 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Canada was the first country to adopt an official policy of multiculturalism in 1971† (Carl Skutsch, 2013). Canada is known worldwide as a multicultural country. On 8 October 1971, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau announced multiculturalism as an official government policy in order to preserve the cultural freedom of all individuals and provide recognition of the cultural contributions of diverse ethnic groups to Canadian society. The government then began to support multiculturalism in a variety of

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The World Of Industrialized And Glamorized Pornography

Hot Young Girl Screwed Hard†¦ By Society In the past few decades, what has been commonly said to be the world’s oldest profession—sex work—has quickly developed to match the growth and demand of modern media. Mainly, this accounts for the rise of internet pornography. While the increase in availability and ease of access has opened doors to frustrated, stressed, and plain old bored individuals looking for relief, but at what cost? It sells, and it sells well. Unfortunately, it also sells out. Sex is an industry, with pearl necklaces hiding under starched white collars. Corporations worldwide have capitalized and cashed in on one of the most primal of human desires, and like most things under a corporate agenda, the system and product are both decidedly flawed. The world of industrialized and glamorized pornography leads to unrealistic expectations of the act of sex and standards of viewer’s bodies. The common themes of violence, humiliation, and deprecation, usually aimed towards women, furthers institutionalized misogyny in society. Finally, many areas of pornography boast and encourage immoral, corrupt, and downright illegal premises and actions. These include (but are in no way limited to) abuse of actors, access to child and underage porn, and ‘revenge’ porn. All of these things add to making a concept that has so much potential to be an aid to many for experimentation and learning to be comfortable with their sexuality into something

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Indigenous Philosophical Ecology System - Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Indigenous Philosophical Ecology System. Answer: Introduction: Each individual world over has a worldview which offers them a sense of ordered reality and makes it possible for them to make sense of the world as well as their actions. By enabling individuals to interpret what they observe in the world through a mental framework, the worldview it gives them a sense of security and some level of predictability and certainty. The dreaming is the worldview for indigenous Australian cultures which enabled them to understand and interpret the world as well as enabling them to understand their place in the world as human beings (Bourke, Bourke Edwards, 1998). The dreaming is a terminology used by the Aboriginals in describing the balances between moral, natural and spiritual elements of the world. Although it is an English word its meaning surpasses any spiritual or dream-related state (Stanner, 2011) Dreaming dates back to the period of the origin of the universe to the period before living experience or memory. Dreaming is also called dream time or world dawn. This worldview performs three major functions in Indigenous cultures: The dreaming provides individuals with a set of laws and rules for living. These rules apply to social relationships and all activities including social ceremonies religious activities and economic activities. The dreaming also provides an outline for life and the creation of all living forms and finally explains how the universe and everything in it was created or came into existence(Stanner, 2011). It, for example, enables the koorie and Murri language groups to have an understanding of the origin of the universe and enable them to interpret what they observe in the universe and make sense of their actions besides enabling them to understand their role in the universe (Bourke, Bourke Edwards, 1998). The linkage between Kinship, the dreaming, and economic organization is that while the dreaming is concerned with humans as universal beings and enables them to have an understanding of their universe and their place in it, kinship deals with individuals within their societies and helps them to understand their societies and individual roles role in their societies. The Economic organization presents individuals with income generating opportunities to enable them to carry out their roles and obligations and enable enabling them to survive within the universe and their language groups. Different bonds bind different people in various societies. Kinship refers to the marriage or blood bond that binds people together. Kinship is a universal concept found in many societies, and it plays a significant role in those societies. It can, therefore, be through blood or marriage. There are various bases of kinship including sex which is focused on sex of blood relationships such as that of a brother and sister, kinship based on blood relationships such as those for linear and collateral relatives, Divisions such as mothers mother and fathers father and those based on close relationships or intimacy such as a husband and father in law (Rose, 2005). Functions of Kinship There are numerous roles played by Kinship in Indigenous Australia, including governing the role relationships among kins and organizing economic and social relationships. This is achieved through kinship rules. Kinship also plays a role in determining the rights and obligations of the members of Indigenous Australian Societies. It helps individuals to understand their position in their language group in relation to individuals outside their language group (Kwaymullina,2005). For example, a member of the palawa language group can understand where he or she stands about members of the Nunga group. Trough this; kinship promotes harmonious relationships among members of the same language group or different language groups within Indigenous Australia. Kinship also provided members of Indigenous Australia with a sense of identity and belonging. The strong kinship bonds also provide a sense of security to the members of various language groups (Rose, 2005). Indigenous Australian Cultures are the oldest in the world dating to over 50000 years ago. The cultural heritage of these groups has been kept alive over the years through the protection of cultural materials and a passing of cultural knowledge across generations. Indigenous Australia is used to refer to the Torres Strait Islander and the Aboriginal people of Australia. Although there are similarities between these indigenous Australian groups, there are also numerous differences in their culture, language, and customs which are characteristic of the various indigenous language groups (Colson, 2013). While kinship gives a sense of belonging and identity to individuals, the dreaming presents them with an opportunity to understand how they came into being together with the universe in which they live. The Economic organization enables them to meet their obligations within their language groups. Economic Organization Economic Organization refers to a set of actions controlling the factors of production. It involves the ownership and right to makes decisions of the factor of production (Altman, 2000). Economic organization can also be defined as the system that a society devises to meet material needs. These factors of production include land, capital and labour. The following section will explore the role and function of the economic organization to indigenous Australian life with examples. It will also refer to diverse economic organization of the indigenous Australians. The indigenous Australians economic organization was subsistence. The aboriginals mostly worked to settle their subsistence needs. There were three main economic activities that indigenous Australian was engaged to; first, they practiced hunting and gathering. The aboriginals men hunted animals while women gathered plant food and shellfish for food. The hunting and gathering was done within the area that the community occupied (Peterson, 2005). Secondly, the indigenous Australians were involved in fishing. Some of the aboriginals in Australia had camps along the coast lines and rivers in order to practice fishing. The Aboriginal men fished with spears while women fished with hook and lines. The Indigenous Australians extensively depended on marine resources for subsistence. Another main economic activity for indigenous Australian was exchange. Aboriginal men and women exchanged fish and crayfish for sugar and tea. The dependence to subsistence economy led to indigenous Australian to have low standards of living. After pre-colonial period in 18th Century, the Aboriginals were involved in other economic activities such as agriculture and manufacturing as labourers (Altman, 1987). An example of economic of organization for indigenous Australian was Yuin tribe where the father pointed out the child the land that the child could hunt, fish and have power of it. This meant that the child would grow assuming all the rights of the land and making decisions on the output of the land (Bennett, 2007). The diversity among the indigenous Australian in terms of economic organization was evident. Indigenous people who camped in the coastal areas mainly engaged in fishing while those in dry land practiced hunting and gathering. In summary, economic organization can be easily linked to Kinship, The Dream and the culture. The culture determined how factors of production were distributed and was common to people in the same kinship. This influenced the social interaction and thinking among the indigenous Australians. References Altman, J. C. (1987). Hunter-gatherers today: an Aboriginal economy in north Australia. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island. Bennett, M. (2007). The economics of fishing: sustainable living in colonial New SouthWales. Aboriginal History, 85-102. Bourke, C., Bourke, E., Edwards, W. H. (Eds.). (1998). Aboriginal Australia: An introductory reader in Aboriginal studies. Macmillan. Colson, M. (2013). Indigenous Australian cultures. London: Raintree. Kwaymullina, A. (2005). Seeing the light: Aboriginal law, learning and sustainable living in country. Indigenous Law Bulletin, 6(11), 12-15. Rose, D. (2005). An indigenous philosophical ecology: situating the human. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 16(3), 294-305. Stanner, W. E. H. (2011). The dreaming and other essays. ReadHowYouWant. com.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Stop Thief The Greatest Frauds of All Times. Forewarned, Forearmed

There is definitely something wrong with the phrase â€Å"the greatest fraud.† It is not only about the bitter oxymoron, but also about the very idea that a criminal mastermind wastes his/her incredible abilities on scams instead of something decent that makes one feel rather bitter. However, there is still the list of the world’s most famous frauds, and this is the case when knowledge is power, for learning more about the most daring frauds, one will be able to avoid being deceived in the future.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Stop Thief: The Greatest Frauds of All Times. Forewarned, Forearmed specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More To start with, the famous Ponzi scheme must be mentioned. Its features are very identifiable, yet, sadly enough, it works very efficiently, as the history of crime schemes has proven. It presupposes that the victim pays his money to invest into something for the sake of fast and incredibly high revenue. Needless to say, the swindler takes the money and runs away, leaving the investor broke. Another notorious criminal plan, the Nigerian 419 is simple yet ingenious. Relying on people’s trust in the authority of the people whose reputation and wealth are more than impressive, the given type of frauds is quite widespread. Peaking in the era when electronic mail appeared and spam was not known yet, the Nigerian 419 presupposed sending letters to people’s electronic addresses on behalf of a wealthy person asking for financial help and promising great revenues (Baines). Naturally, when one sent the money, they were never returned. Finally, the Spanish prisoner fraud lands on the third spot in the list of the most efficient scam plans in the world history. The fraud tells the victim that a person who is extremely rich and has huge authority in his own country has been put into prison while being in disguise. Hence, the given person needs money to bail out without revealing his/her true identity. Taking the money which the victim gullibly gives away, the criminal vanishes without a trace (Adams and Smith 282). Judging by the above-mentioned examples, one can suggest that there are several key features that most scams share. If taking the aforementioned issues as examples, it is important to single out three key elements that constitute the frauds dealt with above. To start with, the criminal has to either act presumably on behalf of a certain authority, or to pretend to be a person of authority, yet fail to provide evident proof for that. The second feature of an obvious crime scheme is that the promised reward does not come and that more money is demanded for it. The third and the most important element of any crime scheme is that the criminal emphasizes that the victim is completely free to decide on whether to give the money or not, but subtly pressures the latter into paying, by either pretending to leave the victim witho ut the offered fabulous profit.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hence, it seems that, when taking the required measures and being cautious enough, one can avoid being deceived by a fraud. However, it is important to keep in mind that the above-mentioned schemes are not the only ones existing, and that, to keep one’s possessions safe, one has to be alert all the time. The above-mentioned does not mean going into the extremes of paranoia, but presupposes being reasonable and not too gullible. Works Cited Adams, Tyrone L. and Stephen A. Smith. Electronic Tribes:  The Virtual Worlds of  Geeks, Gamers, Shamans, and Scammers. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press. 2008. Print. Baines, Gary. Nigerian Scams Revisited. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Publishers. 2003. Print. This essay on Stop Thief: The Greatest Frauds of All Times. Forewarned, Forearmed was written and submitted by user Toad to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

censorship of american music essays

censorship of american music essays Although is clearly states in the first amendment that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances," censorship in America still exists in a big way. I think censorship can be applied to almost anything, including music of all kinds. "Music censorship is the term used to describe the act of editing, altering, or preventing the listener from hearing the music as the artist created it in order to either deny certain information or to act as a moral gatekeeper of potentially harmful material" ( The Censorship of music in the United Stated is documented as far back as 1954, when "Michigan congresswoman Ruth Thompson introduces a bill in the House that would ban mailing of any pornographic recording, punishable by five years imprisonment and a $ 5,000 fine" ( Even Elvis Aaron Presley, The King of rock-n-roll was once thought of as obscene. In 1957, when he appeared on the Ed Sullivan show for the third time, the cameramen were told to only film him from the waist up. "Elviss dancing was considered lewd" ( In 1964, "Indiana Governor Matthew Welsh asks the State Broadcasters Association to ban the song Louie, Louie by the Kingsmen because he considers it to be pornographic." ( This trend has continued all the way up to the nineties, and Im sure it wont stop any time soon. In the past ten years especially, music has been under attack by many law makers, prosecutors and critics of morality and good taste. One attack on this freedom comes from...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Copybloggers Best Advice On How To Scale To 8 Figures With Brian Clark

Copybloggers Best Advice On How To Scale To 8 Figures With Brian Clark If you are a marketer, then you have probably heard of Rainmaker Digital’s Copyblogger and read some of its articles. Copyblogger is one of the most iconic marketing blogs in the world. It is kind of a big deal, and there’s a good reason for that. The team at Copyblogger works hard to publish specific content that the audience finds extremely useful and valuable. Today, we’re talking to Brian Clark, founder and CEO of Rainmaker Digital and creator of Copyblogger. Brian and Copyblogger are recognized by many as the most influential blogging resources. If you haven’t got the hint yet, Brian knows his stuff! So, learn all about audience, value, and generosity from him. Getting back to basics with digital and content marketing automation and personalization; it’s still the human being in the middle of it that matters the most Know your audience for automation and personalization to be a delivery engine that gets better content to people who care about it Learn how to use new tools before applying them in the fundamentals of a sound digital marketing strategy; the tool does not make the strategy Audience First Content: Build your audience by providing them value; then you will understand what products they want and need Publish content first that attracts an audience, and then build a product Copyblogger is considered the Bible of content marketing despite no advertising Rainmakers: Use email marketing principles and have a product to sell to develop authority and clients How much to give away for free with your content marketing be generous, tell them everything, and share as much as you can, if you are selling something Content Creation to Revenue Generation: Are you getting more business than if you weren’t doing content marketing? Productize content and charge audience for information by knowing the objective and removing all objections that prevent buying Know your audience to determine the right format (audio, video, written, etc.) Internet is the greatest market research environment; it’s no longer about not having enough information, but how to manage and utilize it all Biggest mistake made is trying to appeal to everyone and not turn anyone off Links: Copyblogger Rainmaker Digital Brian Clark on Twitter Permission Marketing by Seth Godin Write and send a review to receive a care package If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Brian Clark:: â€Å"Be super generous because it’s competitive out there, and you have to find a way to stand out.† â€Å"It really should be the right content at the right time for the right person.† â€Å"Audience First is really the idea that you build that group of people by providing them value.† â€Å"That’s what we’ve done every time. Start with the content that attracts the audience, and then develop the products.†

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Museum Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Museum - Term Paper Example Birthday by Dorothea Tanning is also an oil on canvas paining created during the mid- nineteen hundred, in 1942. Birthday is a self-portrait of Tanning herself standing in her home with bare chest and feet and a dark creature with wings at her feet. Both paintings are currently on display at Los Angeles County Museum of Art, LACMA exhibition of In Wonderland. The subject matter in both compositions represents the artist expressing the world within their own minds with dream- like figures and symbols. Therefore, feminism and psychoanalytic theory, a theory within surrealism can be applied to assist a better understanding of the art. This essay intends to analyze these two paintings to give a better grasp of the intentions of the artists in creating the art. The Two Fridas depicts the pain and emotional suffering that Frida went through after her divorce with Rivera. The painting portrays the traditionally Mexican dressed and traditionally Mexican minded Frida exposed and hurt, sitting close to and holding the right hand of an independent, cosmopolitan and strong Frida. Both the hearts of the two Fridas are visible but that of the traditional Frida is cut, bleeding and torn open. In the painting, the main right artery coming from the torn heart of the weak Frida is severed and she tries to stop the flow of blood using surgical pincers. However, it continues to drip onto her white traditional dress forming a crimson pool.  This leaves her weak and wretched. Contrarily, the heart of the strong Frida, is completely intact and thus she is strong, unscathed and in a position to protect the weak, traditional Frida. She supplies lifeblood to the weaker traditional Frida through a connecting vein. Birthday portrays an unsmiling exotically dressed young Dorothea standing on a wooden tilted floor and holding a white porcelain doorknob which opens into an infinite recession of doors. The room is lit by shimmering mother-of-pearl light. Dorothea’s ruffled jacket ope ned to expose her bare chest. This tops a skirt of green tendrils. Close to her bare feet is a dark furry creature with eagle-like wings and a long tail. A combination of these features gives an extraordinary perspective. Seemingly, the extraordinary is ready to accompany Dorothea into the adventures that lying beyond the doors. Dorothea is precisely set in space but this happens as a fantasy more than reality1. Psychological theories have revealed that the unconscious part of the mind of a human being has important messages for the person’s conscious mind. However, the unconscious mind communicates to the conscious through archetypes and symbols but the conscious mind communicates through language. Basing on this discovery, surrealist artists produce artwork that form a link between spiritual abstract realities and the real or actual forms of the material world2. This gives their artwork their erotically charged and dreamlike features and the Two Fridas and Birthday fit into this description. Instead of perpetrating the traditional, weak and loyal Frida, the Two Fridas gives the image of a new, strong, independent, and self-determined woman that Frida desired to be. The strong Frida speaks of the need to break from unrealistic and unreachable cultural expectations and societal traditions. Instead of being weak, Frida changed into a non-conforming woman who can be depended upon, an icon of strength and leadership. Birthday filters the desires and dreams of surrealist vision through a self-portrait. Although the painting portrays an astonishing likeness of Dorothea, this representation extends into creating a character than to expose a preexisting character3.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy - Essay Example Moreover, the nursing environment holds me accountable for all nursing actions and outcomes thus motivating me to set high expectations and seek positive patient results. I have high expectations for my performance and practice. I possess great leadership and communication skills that allow me to help others in resolving disputes and dilemmas in this field. I also follow the ethical guidelines adopted in the practice. However, I have a weakness since I am not a member of a professional nursing organization thus missing a chance for professional development. I am a poor time manager and always talk frankly without considering other people’s views. With respect to career planning, I manifest competent experience in understanding the job description and requirements of nurse managers. I have been providing nursing care to patients and became a role model to other nurses. As such, I have taught some nurse practitioners, offered career advised, and addressed various nursing issues. My pursuit of further education in this field prepares me for a success professional career in the future. I have fundamental technical knowledge in nursing and possess teamwork and communication skills that prepare me for a bright career. My personal characteristics like robustness, ethical behavior, and ability to perform under immense pressure guides my career. However, I have a weakness in low work experience and poor job-hunting skills that may jeopardize my quest to practice nursing in the future. On personal journey disciplines, I manifest expert practice that helps me to develop my capacity as a leader. I have immense knowledge and leadership skills to manage nursing teams that enhance shared leadership in nursing practice. In addition, I manifest strength in solving problems and reflecting on personal decisions that relate to my practice. As such, I use techniques of â€Å"action learning† to influence my nurse teams in making decisions and solving disputes thus

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Formal essay Essay Example for Free

Formal essay Essay The therapeutic relationship is an important component of nursing. Nurses use their own awareness of self as a valuable tool to build rapport with patients and develop the therapeutic relationship. This essay will demonstrate the importance of self awareness by discussing how it can be developed, the advantages of self awareness, and the consequences of not practising self awareness in nursing contexts. There are a number of ways that a nurse can develop self awareness. Smith and Jones (2012) suggested that self awareness can be developed by †¦ Johns and Harrison (2009) agreed, but also suggested that †¦ would be useful. However, there was some disagreement with these findings. A research study conducted by Marks and Spencer (2010) found that †¦ Although some of these authors disagreed on the methods of developing self awareness, what they did agree on was the advantages for patients if nurses are self aware. When nurses are self aware, benefits for the patient include †¦ The benefit to communication was stated emphatically by Lewis and Carroll (2008) who found that †¦ Similarly, other authors have noted that †¦ (Brown, Green, 2009; Butcher, Baker, 2011). There are also benefits for the nurse who is self aware. For example, †¦ Similarly, healthcare organisations can benefit when their staff are more self aware because †¦ The benefits of self awareness have been clearly demonstrated, but consideration must also be given to what might happen to a therapeutic relationship if nurses are not self aware. If a nurse is not self aware, the ramifications for the therapeutic relationship can be severe. Smith and Jones (2012) reported on an instance where a lack of self awareness on the part of a nurse resulted in †¦ They suggested that greater self awareness on the part of the nurse would have †¦ Other possible results of a lack of self awareness on the part of a nurse include †¦ (Brown, Green, 2009). It is therefore clear that poor self awareness on the part of a nurse can severely influence the development of a therapeutic relationship which can adversely affect the outcomes for the patient. In conclusion, this essay has demonstrated the importance of nurses having good self awareness if they are to develop effective therapeutic relationships with their patients. The main methods for developing self awareness were reviewed, including †¦ When nurses have developed good self awareness, there are benefits for patients, nurses and health organisations, including †¦ However, if nurses do not have good self awareness, possible adverse influences on the therapeutic relationship and on patient outcomes can include †¦ Thus, it is undeniable that self awareness is a significant skill that nurses need to acquire. Reflection (200 words) There has been an enormous change in my perception of the role and function of nurses since I started university. I initially regarded registered nurses as mainly providers of medication who comfort patients in pain. Moreover, I always thought that patients would be cordial to nurses. The idea that nurses could face violent patients was totally new to me. However, I now comprehend that nurses need to employ effective communication strategies to  coordinate the care of patients and also deal with the possible threat of aggressive patients. As a result of this learning, I have realised that I do not know how to deal with aggressive patients, so I will attend a workshop to start developing skills in this area. I was always under the impression that nurses went into hospital wards and directly commenced treatment. On the contrary, from readings that I have done, I understand that it is important to obtain patient permission before commencing treatment. Some patients make decisions about treatments themselves, while others might consult with family members. This could be for cultural reasons, but I have realised that I lack knowledge about other cultures. Therefore, I will try to learn more about the different cultures of the people with whom I work and study. Andre, K., Heartfield, M. (2011). Nursing and Midwifery Portfolios: Evidence of Continuing Competence. Chatswood, NSW: Elsevier. Bulman, C., Schutz, S. (2013). Reflective Practice in Nursing. Chichester, UK: WileyBlackwell. Dempsey, J., Wilson, V. (2009). Thoughtful Practice: Self-awareness and reflection. In J. Dempsey, J. French, S. Hillege, V. Wilson (Eds.) Fundamentals of Nursing and Midwifery. Broadway, NSW: Wolters Kluwer. Johns, C. (2009). Becoming a Reflective Practitioner. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Timmins, F. (2008). Making Sense of Portfolios: A Guide for Nursing Students,Nursing Students. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press. Usher, K., Holmes, C. (2010). Reflective practice: what, why and how. In J. Daly, S. Speedy, D. Jackson (Eds.) Contexts of Nursing. Chatswood, NSW: Elsevier

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Subject Placement in American Gothic, The Third of May, Acrobat’s Fami

Subject Placement in â€Å"American Gothic,† â€Å"The Third of May,† â€Å"The Acrobat’s Family,† and â€Å"The Waterseller† Besides bright or dim colors, and fine or rough brush strokes, artists use centralized composition to convey their interpretations in "The Acrobat's Family with a Monkey," "Amercian Gothic," "The Water-Seller," and "The Third of May,1808.† Grant Wood strategically places objects and characters to emphasize the central object, the pitchfork, expressing an atmosphere of unwelcomness, in his painting "American Gothic." The pitchfork attracts the viewer's attention as the most prominent feature of the painting. Its sharpness and rigidity cause the viewer to feel uncomfortable and uninvited. The elderly couple behind the pitchfork further exemplifies Wood's placement technique. Wood gives the pitchfork more significance by placing it in the center in front of the couple. The pattern in the man's overalls resembles the pitchfork, which is a reference back to the pitchfork, further supporting the theme of the painting. The couple becomes analogous to a "No Trespassing" sign. They do not want anyone to be around. At the top of the painting, the windows of the house resemble a church's windows. The sharpness and straightness in the windows refer to the pitchfork again. Although the house resembles the actual church it is also used to continue the theme of unwelcomeness. A hard to notice aspect of the painting is the cactus near the front door of the home. The cactus replaces the traditional welcome mat. No one would go near the front door due to the possible harm. The sharpness from the thorns of the cactus reminds the viewer again of the pitchfork in the center of the painting. Wood's ... ... lesser experience than the water-seller causes him to defer to the water-seller's maturity; therefore, he stands in the background, watching the process and increasing his knowledge. The water-seller himself stands to the far right of Velazquez’s painting, occupied with pouring water into a glass for the boy. He has lived longer than the other males in the painting and therefore has the most knowledge and the most experience of them all. The water-seller also appears to be the most distinguished of the three: dressed in red robes, which are similar to those that might be worn by a Cardinal, thereby reflective of his position in life. Many of these artists' works contain subtle hints to the author's opinion on the subject. By analyzing their central compositional effects, the viewer can obtain a greater appreciation and understanding for the art.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Factors affecting customer behaviour

Cultural Culture Is one of the most fundamental of determinant of a person's wants, needs and behavior (determined mainly by countries- wants, needs and behavior of a Japanese differs greatly from an American) Sub-culture consists of smaller cultures within cultures. It provide a specific identification and solicitation for its members. Sub-cultures includes nationalities, religions, racial groups, etc. (The Silver market differs greatly from the Gene X or Y market in their wants and needs and where they hop) Social classes show distinct product and brand preferences.Examples are: upper Uppers, Lower uppers, Upper Middle, Lower Middle, Middle Class, Working Class, Upper Lowers and Lower Lowers. (Giordano vs†¦ Airman Exchange, BMW vs†¦ Cherry Q, Fine Dinning vs†¦ Food Courts) Social Reference Groups influences the person's behavior (peer groups in schools determine how one should wear in school). One may be a member of the reference group or not. (Students may dress In a manner that Is consistent with a reference group he/she does not belong to) Family members constitute the Influential primary preference group.A person may acquire an orientation towards a set of values that are consistent with that of the parents or siblings. (a place of worship that a person goes to) Roles and statuses influences the buying behavior of the individual. People choose products that communicate their roles and statuses. (A senior manager may drive a Mercedes car) Personal Age and Life-cycle stage influences the buying decisions of individuals. A fresh graduate may not see the importance of buying a home vs.. Newly-weds. Newly-weds with no children may prefer a sporty car vs.. A sedan for a family with young children.Couple whose kids are Independent and have families of their own may have more leisure time to take more and longer holidays. Occupation Influences one's needs and wants. A blue-collar worker may volt neighbor malls, whereas a white-collar worker may vol t an upscale boutique for working clothes. Economic Circumstances greatly affect one's choices. A holiday becomes unimportant when one faces economic uncertainties. Lifestyle determines a person's pattern of living in the world, as expressed by the person's activities, interests and opinions.One may choose a emote vacation spot while another may choose a vacation with a planned itinerary. Personality and self-concept. One may possess certain traits such as self-confidence, autonomy, deference, sociability, defensiveness and adaptability. One may choose to wear only certain brand of clothes from an obscure designers, and is not bothered by the influences others may have on him/her. Psychological Motivation- where is one on the Mascots Hierarchy of needs. One who Is trying to feed his family might pay little heed to the latest sports car. Perception- People perceive different situations differently.One might be wary of a fast-talking salesperson as an aggressive and Insincere person, whereby another may deem him to be a confident and knowledgeable, intelligent and helpful. This can be attributed experience. A person may decide to purchase a similar brand of car if he enjoy a positive experience. This is one reason why marketers are willing to let consumers â€Å"try' their products, hoping that they will enjoy a positive experience. Beliefs and Attitudes- Through experience and learning, one may hold certain beliefs and attitudes that a product can deliver. A Mercedes Benz driver will never own another brand of car.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Growth Rate Flattens Essay

The reality of software development in a huge company like Microsoft – it employs more than 48,000 people – in that a substantial portion of your work involves days of boredom punctuated by hours of tedium. You basically spend your time in an isolated office, writing code and sitting in meetings during which you participated in looking for and evaluating hundreds of bugs and potential bugs. Yet Microsoft has no problem in finding and retaining software programmers. Their programmers work horrendously long hours and obsess on the goal of shipping product. From the day new employees begin work at Microsoft; they know they’re special and that their employer is special. New hires all have one thing in common- they’re smart. The company prides itself on putting all recruits through a grueling â€Å"interview loop,† during which they confront a barrage of brain-teasers by future colleagues to see how well they think. Only the best and the brightest surviv e to become employees. The company does this because Microsofties truly believe that their company is special. For instance, it has a high tolerance for nonconformity. Would you believe that one software tester comes to work every day dressed in extravagant Victorian outfits? But the underlying theme that unites Microsofties is the belief that the firm has a manifest destiny to change the world. The least consequential decision by a programmer can have an outsized importance when it can affect a new release that might be used by 50 million people. Microsoft employees are famous for putting in long hours. One program manager said, â€Å"In my first five years, I was the Microsoft stereotype. I lived on caffeine and vending machine hamburger and 20 hour workdays. †¦. I had no life. I considered everything outside the building as a necessary evil.† More recently, things have changed. There are still a number of people, who put in 80 hours weeks, but 60 and 70 hours weeks are more typical and some even are doing their jobs in only 40 hours. No discussion of employee life at Microsoft would be complete without mentioning the company’s lucrative stock option program. Microsoft created more millionaire employees, faster, than any company in American history- more than 10,000 by the late 1990s. While the company is certainly more than a place to get rich, executives still realize that money matters. One former manager claims that the human resources’ department actually kept a running chart of employee satisfaction versus the company’s stocks prices. â€Å"When the stock was up, human resources could turn off the ventilation and everybody would say they were happy. When the stock was down, we could give people massages and they would tell us that the massages were too hard.† In the go-go 1990s, when Microsoft stock was doubling every few months and yearly stock splits were predictable, employees not only got to participate in Microsoft’s manifest destiny, they could get rich in the process. By the spring of 2002, with the world in a recession, stock prices down and the growth for Microsoft products slowing, it wasn’t so clear what was driving its employees to continue the company’s dominance of software industry.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Life of Wilkie Collins, English Detective Novel Writer

Life of Wilkie Collins, English Detective Novel Writer Wilkie Collins (January 8, 1824 – September 23, 1889) has been called the grandfather of the English detective novel. He was a writer of the sensational school during the Victorian Period, and with bestselling novels and successful plays such as The Woman in White, The Moonstone, and The Frozen Deep, Collins explored the effects of mysterious, shocking, and criminal happenings within  Victorian middle-class families. Early Years and Education Wilkie Collins (born William Wilkie Collins) was born on Jan. 8, 1824, on Cavendish Street in Marylebone, London. He was the eldest of two sons of William Collins, a landscape artist and a member of the Royal Academy, and his wife Harriet Geddes, a former governess. Collins was named after David Wilkie, the Scottish painter who was his godfather. After spending one year at a small preparatory school called Maida Hill Academy  near Tyburn, England, Collins went with his family to Italy, where they stayed from 1837 to 1838. In Italy, the Collins family visited archaeological ruins and museums and resided in a number of cities, including Rome, Naples, and Sorrento, before returning home. Wilkie then boarded at a boys school run by Henry Cole in Highbury from 1838–1841. There, Collins was bullied into telling stories to the other boys at night because he had learned Italian and had picked up on plots from foreign literature and was not shy in bragging about it. At age 17, Collins started his first job with a tea merchant named Edward Antrobus, a friend of his fathers. Antrobus shop was located on The Strand in London. The heady atmosphere of The Strand- a major thoroughfare populated by theaters, law courts, taverns, and newspaper editorial offices- gave Collins ample inspiration to write short articles and literary pieces in his spare time. His first signed article, The Last Stage Coachman, appeared in Douglas Jerrolds Illuminated Magazine in 1843. In 1846, Collins  became a law student at Lincolns Inn. He was called to the bar in 1851, but never  practiced law. Early Literary Career Collins first novel, Iolani, was rejected and didnt resurface until 1995, long after his death. His second novel,  Antonina was only one-third of the way finished when his father died. After the elder Collins death, Wilkie Collins started work on a two-volume biography of his father, which was published by subscription in 1848. That biography brought him to the attention of the literary world. In 1851, Collins  met  Charles Dickens, and the two writers became close friends. Although Dickens was not known to serve as a mentor for many writers, he was surely a supporter, colleague, and mentor for Collins. According to scholars of Victorian literature, Dickens and Collins influenced one another and even co-wrote several short stories. Dickens supported Collins by publishing some of his stories, and it is possible that the two men were knowledgeable of the others less-than-ideal Victorian sexual alliances. Collins was called William and Willie as a child, but as he rose in stature in the literary world,  he became known as Wilkie to just about everyone. The Sensational School The sensation genre of writing was an early stage in the development of the  detective novel. Sensational novels offered a hybrid of domestic fiction, melodrama,  sensational journalism, and  gothic  romances. The  plots contained elements of bigamy, fraudulent identity, drugging, and theft, all of which took place within the middle-class home. Sensational novels owe much of their sensation to the earlier Newgate novel genre, which consisted of biographies of notorious criminals.   Wilkie Collins was the most popular and is today the best-remembered of the sensational novelists, completing his most important novels in the 1860s with  the heyday of the genre. Other practitioners included Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Charles Reade, and Ellen Price Wood. Family and Personal Life Wilkie Collins never married. It has been speculated that his close knowledge of Charles and Catherine Dickens unhappy marriage may have influenced him. In the mid-1850s, Collins began living with Caroline Graves, a widow with one daughter. Graves lived in Collins house and looked after his domestic affairs for most of thirty years. In 1868, when it became clear that Collins would not marry her, Graves briefly left him and married someone else. However, she and Collins reunited two years later after Graves marriage ended. While Graves  was away, Collins became involved with Martha Rudd, a former servant. Rudd was 19 years old, and Collins was 41. He established  for her a few blocks away from his home. Together, Rudd and Collins had three children: Marian (born 1869), Harriet Constance (born 1871), and William Charles (born 1874). The children were given the surname name Dawson, as Dawson was the name Collins used when he bought the house and visited Rudd. In his letters, he referred to them as his morganatic family. By the time he was in his late thirties, Collins was addicted to laudanum, a derivative of opium, which featured as a plot point in many of his best novels, including The Moonstone. He also traveled throughout Europe and led a fairly lavish and sybaritic lifestyle with his traveling companions, including Dickens and others he met along the way. Published Works Over his lifetime, Collins wrote 30 novels and over 50 short stories, some of which were published in magazines edited by Charles Dickens. Collins also wrote a travel book (A Rogues Life), and plays,  the best-known of which is The Frozen Deep, an allegory of the failed Franklin expedition to find the Northwest Passage across Canada. Death and Legacy Wilkie Collins died in London on Sept. 23, 1889, at the age of 69, after having suffered a debilitating stroke. His will divided what proceeds were left from his writing career between his two partners, Graves and Rudd, and the Dawson children. The sensationalism genre faded in popularity after the 1860s. However, scholars credit sensationalism, especially  Collins work, with reimagining the Victorian family  in the midst of social and political changes of the Industrial Age. He often depicted strong women who overcame the injustices of the day, and he developed plot devices that the next generations of writers such as Edgar Allan Poe and Arthur Conan Doyle used to invent the detective mystery genre. T.S. Elliot said of Collins that he was the first and greatest of modern English novelists. Mystery writer Dorothy L. Sayers said that Collins was the most genuinely feminist of all the 19th century novelists. Wilkie Collins Fast Facts Full Name: William Wilkie CollinsOccupation:  AuthorKnown For: Bestselling detective novels and developing of the sensational genre of literatureBorn: January 8, 1824  in London, EnglandParents Names: William Collins and Harriet GeddesDied: September 23, 1889 in London, EnglandSelected Works: The Woman in White, The Moonstone, No Name, The Frozen DeepSpouses Name:  Never married, but had two significant partners –  Caroline Graves, Martha Rudd.Children: Marian Dawson, Harriet Constance Dawson, and William Charles DawsonFamous Quote:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Any woman who is sure of her own wits, is a match, at any time, for a man who is not sure of his own temper.† (from  The Woman in White) Sources Ashley, Robert P. Wilkie Collins Reconsidered. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 4.4 (1950): 265–73. Print.Baker, William, and William M. Clarke, eds. The Letters of Wilkie Collins: Volume 1: 1838–1865. MacMillan Press, LTD1999. Print.Clarke, William M. The Secret Life of Wilkie Collins: The Intimate Victorian Life of the Father of the Detective Story. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1988. Print.Lonoff, Sue. Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 35.2 (1980): 150–70. Print.Peters, Catherine. The King of Inventors: A Life of Wilkie Collins. Princeton: Princeton Legacy Library: Princeton University Press, 1991. Print.Siegel, Shepard. Wilkie Collins: Victorian Novelist as Psychopharmacologist. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 38.2 (1983): 161–75. Print.Simpson, Vicky. Selective Affinities: Non-Normative Families in Wilkie Collinss No Name. Victorian Review 39.2 (2013): 115–28. Print.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Learn About Consonant Clusters in English Grammar

Learn About Consonant Clusters in English Grammar In linguistics, a  consonant cluster (CC)  is a group of two or more consonant sounds that come before (called an onset), after (called a coda) or between (called medial) vowels. Also known simply as a cluster, these occur naturally in written and spoken English - though sometimes may be altered phonetically. This process, called consonant cluster simplification (or reduction) sometimes occurs when at least one consonant in a sequence of adjacent consonants is elided or dropped. In everyday speech, for instance, the phrase  best boy may be pronounced  bes boy, and first time may be pronounced firs time. Onset consonant clusters may occur in two or three initial consonants, wherein three are referred to as CCC while coda consonant clusters can occur in two to four consonant groups. Common Consonant Clusters The written English language contains up to 46 permissible two-item initial consonant clusters, ranging from the common st to the less common sq, but only 9 permissible three-item consonant clusters, as Michael Pearce posits in his book The Routledge Dictionary of English Language Studies. Pearce illustrates the common three-item initial consonant clusters in the following words: spl/  split, /spr/  sprig, /spj/  spume, /str/  strip, /stj/  stew, /skl/  sclerotic, /skr/  screen, /skw/  squad, /skj/  skua, wherein every word must start with an s, be followed by a voiceless stop like p or t and a liquid or glide like l or w.   In terms of codas, or consonant clusters that end words, they may contain up to four items, though they are often truncated in connected speech if the consonant cluster is too long, as in the word glimpsed being acceptably written as glimst. Consonant Cluster Reduction In spoken English and rhetoric, oftentimes consonant clusters will be truncated naturally to increase speed or eloquence of speech, oftentimes dropping the same consonant if it occurs at the end of one word and again at the beginning of the next. This process, called consonant cluster reduction, is relatively variable but confined by linguistic factors that inhibit the operation of reducing these words. Walt Wolfram, writing in Dialect in Society, expounds, with respect to the phonological environment that follows the cluster, the likelihood of reduction is increased when the cluster is followed by a word beginning with a consonant. What this means for average English users is that cluster reduction is more common in phrases like west coast or cold cuts than in west end or cold apple. This technique can also be found in poetry to force similar-sounding words with different consonant endings to rhyme. Take for example the words test and desk, which dont rhyme in their original form, but if one uses consonant cluster reduction, the rhyme Sittin in my des, takin my tes can be forced through truncation, as Lisa Green describes in African American English: A Linguistic Introduction, this is most common in the poetic raps of African American origins in the United States.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Health care finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Health care finance - Essay Example sults are preferable than the expected results, the variable is favorable (F).on the other hand, if the actual results are not as good as the expected results, the variance is an adverse (A) (Murphy and Wood 275). There are two kinds of budgets from the accounting point of view: capital budgets and operating budgets. Budgets are characterized by such programs as operations, maintenance, security, and environmental among others. Operating budget is a term used to refer instances when informal conversations within an organization turn to the budget. Facility managers usually have more control over operating budgets as compared to the capital budget. They symbolize out-of-pocket costs that organizations try to avoid (Murphy and Wood 277). They can be either short-term or mid-term. Capital budgets, on the other hand, are comparatively static. They involve less scrutiny, longer terms, and fewer cost types. They are sensitive to the management of operating budgets. Cost measurement has been found very effective in the maintenance of operating and capital budgets through the variance analysis. Effective and efficient budgeting in the control of operating costs is an essential part in the attempt to increase the value of a business over time. Operating budgeting should, therefore, analyze strategies for capital budgeting and strive to increase efficiency (Warren, 31). For this to be accomplished there is a need for integrated budget planning. The budgeting process and business planning should offer this opportunity. Cost measurement has, however, been the most effective manner through which this efficiency is achieved. There are two major methods of measuring costs in the attempt to maintain operating and capital budgets effectively. One of these methods is the total absorption costing method (Warren, 31). This involves making an attempt to achieve the full cost in the production of a single unit of an item by making an account of all production costs both

Thursday, October 31, 2019

What are the advantages and disadvantages to outsourcing ROI (Release Research Paper

What are the advantages and disadvantages to outsourcing ROI (Release of Information) - Research Paper Example This calls for a need to outsource the ROI activity so that things can be accomplished with minimal fuss. The potential advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing the ROI are as follows: According to an estimate, Hospital Information Management (HIM) departments need to retain at least three workers on full-time basis and accommodate their pays, monthly privileges and educational expenses in the budget in order to adequately administer the ROI process. (Fournier, Coffey, and Bellenghi, 2008, p. 22). Outsourcing the responsibility for the ROI offers the owners’ room to minimize the expenses by saving the money that would have otherwise been consumed in purchasing the insurance, facilities and monthly privileges for the permanent HIM employees. Also, money spent on educating the employees through additional training is saved. Not only that, outsourcing the ROI services can be employed as a fundamental means to transfer the risks and all liabilities to the contractor accepting the responsibility. In addition to that, applications and requests are entertained timely with minimal inconvenience to the applicants as well as the staff. Furthermore, the information is released with increased responsibility and remaining within the limitations imposed by the owners which goes in favor of the owners. Although usually outsourcing ROI bears more advantages than disadvantages, yet the disadvantages can be very severe once encountered. It is an established fact that no other company would take the responsibility as seriously as the owners themselves fundamentally because the contracting companies are concerned with their fee, and the owners’ reputation does not matter much to the irresponsible contractors. However, disadvantages are not commonly encountered unless the contracting company tends to maximize its profits by selling the owner’s secret reports and statistics to the spying agencies.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Arab-Israeli Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Arab-Israeli Conflict - Essay Example The first conflict between the two nations, known as the first Arab-Israeli War, started on May 15, 1948, when five Arab armies invaded the one-day- old Jewish state. "The war was fought along the entire, long border of the country: against Lebanon and Syria in the north; Iraq and Transjordan - renamed Jordan during the war - in the east; Egypt, assisted by contingents from the Sudan - in the south; and Palestinians and volunteers from Arab countries in the interior of the country. It was the bloodiest of Israel's wars. It cost 6,373 killed in action (from pre-state days until 20 July 1949) almost 1% of the yishuv (the Jewish community)" (Lorch 2003). Therefore, the War of Independence in 1948 was the most destructive wars that the two nations ever fought and it did not mark the end of the Arab-Israeli conflict, although the war came to an end with the 1949 Armistice Agreements. The 1948 Arab-Israeli War, which was fought between the newly declared State of Israel and its Arab neighbours, has been known in different names, and the Israelis call it as the War of Independence or War of Liberation while the Arabs name it as the Catastrophe. The United Nations made an important decision to partition Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state on Nov. 29, 1947, and the war broke out following the withdrawal of the British force from the region. "Mounting violence leads to the first Arab-Israeli war in early 1948, when the British withdraw from the region. Jewish forces hold their ground and declare Israeli statehood on May 14, 1948. Neighbouring Arab nations, including Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt and then-Transjordan, lend support to the Palestinians. The Egyptians are the last to seek an end to hostilities; an armistice is reached in January 1949." (The Arab-Israeli conflict, 1947-present). Therefore, various nations such as Israel, Palestine, and other nei ghbouring Arab nations, including Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt etc took part in the war of 1947. In fact, the fighting had started long before long before the actual date of the war between local Jews and local Arabs who were supported by volunteers from neighbouring states such as Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Egypt. Significantly, it was the bloodiest of the seven wars that the Israelis had fought in the region and around 6,000 Jews were killed in the war, which is almost 1 per cent of the country's Jewish population at the time. "It was also the last time Israel found itself facing an opposing force that did not overwhelmingly outnumber its own. Between 35,000 to 45,000 Israel soldiers were pitted against 42,000 to 54,0000 troops from the Arab countries." (Background: The 1947 - 1949 Arab-Israeli War). Therefore, the 1948 Arab-Israeli War was the most destructive war among the various wars belonging to the Arab-Israeli conflict. The war which was fought in four phases came to an end o n February 24, 1949, when the Israel troop and Egypt signed an armistice agreement that was followed by similar agreements with Lebanon on March 23, 1949, with Jordan on April 3, 1949 and with Syria on July 20, 1949. Thus, the 1948 Arab-Israeli War ended without great lose to the Israeli side which was established as a sovereign state in 1948. Another

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Detecting Spam Zombies by Monitoring Outgoing Messages

Detecting Spam Zombies by Monitoring Outgoing Messages Abstract: Compromised machines are one of the key security threats on the Internet. They are often used to launch various security attacks such as spamming and spreading malware [15]. Given that spamming provides a key economic incentive for attackers to recruit a large number of compromised machines, we focus on the detection of the compromised machines in a network that are involved in the spamming activities, commonly known as spam zombies [12]. Introduction: As the use of internet increased in the era of science and technology the problem of spam has also been increased. There are multiple ways in which spam takes place we would like to discuss the spam that is passed through messages specifically through emails. When these spam mails are passed into the system these makes the system compromised and the data in the network can be stolen or lost these kind of spamming is more concern to the industry or any kind of organization where privacy is the key aspect in this competitive world. Spam: Spam can be defined as Simple Pointless Annoying Messages. According to US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) spam is defined as, any commercial electronic mail message sent, often in bulk, to a consumer without the consumers prior request or consent [1]. A recent study conducted by SMX an email security provider the percentage of spam is about 80% approx. And the average size of these spam messages in 16 Kb [2]. The results above indicate the seriousness of the problem. There are several techniques proposed and employed in filtering these spam messages such as Machine learning techniques like Neural networks(NN), Support Vector Machines(SVM), Naive Bayes Classifier. Some techniques are based on probability and others on architectural. According to Anil Kumar Gupta along with two others in his research paper stated that training SVM is easy compared to NN because NN takes more time to train than SVM and NN will not offer binary classification mechanism where has SVM does that technique t o verify the legitimate of the email [2]. Rafiqul Islam in his research proposed an architecture for spam filtering based on support vector machine [3].   T. Hamsapriya along with three others in 2014 proposed Filtered Bayesian Learning technique to increase the performance of the naÃÆ' ¯ve Bayes classifier. These all techniques have contributed in controlling spam to very much extent [4]. Spam Zombies: A machine is said to be compromised if it is successfully exploited by the attacker. These machines are used to launch various attacks in the network. These compromised machines are called zombies. The machine is made compromised when an attacker sends a spam mail to the targeted system and made a zombie [5]. Spam in Messages: Todays communication mostly happening through messages that are sent electronically through email or text messages in mobile. Our main concentration is confined to messages that are going out through a network and coming into the network that are emails. Body message based spam detection is employed in larger servers but in a research conducted by Shukor Bin Abdul Razak in 2013 showed that the feature can be manipulated and has several issues such as Manipulation of lexical patterns, efficiency, future trends. So he proposed an email header technique that has a potential in filtering spam efficiently [6]. In 2015 Wazir Zada Khan along with three others stated that the detection criterion for web spam is substantially different, so, the email spam coming from botnets cannot be handled by the web spam detection techniques. Then they proposed architecture for email spam botnet detection [7]. Algorithm:  ­Ã‚ ­SPOT detection algorithm is used to detect spammers. Before proposing SPOT detection techniques there are few works which happened in detecting spam zombies. S. Yuvaraj in 2013 came up with a four module system which consists of compose mail process, Filter spam detect, IP capture, Extraction of payloads and payload disassembly and this algorithm is called has semantic aware statistical algorithm (SAS) [8]. But this algorithm fails to catch spammers but detects spam zombies. The research also proposed algorithms in the field of botnet which is usually called a group of computers affected with malware and controlled without the notice of administrator. To control these botnets issues Guofei Gu from Georgia institute of technology came up with bot hunter based on correlation between inbound and outbound communication. This system also uses intrusion detection system(IDS) to find out the compromised machines in the network [9]. Later in 2008 again Guofei Gu along with Wank Lee p roposed another technique called botsniffer in which he extended his research in detecting compromised servers depending on the behavioral similarity in a single group of connected computers [10]. After all these works with different techniques people came up with standard algorithm called SPOT applied in detecting spam zombies which functions by monitoring outgoing messages in the network. Z. Duzan in 2009 proposed an algorithm using Sequential Probability Ratio Test(SPRT) depending on the mathematical value of the SPRT the email is as spam or not spam [11]. But he ignored the impact of dynamic IP address on the data which is considered for analysis. His research is as limitations since the algorithm is based on probability analysis and the messages arrived assumed to independent of each other but this may not be the practical scenario. Spam filters are used to detect the spam emails but these filters are not 100 percent efficient. Later in 2012 Pen cheng along with Z.Duzan modifie d his algorithm they introduced two more terms   called count threshold   and percentage threshold to calculate the impact of dynamic IP address[12]. In continuation to the work of Z. Duzan, Ar. Arunachalam along with his two students in 2013 added two more modules and applied Z. Durzan techniques in calculating the impact of dynamic IP address to entire system by adding user interface module and spam zombie detection module where he has reset the values of the captured spam emails continuously [13]. Similar work has been done by R.Vasanth Kumar and K. Ravi Kumar in 2013 they modified the existing algorithm using the IP address of the sending machine and introducing a new term called message index[14].   Parvathi Bhadre and Deepthi Gothawal in 2014 proposed a new method using SPOT detection algorithm consisting of four modules namely virus checks, Spam Checks and Spam filter, blocking of spammers using SPOT and Recovery [15]. But their research does not talk any thing about the impact spam mails generated using dynamic IP address. In 2015 Anupsingh Thakur and Prof.Praful Sambhare conducted a survey on spamming and detection control through various methods like SVM, Domain key integrated mail system(DKIMS) and SPOT detection system defined how SPOT is accurate in detecting Spams [16]. Conclusion: Brief review on spam, spam zombies, spam in messages, algorithm used and the previous works done are explained. We in our project intending to come up with improved algorithm that could effectively tackle the limitations of the previous works. References: D. C. Washington, Unsolicited commercial e-mail before the SUBCOMMITTEE ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS, TRADE AND CONSUMER PROTECTION of the COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, 2013. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Mar. 3, 2017. A. G. Kakade, P. K. Kharat, and Anil Kumar Gupta, Spam filtering techniques and MapReduce with SVM: A study, 2014 Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Aided System Engineering (APCASE), vol. 14666087, pp. 59-64, Feb. 2014. R. I. M, W. Zhou, and M. U. Choudhury, Dynamic Feature Selection for Spam Filtering Using Support Vector Machine, 6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2007), vol. 9864217, Jul. 2007. H. T, L. S. P, K. R. D, and R. C. M, SPAM CLASSIFICATION BASED ON SUPERVISED LEARNING USING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES, ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology, vol. 02, no. 04, pp. 457-462, Dec. 2011. A. Rajagopal and A. P. P, SPOT- e-mail Spam zombie detection system, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 664-669, Jan. 2012. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Mar. 3, 2017. S. Bin Abd Razak and A. F. Bin Mohamad, Identification of spam email based on information from email header, 2013 13th International Conference on Intellient Systems Design and Applications, pp. 347-353, Oct. 2014. W. Z. Khan, M. K. Khan, F. T. Bin Muhaya, M. Y. Aalsalem, and H.-C. Chao, A comprehensive study of Email Spam Botnet detection, IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2271-2295, Jul. 2015. Y. M. S. 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Friday, October 25, 2019

Forgetting the Pain :: World Peace Terrorism Essays

Forgetting the Pain The world as we know it is in dire need of serious changes in the way humans go about interacting with each other. This is often realized by leaders of generations who have become notable as a result of their dedication to progress in this field. Many who approach the struggle have different causes they stand behind, however the goal remains the same: to convince others of tolerance, acceptance, and equality. For Martin Luther King it was segregation, for Gandhi it was the British tyranny in India, and for me it is the hatred and murder between the Israeli’s and the Palestinians. Hatred begets hatred, violence leads to more of the same, and their will never be peace between Israel and Palestine until this becomes apparent to all parties involved. The history of the land is rich with culture and tradition, yet it is shadowed by the blood and countless massacres of the innocent. The roots of the land stretch deep and the religious fervor is intense, yet the weapons of destruction of past wars in this land are left standing as a reminder to the people of the long standing hatred and fear of yesteryears. Both the Israeli’s and Palestinians have been wronged. And neither seems to let that pain go. As each side feels more threatened, each results to more desperate measures, in hope of sending out the message â€Å" We will not sit down and die, and will fight to preserve our cause in any way we can.† Deaf ears on both sides receive and send this message. Just as when two people scream at the top of their lungs, fail to listen to each other. When talking to Israeli’s during my travels to their homeland for my senior year in high school, their plight became apparent to me, their hatred has spawned out of feelings of fear and distrust. For this, I cannot blame them. Their history is one of persecution, in fact some may argue that the very existence of Israel was created as a result of one of the greatest tragedies the world has known, which happened not but sixty year prior to present day. Their history in the land of modern day Israel has not been a â€Å"walk in the park† either. Dating back to the first settlements, which were purchased from Palestinians, was constantly raided and the inhabitants were slain.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Benefits Of Having Children Attend Pre School Education Essay

AbstractionThis study covers the benefit of directing kids to pre-school before kindergarten. Literature reappraisal is used to research the research bing in this field. It will assist us to understand what consequence pre-school has on kids. Such plans are besides discussed in the paper which is carry oning developing for kindergartners for their development. This paper non merely covers that academic facet but besides sheds visible radiation on the benefits preschool instruction has on societal and emotional facets of kids ‘s life. After roll uping this information, it will be collaborated with the findings of this research paper utilizing different research technique. In the terminal, the paper will be concluded along with some suggestions.IntroductionIn this competitory universe it is really of import to develop the kids in such a manner that they are non left buttocks. Survey shows that with pre-school preparation, kids show much developed accomplishments of larning when t hey enter kindergarten. If a kid is being read to at place, visits museums, learns how to play a game and reads along person so it is more likely that his/her learning abilities are polished and ready for kindergarten ( Stube & A ; Patrick, 2010 ) . Pre-school is a planned plan for kids before they start their formal instruction. It deals with the larning ability of a kid. Children are trained in such a manner that their acquisition abilities are enhanced. Specified techniques are used to better the linguistic communication accomplishments and analytical accomplishments. it besides has a positive consequence on the behavioural facet of a kid ‘s personality. Bridges ( 2008 ) found out from the research that affecting parents is really critical for the success of pre-school preparation. Besides, engagement of community can be really critical in the achievement of a successful preschool preparation centre. Margetts ( 2007 ) likewise says that in a multicultural community, parents and community itself plays a really of import function. This research besides highlights diverse methods of implementing preschool plans in Australia and United States of America or any other diverse state. It I believed that a cosmopolitan pre-school system can profit everyone and supply equal chance to every pupil. But Bridges ( 2008 ) argues that it is a waste of resources because households who can non afford will non hold full entree and unless it is designed to the ace quality it will ensue in a catastrophe. Teachers play a critical function in the development of a pre-school kid. It is indispensable to understand the civilization, background and imposts of the kid. Training of the instructor is really indispensable. Not everyone can manage pre-school kids. They need to be taught in a certain manner so it has the greatest consequence on the development of the kid. Children should besides be encouraged to inquire as many inquiries as possible. It increases their cognitive accomplishments ( Persky & A ; Golubchick, 1991 ) . There are institutes every bit good as place attention can be considered a portion of pre-school preparation. The things that the kid surveies at the age of three signifier the footing of his/her academic life in the coming old ages. However, every kid does non acquire equal pre-school preparation. Therefore, consequences in different cognitive abilities sing instruction. Pre-school instruction besides helps the parents to find any learning disablements that might be an d can extinguish the opportunities of traveling to particular instruction by effectual pre-school instruction. This paper focuses on such benefits pre-school preparation has on the kids before they join kindergarten.Literature ReviewChilds who attend pre-school show higher math accomplishments, linguistic communication accomplishments and have less behavioural job ( Bridges, 2008 ) . Bridges ( 2008 ) besides indicate that non all kids have entree to the pre-school and pre-kindergarten plan. However, she argues that pre-school instruction is non a valid tool to mensurate the academic accomplishments made subsequently in life. The researches before failed to see the engagement of parents in the pre-school preparation. Research shows that pre-school is a sound investing non merely in footings of kids ‘s development but besides academically, socially and economically. Early instruction non merely develops the accomplishments but besides heighten the ability to score good, less kee ping of classs and fewer opportunities of arrangement in a particular instruction plan. Besides, research show that thee kids have less inclination to make condemnable or justness jobs ( Barnett & A ; Hustedt, 2003 ) . There was a great statement among authorities and parents about preschool instruction. Parents were of the position that kids should be taught at place instead than preschool institutes by authorities. The function of authorities should be to cut down the revenue enhancement for parents and leave the pre-kindergarten preparation to the parents. These plans can be expensive. However there is a demand for these establishments that should supply preschool instruction to every kid by inventing a plan which is cost effectual and provides high quality ( Bracey & A ; Stellar, 2003 ) . The survey shows that the kids who get preschool instruction have much developed cognitive and societal accomplishments. The research was conducted on kids with different backgrounds, cultural groups and had different native linguistic communications. Even so, the consequences showed that the kids with pre-kindergarten instruction showed a batch of added accomplishments, they were more confident and had speedy ability to larn different things ( Gormley, Gayer, Phillips, & A ; Dawson, 2005 ) . Anderson, et. all ( 2003 ) stated that the most of import accomplishments required for kids to develop in early age are knowledge, acknowledging dealingss, self-regulation and develop specific accomplishments. Early instruction consequences in developed social-emotional operation of the kids. They besides said that it is indispensable or the preschool plans to advance the societal accomplishments. When kids get societal competences in early age it enables them to lend more in societal service and besides improves their relationship with parents. However, there is no grounds of such plans demoing betterment in wellness of the kids. ReadinessA andA EarlyA Activities forA ChildrenA fromA theA Heart ( REACH ) is a plan designed to better the kids ‘s preparedness for school and better their accomplishments. It is a measure taken by California State University along with Long BeachA UnifiedA SchoolA to heighten the social-emotional province of kids along with more developed literacy. This is an illustration of how much these types of plans are of import and good that good organisations are willing to put in them so that the kids of their society can profit ( Stanley, 2004 ) . All three and four twelvemonth kids are entitled to free instruction in England. The survey shows that the kids of age three are more suited for preschool instruction. They learn more rapidly about understanding the universe and its physical existences. After three old ages, there is a negative consequence on the learning ability of communicating, linguistic communication, mathematics and creativeness ( Hopkin, Stokes, & A ; Wilkinson, 2009 ) . Another research shows that 91 % of kids can be identified as good or hapless reader if they had preschool preparation. The variables used to mensurate the ability to read were memory of retrieving letters and sentences, velocity of calling an object and orthographic trial ( Badian, 1994 ) . One of the major grounds against the development of preschools in United States is the thought that these types of schools or institutes would merely picture that the households have failed to raise and develop their kid ‘s personality ( Bracey & A ; Stellar, 2003 ) . Government did non bring forth high quality day-care centre due to this opposition to authorities ‘s enterprise which in return solidifies the belief of parents that preschool institutes provide low-quality of attention. Therefore merely in-between and upper category households can take advantage of the private plans offered by different organisations ( Bracey & A ; Stellar, 2003 ) . Teachers are the most of import facet of preschool preparation. It is indispensable for them to understand the civilization, linguistic communication, background and imposts of the kid. Training of the instructor is really indispensable for the development of every kid in the plan. Children need to be taught in a certain manner with specific tools and techniques. Teachers need to do themself available for every kid and go to their inquiries. Children should besides be encouraged to inquire as many inquiries as possible. It increases their cognitive accomplishments ( Persky & A ; Golubchick, 1991 ) . Apart for trained instructors, environment of the schoolroom besides plays every bit of import function in the development and instruction of pre-school kids.Aim of StudyPre-school instruction is a really of import facet of kid ‘s development. Many people are going aware of its importance but there are still some people with the belief that it is no more than a revenue enhancement c ozenage by the authorities. This research surveies the benefits pre-school instruction has on kids before they start traveling to kindergarten.Research MethodologyQualitative attack is used to analyze the effects and benefits of pre-school instruction. Case surveies, research documents and other literature are used. Main beginnings used are following:Books:Different books on the topic of preschool or early instruction are used to research the benefits and effects of preschool instruction.Journal ArticlesArticles for educational diaries are used in order to analyze old researches done on this topic. This is an of import beginning which provides researches different sentiments and instance surveies. Hence, ensuing in better analysis by sing the image from both sides Analysis of this information is done by comparing the literature reappraisal and different researches which cover several facets of the subject. By analysing these researches, decision has been given.AnalysisMost of the research shows that for the societal, emotional and academic development of kids, it is really of import that the kids get preschool instruction. However there are besides statements that the preschool instruction by authorities is merely a scheme to incur revenue enhancements and fees. But, most parents and instructors agree that the preschool instruction plays a critical function in the personality development of the kids. In some states like England, it is compulsory for kids to go to pre-school and pre-kindergarten institutes because they believe that without this the kids will demo deficiency of communicating, linguistic communication and originative accomplishments. Parents besides play a really important function in the preschool instruction. Reading to the kid s at an early age improves the reading ability of kids. If parents take their kids to topographic points like menagerie and museum, it enhances their ability to develop the cognition of physical existences in the universe. In order to accomplish the coveted consequences of preschool instruction, the plan needs to be carefully developed. The instructors have to be trained in such a manner that they can depute single attending to each kid. The plan should include ocular and audio acquisition techniques. In England, it is besides under treatment to get down preschool instruction for the two twelvemonth olds ‘ . This shows the importance of preschool instruction to a great extent. Environment of category room determines the capableness of the institute and staff. Learning environment should be developed. Extracurricular activities like music and physical instruction retains the involvement of kids, at this degree of preparation, kids ever learn more from paly as compared to strict academic course of study. Parents and community play equal function in the development of preschool preparation plan and the development of kids of that plan ( Persky & A ; Golubchick, 1991 ) . Research shows that the kids who belong to underprivileged background acquire the greatest benefits from pre-school tarring. Children signifier upper and in-between category have the agencies to larn at place and visit topographic points which play every bit of import function as pre-school preparation centre. However, underprivileged kids do non acquire a opportunity to research their abilities in such a manner. Illiterate parents could besides be a hurdle in to the full developing the abilities of the kid. Therefore, the preschool preparation plans aid these kids to hold equal chance as any other kid in the community. These kids show great development when they join preschool preparation. this enables them to derive bravery and assurance and compete with the best of their abilities in the hereafter. Hence we can state that preschool instruction benefits every kid of the community. With an effectual plan, it can help the parents to develop the abilities and accomplishments of their kids. By making favourable environment for kids in a preschool category room, the hereafter academic life of these kids can be improved. Parents have to play an equal function with th preschools and back up the authorities to establish such plans. The success of preschool preparation is dependent on all the members of the community and disposal of preschools. Teachers need to be trained for better instruction of these kids.DecisionPreschool instruction has a batch of benefits which plays a critical function in the life of kids. It non merely increases their academic accomplishments but besides enhances the societal and emotional properties. It is of import for kids to acquire preschool instruction so that they can vie in the of all time increasing competition. Parents and instructors both need to play their function in the development of a kid. At the age of three, it should be made compulsory for every kid to go to pre-school preparation. it will heighten their personality, societal interaction and emotional stableness. There are many factors that paly of import function in good pre-school trading such as trained staff, to the full equipped class-rooms and larning environment. The course of study of preschool preparation should include effectual course of study, tools and techniques of kindergarten, back uping activities like music and physical instruction and most significantly engagement of parents and community. Attempts need to be made in order to extinguish the negative thought about preschool preparation. Training and consciousness of female parents can be really utile in order to set up a positive image. Families need to be guided by seminars or telecasting consciousness plans. There should be an extended run for the publicity of preschool instruction. Government need to take enterprise and set up high quality preschool developing institute to recover parent ‘s assurance. This should besides be made compulsory and free, if possible, for every kid ; because, healthy and intelligent kids will turn into a healthy and developed state. In order to develop a high quality preschool plan, attempts are required form the authorities, educational board, parents and community. All have to work together in order to give kids a better hereafter. This plan non merely develops the personality, it besides identifies if there are any disablements present in kids. Particularly, reading disablements can be caught at an early phase and can be treated. The kids form underprivileged background benefit the most form these plans. It provides a sound platform for them to develop their abilities at an early phase and non stand out as an outcaste. Effectiveness of such plans is more dependent child-centered and person-centered attack than any other method. Besides, preschools with high parental engagement, moderate strength of preparation, societal battle of kids and long continuances resulted in higher benefit in academic public presentation and class-room battle.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Kudler Fine Foods’ Values and the Management

Kudler Fine Foods’ Values and the Management Kudler Fine Foods’ Values and the Management â€Å"Every organization must assume responsibility for its impact on employees, the environment, customers, and whomever and whatever it touches† (Maciariello, Pearce, &Yamawaki, 2010, p. 53). To understand such impacts, a company needs to define its purpose, mission, and vision supported by strong ethical and moral values.The circle could not be completed without a consistent management team that will attract and train a staff that is driven, motivated, and committed to the organizational purpose and to providing the best customer service possible, all to sustain the most important existence of a business – revenues. Kudler Fine Foods’ commitment is toward offering the highest quality, least-processed, and organic food while promoting well-being and fulfilling even the unexpressed wishes and needs of the customers.To execute their mission, Kudler Fine Foods n eeds to understand that their purpose cannot just reside in few places, such as marketing department; it has to pervade every part of the company (Spence, 2009, p. 89). If the purpose was to influence operations, innovations, and growth of the business, there is a need for an ethical and moral management to help make a difference. Only a person with an exemplary character can make solid ethical choices.Personally and professionally, my approach to ethics calls for developing practical wisdom and sound judgment within individuals to guide them in their ethical decision-making (University of Phoenix, 2010, Awareness Inventory Assessment). Kudler Fine Foods needs a manager who would be focused both on profits and installing moral standards within the organization. Integrity, honor, justice, benevolence, and virtue should not be just abstract principles. A manager who is committed to ethics and leading by example should be able to form partnership with employees, develop respect for div ersity, and find competitive advantages.Ultimately, such manager will be able to motivate the staff to stay committed to the organization. As a leader, my driving force would be to stay credible and consistent every day. As Maxwell (2007) pointed out the secret to a success should be found in the daily agenda (p. 1). Consistency makes employees able to depend on, trust, listen, and follow their managers. â€Å"Our daily challenge is to live our character, action, and investment choices so naturally that we begin making the best choices almost subconsciously. This requires patience, honest reflection, adaptation, and commitment† (Cottrell, 2007, p. ). Employees would follow a leader who represent a strong moral character and in return, they should strive to provide the best service. Company’s customers would develop a greater appreciation for such practices, and the store would see an increase in their revenues. Ethical management is crucial for financial outcomes, too. â€Å"Managers, who always promise to make numbers, will at some point be tempted to make up the numbers† (Buffet & Clark, 2009, p. 44). A Southwest Airline, for example, has a strong belief in their mission, purpose, employees, and customers.They have turned their employees into evangelist and their customers into fans by employing ethical and devoted managers (Spence, 2009, p. 88). Therefore, a company has posted profit every quarter for the past six years, an unmatched goal by any other airline in the history of aviation. To establish a strong corporate culture, attract customers, retain profits, and appreciate the employees, leaders need to observe, sit back, and listen. Additionally, if you want to develop trust as Maxwell (2005) emphasized, managers need to stand up for what’s right, even when such a stand is unpopular (p. 117).It takes a person with strong values and character to make any significant changes toward company’s success. â€Å"In order to m aximize value, corporate managers must not only satisfy, but enlist the support of all corporate stakeholders – customers, employees, managers, suppliers, local communities† (Maciariello, Pearce, & Yamawaki, 2010, p. 55). Kudler Fine Foods needs to have a person of true influence to accomplish their wish to grow and prosper. Development of character seems to be a long-lasting process which has been neglected for the past years, and my desire would be to sincerely bring it back.References Buffet, M. & Clark, D. (2009). Warren Buffet’s Management Secrets: Proven tools for personal and business success (1st ed. ). New York: First Scribner. Cottrell, D. (2007). Monday Morning Choices: 12 Powerful Ways to go from Everyday to Extraordinary (1st ed. ). New York: HarperCollins Publishers. Maciariello, J. A. , Pearce, C. L. , & Yamawaki, H. (2010). The Drucker Difference. New York: McGraw-Hill. Maxwell, J. C. (2005). The 360 ° Leader: Developing your influence from anyw here in the organization. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. Maxwell, J. C. (2007). The Maxwell Daily Reader: 365 days of insight to develop the leader within you and influence those around you. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. Michelli, J. A. (2008). The New Gold Standard. New York: McGraw-Hill. Spence, R. M. (2009). It’s Not What You Sell; It’s What You Stand For (1st ed. ). New York: Penguin Group. University of Phoenix. (2010). Williams Institute of Ethics and Management: Awareness Inventory self-assessment test. Retrieved January 15, 2010, from University of Phoenix, Week 6, MGT/521-Management Course Web site.