Friday, May 31, 2019

Essay --

In his writings, Max Weber brought into focus the increasing tension amongst groundbreaking salvation religions and secular spheres ranging from the economic and political to the esthetic. Weber argued that divergent perspectives on religious br another(prenominal)wiseliness bred a tension with autonomous secular spheres and also suggested compromise betwixt spheres in an absolute sense would be impossible but was necessary and pervasive given the state of humanity in the modern world. It is necessary firstborn to establish how Weber distinguished these redemption religions from others and established them as an ideal type. Fundamentally, the rational aim of redemption religion has been to secure for the saved a hallowed state, and thereby a habitude that assures salvation (Religious Rejections, p. 327). This metaphysical holy state away from suffering, as characterized by Weber, is unique in its permanence. Weber acknowledged that other behaviors, outside salvation religion, were capable of providing such(prenominal) a state for a temporary period but could not promise eternal salvation. These other behaviors came into involvement with religion as providing alternative, albeit transitory pathways to inner-worldly salvation for the individual. A distinction is also made between salvation religion and magic religiosity or for the religion of functional deities (Religious Rejections, p. 333). In such systems, the various gods were conceived to overlap with worldly norms and behaviors. In essence, just as humans interacted on e crafth, deities representing war, agricultural production, commerce and countless other domains of human life were said also to be interacting and competing. In such systems, gods functioned as little more than a mechanism for explaining and, in a sense,... ...pes, such compromise between economic and religious spheres would seem to be irresoluble. Viewed through the lens of modern humanity and practicality, however, such a comprom ise is almost discursive as a means for religion to cement its own social status, and thus its popular efficacy as a mechanism for salvation. The relationship between the esthetic sphere and religion provides yet another contrasting image of ideal types and of reality. Like the threats to religion posed by politics and economics, the inner-worldly salvation of maneuver should seem to be in a realm of irresponsible indulgence and secret lovelessness.(Religious Rejections, p. 342) As ideal types, the world-denying salvation of religion and transient inner-worldly salvation of art could not coexist. Once form and not religious meaning became the reason for appreciation of art, religion and art became

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Database Development :: essays research papers

Network UpgradeIn order to resolve electronic network related troubles The Airframe Corporation (TAC) has decided to upgrade the existing network consisting of a mix of Token Ring and shred Ethernet hubs to a switched Ethernet network. The purpose of this paper is to discuss several aspects of the realise plan for the upgrade. This discussion will be made in threes sections. Section one will include be sick definition, while section two will deal with work breakdown mental synthesis and estimated schedules, and section three will cover costing and risk analysis. The childbed definition will include a background and statement of need, project objectives, the armorial bearing and goals or the project, the project approach, the project organization, and a task responsibility matrix. The work breakown structure (WBS) will consist of a WBS chart, a task consort and critical path, a project schedule, and project reporting. The costing and risk analysis will contain a cost plan, a project baseline, performance measures, project evaluation and reporting, and project termination.Background and Statement of NeedThe project team has identified several issues with the current network infrastructure. The first is the availability and cost of symbol ring hardware. Ethernet is the dominant network topology and is included on many devices at no cost. Equipment with token ring interfaces can be found barely are much more expensive. Another problem is that the current hardware is about 10 years old and is experiencing increased maintenance costs. Another problem is that the majority of the existing cable plant does not meet minimal category 5 standards.Project ObjectivesThe project has been budgeted $200,000 for cable installation, labor and hardware and the timeframe for the project should not exceed six months. The network upgrade should be designed to support the companies needs for a minimum of seven years without major rework. The project will need to have minim al impact on the network operations, as a result much of the work will need to be accomplished after-hours or on weekends. Mission and Goals of ProjectThe goals of the project areIncrease network availability to 99.999%. have a go at it project within budget.Complete project on time.Upgrade category 3 cable plant to category 5e or better.Project ApproachThe project manager will pick a team of individuals with the appropriate skills. Network engineering will design and build the network. A cable vendor will be selected by network engineering. Platform engineering will upgrade clients and desktops. Networking engineering will be responsible for selecting an equipment vendor, designing the network, locating a cable vendor, and identifying cable runs that need to be replaced.