Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Use of Real Options Theory in Financial Management/Modeling

At a past work condition, the leader of the partnership followed up spontaneously, as opposed to, directing a progression of testing for his extension to go into different organizations adventures. Inside a couple of brief months, the arrangement was deserted for absence of gainfulness. As a representative, I thought of this as a disappointment on the owner’s part. Notwithstanding, the Real Options Theory is essentially, gauging the result for extension or obtaining using capital speculations for future endeavors. Consider Real Option hypothesis as a technique to evacuate a portion of the hazard in capital ventures. Supportive help and dynamic can be determined utilizing such outlines as the Decision Tree. The choice can be amazingly tedious. Utilization of Real Options Theory in Financial Management/Modeling Long past are, where an organization can sit lingering sitting tight for a thought, in light of the fact that while holding up another person is making the move. The advantages that a more seasoned organization may understanding through experience may not fit into today’s society of innovative changes. In any case, the danger of an organization that has existed more than 50 years, would they be able to lose to new organizations that advance due to progressive changes in the capacity to change the course of history. Making significant help for customers and offering an item or administration for sale to the public, must be wanted to meet the desires for investor benefits. Consider the correlation of informal communication destinations, Myspace and Facebook. Both are viewed as quickly becoming and serious to expanding in participation. In any case, quickly increment the ubiquity of Facebook and surpassed the desires inside the informal organization condition. The billion dollar organization enters the market with more intrigue to more youthful purchaser, just as an assortment of different businesses. Facebook gave more intrigue by permitting the business sectors to meet the customer where they were found, instead of look out for the buyer to come to them. As budgetary chiefs in the professional workplace choose which task is helpful to stock holders’, rates of return, and which ought to be deserted or extended, hazard can turn into a sureness in the result. The danger of capital interest in the endeavor to assume future obligations since they suspect that the business will be a triumph. The measure of time to develop a plan of action would set aside gigantic measures of cash before taking on the future task. Get-together information of the serious market and utilizing past money related bookkeeping explanations will be helpful, nonetheless, with new tasks, there will be constraints, yet estimation of the rate esteems can be built. Key planning and capital speculation arranging choices to venture into the future gainfulness of an organization can be anguishing if not appropriately arranged by budgetary administrators. The benefits, notwithstanding capital and dissemination, change over significant stretches of time as per the flexibly and request of the buyer markets. The net present worth (NPV) of what is accessible, to the extent Return on Assets and the Return on Investment (ROI). Cost projection into purchasing new gear, stock as time goes on instead of a brief period. Capital assets and spending plans are the points as it identifies with utilizing the Real Options Theory in Financial Management Modeling. Budgetary chiefs can use the Real Options Theory as a progression of commonsense answers for predict into the future more than quite a long while. New items and the measure of cash-flow to contribute just as the financing expected to make a development or either to understand that the undertaking would not work. Hypothetically, it is basic and that numerous organizations would use this hypothesis. Be that as it may, the recap or history of business disappointments isn't found in the pointlessness of business achievement. The numbers may not lie. All frameworks may state proceed steam ahead with the designs for extension; be that as it may, there is a business cycle which will demonstrate the plan of action off base. As indicated by Rothbard, (2005), desire in business variances constantly. There is no requirement for any extraordinary â€Å"cycle theory† to represent them. It is just the consequences of changes in financial information and is completely clarified by monetary hypothesis. Numerous financial specialists, be that as it may, ascribe general business melancholy to â€Å"weaknesses† brought about by a â€Å"depression in building† or a â€Å"farm sorrow. † But decreases in explicit enterprises can never touch off a general melancholy. Moves in information will cause increments in action in one field, decreases in another. There is nothing here to represent a general business sadness †a wonder of the genuine â€Å"business cycle. † It is trivial to state, the same number of individuals do, that a ranch despondency will touch off a general sadness, since ranchers will purchase less merchandise, the individuals in businesses offering to ranchers will purchase less, and so on. This overlooks the way that individuals delivering different merchandise currently preferred by customers will succeed; their requests will increment. (2005, pp. 6) Both the business visionary and enormous partnerships have thoughts to venture into new market. The fundamental objective is organization benefits, either with or without extension. Business venture into different enterprises or universal regions with current business. Anyway extraordinary the thought may appear at the Real Options use of hypothesis will finish up how unsteady a thought with be in execution. Restitution period, incomes and inside pace of return, just as long haul obligation financing are the establishment of arrangement for using the genuine choices hypothesis. Significant development won't get from duplication of items that are as of now in the commercial center, yet in any case making predominant quality and enhancements. For example, Facebook found a superior route for individuals to convey over the web. Before Myspace, there were such things as electronic mail. Facebook, the capacity to associate just as structure gatherings, and fan pages start with pitiful starts on a school grounds. Be that as it may, did the proprietor plan for this development or was it luck. How accomplishes the work into the corporate structure for a welding organization or perhaps a distribution center which makes vehicle parts? Looking at the surge of data inside the gatherings, innovative work tended to. As indicated by Ketchen et al, (2007), â€Å"entrepreneurship alludes to firms' quest for prevalent execution by means of concurrent open door chasing and advantage-chasing exercises. Both little and enormous firms face hindrances while seeking after key entrepreneurship† (2007, p. 71)In different words, rather a business visionary or fortune 500 organization, Real Options Theory, ought to be the concentration to beginning another business, taking on extension or relinquishing ventures. The main distinction will be in the measure of capital ventures. Kretchen et al, keeps on expressing, Ketchen, et al, (2007), While little firms' chance looking for aptitudes might be solid, their restricted information stocks and absence of market power repress their capacity to authorize the upper hands important to a suitable incentive from circumstances the organizations decide to seek after. Conversely, enormous firms are talented at building up ompetitive points of interest, yet their substantial accentuation on the productivity of their current organizations regularly subverts their capacity to constantly investigate for extra chances. (2007, p. 371) There are numerous three parts wherein organization money related administrator ought to be keen on the normal profit for resources (ROA), return on value (ROE) and obligation proportion. At last, another technique for development can be with the obtaining of new business that is in activity. As expressed by Stefano, Reality is th at purchasers must have capital accessible to be serious in obtaining arrangements. Aggregating capital might be as straightforward as holding income in the organization as opposed to conveying those profit, which is what could be compared to making a reserve. The other choice is to have a credit extension accessible from a monetary foundation. Banks are substantially more ready to offer financing for acquisitions than in years past. Today numerous banks are in the protection business and got there through acquisitions. Safety net providers are additionally strong of the securing procedure and will reveal obtaining possibilities since they like to see their effective organizations developing. Stefano, 2005) As clarified by Childs et al, (Sep. , 1998), sums up a few count in deductive and determined thinking for budgetary administrative displaying and using the Real Options Theory. They state, â€Å"consider a firm that has the chance to put resources into two activities (an and b). Interest in each task happens in two phases: The firm can put resources into C1 R (I = a, b) to build up an undertaking, which settle vulnerability in regards to the project’s future productivity; it would then be able to make a further speculation of K1, (i= a, b) to execute a venture. 1998, p. 308). It is obviously makes reference to by Childs et al, the â€Å"NPV system for settling on capital venture choices has been stretched out to perceive the dynamic idea of speculation decisions† (Childs, p. 305) According to Miller who goes into more prominent subtleties of the detailing of giving calculations to settle on a choice, it essentially states in the event that one anticipate NPV is more noteworthy than 0, at that point it is insightful to put resources into the venture or item. Screen capture, (2005, p. 7) Summary Companies can no longer dither to settle on a business choice. Notwithstanding, ecisions that are not arranged out using capital resources can likewise cause undue difficulty. It is not, at this point the huge Fortune 500 organizations planning the most creative items and administrations, yet in addition it tends to be the little business person with an excellent thought. The business sectors no longer convinced by recognizable names, however can be hypnotize d by new names, for example, Facebook. Strategy and hypothetical arranging and estimations can be exploring different avenues regarding ingenious applications as Real Options Theory. Via cautiously estimating the coordinations of at least one p

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Parkinson and vitamin D Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Parkinson and nutrient D - Essay Example The Advanta Vitamin D 3 enhancement contains 5000 IU of the nutrient D 3 piece. They are stuffed in a jug containing 90 cases. Nutrient D 3 is considered as the most well-known type of nutrient D as far as sythesis and movement. The enhancement measurements should be one tablet on consistent schedule. The Advanta Vitamin D 3 enhancement is said to have a high retention rate henceforth it is fit for reestablishing the degrees of nutrient D that are required in the body in a flash. The decision of this enhancement depends on the recommendation by Dr Oz that half of the populace experiences the inadequacy of Vitamin D and there are not many or no finding that have been finished concerning them. They additionally contend that the supplementation with the nutrient D can be the indicator of whether an individual will be well or debilitated. What's more, the relationship of nutrient D3 insufficiency has been connected with immune system maladies, malignant growth, and dementia. Advanta nutrient D 3 enhancements is agreeable with the prerequisites of the law passed by Congress in 1994, Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act. Nutrient D 3 is intentionally evolved as a dietary enhancement and is profoundly plentiful in Vitamin D3. The item has been very much named and it shows up in type of containers (NIH 1). No significant symptoms that have been related with the supplementation of Vitamin D 3. In any case, when expended in high measurement, it can result to weariness, cerebral pain, loss of craving, tiredness, and general body shortcoming. This demonstrates the enhancement is exceptionally protected and ought to be devoured in alluring dosages. Studies have been done to build up the particular job of nutrient D in the Parkinson’s malady. Evatt et al.(2008) built up that nutrient D has a potential job in the advancement of the Parkinson’s sickness. This implies the nutrient is essential in the anticipation of the illness. Comparative outcomes were

Monday, August 10, 2020

Residence-Based Advising

Residence-Based Advising Wow, that last post was short. I didnt even tell you what Im doing at Pixar, which would be formatting and finding information for the artwork of Pixars 20th Anniversary book happy 20th anniversary, Pixar!.. (three years ago! ahem..) Working at Pixar is kind of like working at a microcosm of a college campus, even if Im basing it off of a small campus like MIT. We have a gym, a pool, a kitchen with free breakfast (including espresso, a million different types of cereal, and peanut butter and jelly-making supplies, which I am a HUGE fan of), a soccer field (and team!), a very good cafe, a lot of random activities i.e. fly fishing, and a beach volleyball court upon which shirtless boys will magically appear during lunch time. Also, every now and then, somebody will whizz by on a scooter. Its a really cool place to work. But, back to what you came here for its my previously promised, very important post about housing. Jessie recently wrote in her last post as an undergrad, Take your living group selection seriously. I cannot stress this enough. Try to pick a place that fits you in the summer in case you get stuck there, but consider Dorm Rush (REX), not the summer, to be the time when youre truly making your living group decision. Dont settle for a satisfactory living group when you could have a great one. First off, Jessie, youre brilliant, and well miss you. Secondly, OH MAN IS THIS IMPORTANT. So important that Ill give you the short and long version of this post, and you can choose! Its like a Choose Your Own Adventure book (I was a big fan of those). Except you dont die on every page. Well, maybe somebody dies.. well see. SHORT VERSION: RESIDENCE-BASED ADVISING WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO CHANGE DORMS DURING YOUR FRESHMAN YEAR. What you say?? RESIDENCE-BASED ADVISING WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO CHANGE DORMS DURING YOUR FRESHMAN YEAR. Im sorry, I didnt hear you; I have a banana in my ear. RESIDENCE-BASED ADVISING WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO CHANGE DORMS DURING YOUR FRESHMAN YEAR. Whooo.. now that thats out of my system, let me explain. Long version: residence-based advising groups you in the same house with people who have the same advisor. You also have a residence associate advisor who live in your dorm, and are available to answer questions you may have about classes, advising, what have you. (I may or may not have written this entire post just to use the phrase what have you. Its a great phrase, isnt it? So rarely do we have an opportunity to use it in a sentence.) You can either have a traditional advisor, who simply signs your forms on Registration Day and is around to answer your questions as well, or a seminar, in which your advisor meets with you around twice a week to teach your seminar just like regular, non-residence-based advising. The one thing that isnt really emphasized enough about RBA, though, is that if you are in RBA, you stay in RBA for the year and thus in the same dorm for the year, because the program is based upon living in the same dorm as people who have the same advisor as you. You arent allowed to participate in Residence Exploration (REX) like all the other freshmen can that is, the week after you get to school, when everyone is looking around at the different dorms and trying to figure out which culture they belong to, unfortunately, you will not get to do that. I say unfortunately because REX is what makes MITs housing system so unique most freshmen at other colleges get placed in dorms randomly, with random roommates that may or may not steal your clothes and eat your food. Here, as most of you probably already know, you get temped in a dorm, but if you dont like it, you can opt to switch out. This is particularly important because each of MITs dorms have their own individual culture that you need to experience for yourself, so that week gives you a good opportunity to look around and explore that. REX is a very good thing for people like Keri, who for a brief moment in time thought she would like to live in Baker. We laugh about this little awkward chapter in history nowadays. (Nothing against Baker; Keri and I both have good friends who live there Keri is just sort of.. the anti-Baker.) But you cant do that if youre in an RBA dorm. Another thing you should know about RBA is that if you place an RBA dorm anywhere near your top choices (the top four, ish) you will likely be placed in an RBA dorm, regardless of whether you apply for RBA or not. Even if you dont apply for the RBA program at the time, you can still be placed in the dorm, and then, by default, are placed in RBA. (Ask me how I know.) And even though RBA offers seminars, there are fewer choices available than for those in regular advising so that really interesting seminar on Japanese/Italy relations that you were excited about is no longer an option. We keep telling you that people find their niche here at MIT in their living group because you cook together, paint your rooms together, complain about the lack of hot showers together and if you dont feel comfortable in your living group, its a million times harder to feel comfortable adjusting to MIT. Im not saying that RBA wont make you feel comfortable for the most part, I really enjoyed the RBA activities (can you say free food? I can), and I met my family away from my family at Next House. But I didnt actually apply for RBA, so it didnt make a lot of sense that I would be stuck in it, especially since I didnt get to go to my CPW and really wanted to be a part of REX. Ruth Miller, our UA vice president (who can also rap Outkasts Bombs over Baghdad like nobodys business), wrote an article in The Tech about RBA that you should definitely read if youre considering joining the program. You can also read more about the RBA program on their website. And as always, if you want to hear more about my personal experience with RBA, you can always email me iamjkim at mit dot edu.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Analysis Of Susan Glaspell s Trifles Essay - 916 Words

In any form of writing, various literary elements come together to compose a thorough and multifaceted work of literature. All the elements serve a distinct purpose; symbolism, for one, is imperative in a literary work because it aids the reader in the overall comprehension of the particular theme or multiple themes that a story is trying to convey. In Susan Glaspell s, Trifles, she meticulously incorporates significant symbols that help the reader recognize and construe the depth of the significance of the jar of fruit preserves, quilt, bird, and the bird cage. Things are not always as insignificant as they appear to be, and Glaspell s play is a prime example of how important it is to read between the lines. A central theme in Glaspell s play is gender obedience, displayed seemingly by Mrs. Wright. Because the focus of Mrs. Wright s life, as a wife, revolved around maintaining fruit preserves, we can conclude that her primary concern for the state of the jar of preserves was more si gnificant that the mere thought of frozen fruit. The jars of fruit preserves were Mrs. Wright s escape and distraction; something she had control over and something she could call her own. This is why the women understood why she would be so concerned about her preserves even in the midst of a legal predicament. MRS. PETERS. [To the other woman.] Oh, her fruit; it did freeze. [To the County Attorney] She worried about that when it turned so cold. She said the fire’d go out and herShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of Susan Glaspell s Trifles 983 Words   |  4 Pagespreconception someone makes based on gender, race, or religion that in this case is by gender, and affects women based on their expected gender roles. Women endlessly have expectations that go along with being a wife, mother, or simply a female. In Trifles by Susan Glaspell, 1955 by Alice Walker, and Girl by Jamaica Kincaid women are stereotyped by men and told to follow unwritten but expected roles such as being see n and not heard. As well as how they present themselves, their behavior, and tasks they needRead MoreAn Analysis Of Susan Glaspell s Trifles 1203 Words   |  5 PagesA Love Gone Bad A woman who was once full of life and happiness is now left with no joy in her life. In the play, â€Å"Trifles† by Susan Glaspell, we see how Mrs. Wright has changed over the years. We see how cheerful she was before marrying Mr. Wright. While trying to solve the murder, the author uses symbolism, conflict, and irony. The are many examples of conflict in this play. The most apparent conflict is that between the men and the women in the play. In the first parts of the investigation,Read MoreAn Analysis Of Susan Glaspell s Trifles 1056 Words   |  5 PagesIn the early 1900’s, both males and females were perceived as complete opposites of eachother. Women were considered physically weaker and morally superior to men. The gender roles during this time period were clearly demonstrated in the play â€Å"Trifles†, by Susan Glaspell. At a first glance it may seem like the play is only about the death of Mr. Wright. The play could simply be interpreted that the characters all work together to determine the murderer of Mr. Wright. The initial perception overlooksRead MoreAn Analysis Of Susan Glaspell s Trifles 1293 Words   |  6 Pagesthe history of the world. Yet, humanity’s statement to symbols goes beyond us finding meaning in innominate or non-human objects. People assign hum anity into objects, almost a part of themselves. This concept is clearly demonstrated in Susan Glaspell’s play, Trifles. The work contains many element of symbolism that make important and relieving comments on the characters of the play and the themes of the story. One of the first symbols introduced in the work, Mrs. Wright’s apron is deeply symbolicRead MoreAnalysis Of Susan Glaspell s Trifles 1307 Words   |  6 PagesIn the play â€Å"Trifles† by Susan Glaspell, she relates the title of her play to how the women in this play are treated with very little respect and authority. Mr. Wright overpowers his wife and he just does not realize that until it is to late and she kills him. The two women in this play that go into the house with the attorney and the sheriff for the investigation934 were the ones to discover the evidence of what clearly happened. The two women end up hiding the evidence from the two men to helpRead MoreAn Analysis Of Susan Glaspell s Trifles 988 Words   |  4 PagesA Heavy Conscience â€Å"Trifles† by Susan Glaspell is a short play built around the murder of John Wright. Throughout the play there are numerous entwined themes and ideas. With closer examination of Glaspell’s work it is clear that there is a far greater plot in action than just a murder. Mrs. Minnie Wright has been arrested for the murder of her husband while the investigation is active. Interestingly enough the murder is not the focused of this play. The focus is how two wives Mrs. Hale and MrsRead MoreAn Analysis Of Susan Glaspell s Trifles 1606 Words   |  7 PagesThe play Trifles written by Susan Glaspell is a mystery story of a murder that takes place in a small farming town. At the time the play was written women in the united states were still not given the opportunity to vote. It is through the mystery of this murder that we find the role of gender to be a major factor throughout the entirety of the play. In the play, we are given tandems of females and males to follow as they seek to solve the mystery of how Mrs. Wright’s husband was murdered. TheRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of Susan Glaspell s Trifles 1714 Words   |  7 PagesFaulkner and Trifles written by Susan Glaspell loneliness, poverty and isolation consume the lives of the characters. Susan Glaspell’s play â€Å"Trifles† written in 1916. In this play the author’s talks of her preoccupation with culture- bound notions of gender and sex roles. Glaspell says women are considered trifles which mean they are not important to society which is carried out by men (Baym, p. 742). In Trifles written by Susan Glaspell the time is in the early 20th century. When Glaspell wrote â€Å"Trifles†Read MoreLiterary Analysis of Susan Glaspells Trifles1788 Words   |  7 PagesAn Analysis of Natures in Susan Glaspells Trifles A trifle is something that has little value or importance, and there are many seeming trifles in Susan Glaspells one-act play Trifles. The irony is that these trifles carry more weight and significance than first seems to be the case. Just as Glaspells play ultimately reveals a sympathetic nature in Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale, the evidence that the men investigators fail to observe, because they are blind to the things that have importanceRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles 1732 Words   |  7 PagesSusan Glaspell (1876-1948) was an American-born Pulitzer Prize winning writer of both plays and fiction. Glaspell came from humble beginnings and went on to study at Drake University and the University of Chicago. Much of Glaspell s work dealt with the relationships between men and women and the negative effects they have on women. In Glaspell s play Trifles, it is revealed that the operations of patriarchy are just an illusion that men have created to make themselves feel superior to w omen

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Psychotherapy for Anorexia Nervosa Essay - 1432 Words

Psychotherapy for Anorexia Nervosa What is anorexia? Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that consists of self-regulated food restriction in which the person strives for thinness and also involves distortion of the way the person sees his or her own body. An anorexic person weighs less than 85% of their ideal body weight. The prevalence of eating disorders is between .5-1% of women aged 15-40 and about 1/20 of this number occurs in men. Anorexia affects all aspects of an affected persons life including emotional health, physical health, and relationships with others (Shekter-Wolfson et al 5-6). A study completed in 1996 showed that anorexics also tend to possess traits that are obsessive in nature and carry heavy emotional†¦show more content†¦If the counselor possesses a firm, understanding perspective, the client will more likely open up and share issues with the advisor. As long as the interviewer knows that the symptoms expressed by the client are due to the eating disorder itself (in this case starvation), the counselo r can grasp the problem in a tight manner. Other issues discussed between the interviewer and the client include past history of emotional disturbance, past medical history, family history, current family situation, family eating patterns, family attitudes about weight, and other personal history. Another important criterion that must be addressed is the presence or absence of past or present physical or sexual abuse because this is a significant determinant of a person possessing an eating disorder (Shekter-Wolfson et al 13). Treatment The first step in the treatment of anorexia is to aid the client in adapting a more standardized eating pattern. A dietitian may intervene at this point to assist the affected person to adopt more healthy eating behaviors. The counselors role is to gradually help the client begin to adopt a more normal eating style (Shekter-Wolfson et al 13). In all cases, however, there are six goals of any treatment process: 1) To treat the medical complications 2) To revive a normal state of eating 3) To provide guidance on nutrition and exercise 4) To alter distorted views through CBTShow MoreRelatedAnorexia Nervosa Is The Highest Mortality Rate Of All Mental Illnesses909 Words   |  4 PagesAnorexia nervosa is often misunderstood, and it is not a life style that people choose to have. Eating disorders are a serious illness. Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses. Four out of ten people in the national survey reported that they either suffered or knew someone who had suffered from an eating disorder. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder where the person does not eat or maintain a normal body weight, in order to have a skinny body (DSM-V). Most women areRead MoreEating Disorders Research Paper1148 Words   |  5 Pagestreatments and which ones better support for example anorexia nervosa in adult women. For specifically eating disorders a psychotherapy approach to treatment is primarily successful. According to the NEDA there are many â€Å"paths† that can be taken when choosing a psyc hotherapy program, but the therapies can be broken down into sections: family, non-family oriented, action, thought based, and most importantly evidence-based. Family based psychotherapies, such as Conjoint Family Therapy, focus on the familyRead MoreCauses Of Anorexia Nervosa1344 Words   |  6 PagesGiven that anorexia nervosa is associated with high rates of mortality, relapse, suicide, and a diminished quality of life, long-term prognosis does look very tragic, with recovery rates ranging from 25-70% (Guarda, 2008). The extant of anorexia nervosa long-term outcome studies have reported, â€Å"only one-third of individuals (37%) recover within 4 years after disease onset; this figure rises to almost half (47%) by year 10 and to 73% after 10 years post onset† (Zerwas et al., 2013). These statisticsRead MoreEating Disorders And Their Effects On Victims Of Them1281 Words   |  6 Pageswill be discussed in this essay, the first one being discussed is anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is defined as an eating disorder in which people suffer an obsession over their weight and body image, resulting in self-starvation and exaggerated weight loss. Many suffering with anorexia severely restricted the types and amount of food they eat, and often view their underweight bodies as overweight. There are many causes of anorexia as a result of both biological and environmental factors. SomeRead MoreEssay Bulimia Nervosa1311 Words   |  6 PagesBULIMIA NERVOSA 307.51 (F50.2) Introduction Individuals diagnosed with bulimia nervosa undertake frequent binge eating, followed by expelling the food, typically by inducing vomiting, but also through exercising and the use of laxative agents, diuretics, and enemas (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The binge eating occurrences are often prompted by a negative perception of one’s body image, temporarily alleviated by the binge eating episode. Since the individual with bulimia nervosa is overanxiousRead MoreTaking a Look at Eating Disorders1708 Words   |  7 Pagesmental as well as physical health. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the most common types. Others are binge eating disorder and eating disorder not otherwise specified. Classification: †¢ Anorexia nervosa (AN), †¢ Bulimia nervosa (BN), †¢ Eating disorders not otherwise specified †¢ Binge eating disorder (BED) or compulsive overeating, †¢ Pica The two most common types, Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa are described below: Anorexia Nervosa: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a psychiatric disorderRead MoreAnorexia Nervosa: Etiology, Treatment, and Related Information1871 Words   |  8 Pagesto discuss several basic topics regarding anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is and eating disorder with an incredibly high mortality rate characterized by low body weight and an obsessive fear of becoming overweight that occurs primarily in females after puberty, yet before the age of 40 years. Unfortunately, Not much is known about the causes of anorexia nervosa, but possible correlations are blood relation to a person suffering from anorexia nervosa, those who have recently experienced a stressfulRead MoreEssay on Anorexia1228 Words   |  5 Pages quot;Anorexia Nervosaquot; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bizarre, devastating, and baffling are three words that describe the anorexia nervosa disease. By definition, anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a normal-weight person diets and becomes significantly underweight, yet, still feeling fat, continue to starve themselves. The term quot;anorexia nervosaquot; literally means nervous lose of appetite. People with the disorder are suppressing a strong desire to eat, because they areRead MoreThe Effects Of Anorexia Nervosa On The Human Body1406 Words   |  6 PagesThe Effects of Anorexia Nervosa On the Human Body Anorexia is a lack or loss of appetite for food as a medical condition and is also considered an emotional disorder categorized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat. Anorexia is found in all people, male and female of any age and in some cases can be life threatening. The reason Anorexia and all eating disorders in general are important to study is because they are a significant part of society. Eating disorders also hold theRead MoreBackground History of Anorexia Nervosa1452 Words   |  6 PagesHISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ANOREXIA NERVOSA Anorexia nervosa’s (AN) first descriptions began during the twelfth and thirteenth century with the historical Saint Catherine of Siena (Deans, 2011). It is related to participating in religious functions and medieval practices of self-starvation (Deans, 2011). Furthermore, the death of popular singer, Karen Carpenter in 1983 created the societal awareness about the effect of anorexia nervosa and become widely known at the end of the twentieth century (Rader

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Concrete Operations Stage Free Essays

Concrete operations are the third stage of Piagetian cognitive development, during which children develop logical but not abstract thinking (Papalia p. 351). The concrete operational stage begins around age seven and continues until approximately age eleven. We will write a custom essay sample on Concrete Operations Stage or any similar topic only for you Order Now During this time, children gain a better understanding of mental operations. Children begin thinking logically about concrete events, but have difficulty understanding abstract or hypothetical concepts. Piaget determined that children in the concrete operational stage were fairly good at the use of inductive logic. Inductive logic involves going from a specific experience to a general principle. On the other hand, children at this age have difficulty using deductive logic, which involves using a general principle to determine the outcome of a specific event. This stage is also characterized by a loss of egocentric thinking. Egocentrism is Piaget’s term for inability to consider another person’s point of view; a characteristic of young children’s thought (Papalia p. G-3). During this stage, the child has the ability to master most types of conservation experiments, and begins to understand reversibility. Conservation is the realization that quantity or amount does not change when nothing has been added or taken away from an object or a collection of objects, despite changes in form or spatial arrangement. The concrete operational stage is also characterized by the child’s ability to coordinate two dimensions of an object simultaneously, arrange structures in sequence, and transpose differences between items in a series. The child is capable of concrete problem-solving. Categorical labels such as â€Å"number† or â€Å"animal† are now available to the child. The first, and most discussed, of these limitations is egocentrism. The pre-operational child has a â€Å"’self-centred’ view of the world† (Smith, Cowie and Blades, 2003, p. 399), meaning that she has difficulty understanding that other people may see things differently, and hence hold a differing point of view. Piaget’s classic test for egocentrism is the three mountains task (Piaget and Inhelder, 1956), which concrete operational thinkers can complete successfully. A second limitation which is overcome in the concrete operational stage is the perceptual domination of one aspect of a situation. Before the stage begins, the child’s perception of any situation or problem will be dominated by one aspect; this is best illustrated by the failure of pre-operational children to pass Piaget’s conservation tasks (Piaget and Inhelder, 1974). Perhaps the most important limitation, yet the most difficult to describe and measure, is that of the turn to logical operators. A pre-operational child will use mostly simple, heuristic strategies in problem solving. Once a child reaches the concrete operational stage, they will be in possession of a completely new set of strategies, allowing problem solving using logical rules. This new ability manifests itself most clearly in children’s justifications for their answers. Concrete operational thinkers will explicitly state their use of logical rules in problem solving (Harris and Butterworth, 2002). This area also indicates the way in which the concrete operational stage can be negatively defined; although children can now use logical strategies, these can only be applied to concrete, immediately present objects. Thinking has become logical, but is not yet abstract. These shifts in the child’s thinking lead to a number of new abilities which are also major, positively defined characteristics of the concrete operational stage. The most frequently cited ability is conservation. Now that children are no longer perceptually dominated by one aspect of a situation, they can track changes much more easily and recognize that some properties of an object will persevere through change. Conservation is always gained in the same order, firstly with respect to number, followed secondly by weight, and thirdly by volume. A second new ability gained in the concrete operational stage is reversibility. This refers to the ability to mentally trace backwards, and is of enormous help to the child in both their problem solving and the knowledge they have of their own problem solving. For the former this is because they can see that in a conservation task, for example, the change made could be reversed to regain the original properties. With respect to knowledge of their own problem solving, they become able to retrace their mental steps, allowing an entirely new level of reflection. Concrete operational children also gain the ability to structure objects hierarchically, known as classification. This includes the notion of class inclusion, e. g. understanding an object being part of a subset included within a parent set, and is shown on Piaget’s inclusion task, asking children to identify, out of a number of brown and white wooden beads, whether there were more brown beads or wooden beads (Piaget, 1965). Seriation is another new ability gained during this stage, and refers to the child’s ability to order objects with respect to a common property. A simple example of this would be placing a number of sticks in order of height. An important new ability which develops from the interplay of both seriation and classification is that of numeration. Whilst pre-operational children are obviously capable of counting, it is only during the concrete operational stage that they become able to apply mathematical operators, thanks to their abilities to order things in terms of number (seriation) and to split numbers into sets and subsets (classification), enabling more complex multiplication, division and so on. Finally, and also following the development of seriation, is transitive inference. This is the name given to children’s ability to compare two objects via an intermediate object. So for instance, one stick could be deemed to be longer than another by both being individually compared to another (third) stick. Concrete operational stage (Elementary and early adolescence). This stage (characterized by 7 types of conservation: number, length, liquid, mass, weight, area, volume), intelligence is demonstrated through logical and systematic manipulation of symbols related to concrete objects. Operational thinking develops (mental actions that are reversible). Egocentric thought diminishes. How to cite Concrete Operations Stage, Essay examples

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Lorenz and Bicorn. Comparison Between Two Paintings Essay Example For Students

Lorenz and Bicorn. Comparison Between Two Paintings Essay Florence, throughout the years, has always been an important influence n history and art. Even though many artists have a vast aspiration for art, each artist possesses his own criteria and methods that they acquired during the time in which they lived. Artists in Italy from the sass throughout Goes shared many common techniques and skills that were characterized by their era. This period brings a new perspective of life to the European countries in the early fourteenth-century. By this time, people in Italy thought that a new and contemporary era had begun with a new style in painting and architecture and a new evolution in music, science, philosophy, and literature as well. Lorenz did Creed, is an Italian painter who belonged to the Renaissance period of the sass. Lorenz did Creed, who lived in Florence, was learning about this new era that had a huge impact in everyones life. This new era had an advanced development in society and a rise of civic culture. A new sense of realism in art, new discoveries in the material world, and new more joyous vision of the world around them were taking place during the era, The Renaissance influenced the social, economic, spiritual, scientific, and religious aspect of Italy. Lorenz, who started to have a special interest in art venue he was in cornice by the sass, was already tarring to produce his own paintings. When Lorenz started his vocation as an artist, he always had a special interest in portraits. He is known primarily for his devotional paintings, although he was also much in demand as a portrait painter and was a sensitive draughtsman. Lorenz also started painting in Oil, Which was a new technique that arose in the Renaissance period. This new technique was usually painted in wood or canvas. Oil has a deep, intense tone and has hard, enamel-like surfaces. With oil, painters could also demonstrate the glowing and the light and, if needed, they could arrange any possible mistake or part hey w anted to change because oil dries very slowly. This technique is not easy to adapt and adjust, but this did not keep Lorenz from painting with it. It is not known how oil painting was first developed. UT in Western Europe there are indications of its use from at least the 12th century AD, and it was widely used from the Renaissance. Oil was also very popular because with it, artists could produce the finest clarity of color. Artists manipulate the oil using stiff brushes made out of hog hair, Lorenz was recognized for possessing patience when working in his paintings, he did not only use oil, he also adapted other methods f painting that required a lot of skill, A perfect example of a famous artwork of Lorenz did Creed is Portrait of a Young Women. In the Renaissance, women were not lucky to live in Florence if they wanted to be involved in society Woman by this era were just a subject of men. The Portrait of a Young Women exhibits a widow woman-L When looking at the painting, one can find a variety of characteristics that lead the viewers to think her husband has died. In the Renaissance era women in Italy dressed very elegantly, wearing long gowns With bag and loose fitting dresses. Woman used to wear very complex fabrics that overfed their entire body. Wool was usually the dominant fabric woman in Italy used to wear in different types of quality and colors. This young woman in the painting is wearing a long, simple black dress With long sleeves and a black veil on the head. The dress may not seem extravagant because she is dressed as a widow. The dress does not contain any important detail, but stills looks elegant. Besides her clothing, her appearance does not demonstrate a positive one. The look on her face and the body language the painting resembles has a negative connotation. A comparison of the themes of Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard EssayHis face has a deep, serious look with his eyebrows twisted even though his black, little eyes are almost close. At the background, one can see a wall with different tone of yellow, baby blue, and the leaves of a tree. One can see that Bicorn avoided the straight line and has used complementary colors to create a vibrant effect and express a positive connotation in his portrait. Now, one can see that even though both artists are Italian, they still have very different styles; they both have different perspectives of life because of different periods the lived in. Although they both have very different techniques, one can still find some characteristics that relate them and connect their paintings. Did Creed shows a more complex, divine, almost perfect human being While Bicorn portraits himself in a more modern manner _ Both paintings are portraits; yet, one can find a lot of distinction ebb,even the two of them. While the young woman shows a negative connotation, Abscissions self artist shows a lively man with vivid colors that gets the viewers attention immediately. Both artists found a way of establishing a hurrah body in different styles using different methods with the brushes. Another difference in the way these two artists painted is that with did Credits painting one can see when he exactly ends in the edges. One can see that the young woman seems real, while Abscissions portrait has more shadows. In Abscissions painting is more noticeable the use of brushes than in did Corresponding woman. Usually, each artist demonstrates his feelings in their paintings; or shows a current event happening n the artists era, Or they just produce something that has impact their life or them in any certain way. Zeitgeist , spirit tot the times can be related with theses two artists and their paintings because both are presenting their passion for art in the epoch in which they are living. All artworks are a reflection of the time. Ay analyzing and comparing these two paintings, one can find many interesting aspects of art. Art is more than a painting; art is a history behind an artwork that each artist is trying to evoke in every viewer Art is using ones creativeness to transmit ones thoughts. One can appreciate more the Art when learning the spirit of the time; one can comprehend the artists emotions by analyzing every single detail in the artwork and the historical background of it. It is beyond belief how many details one can find venue observing in detail each painting; one can find intriguing how every artist was impacted and influenced by the political, economical and historical aspect Of their Own country. The techniques, skills, and styles did Creed and Bicorn possessed are still influencing other artist nowadays.

Monday, March 23, 2020

4 Ways to Hack Your Resume So You Dont Even Need a Cover Letter

4 Ways to Hack Your Resume So You Dont Even Need a Cover Letter You’ve written a magnificent cover letter that explains in detail what you could only sketch in your resume, and which paints you in the best light with all of the appropriate context. Trouble is, the recruiter you sent it to is too busy to bother opening the attachment. She skims your resume, and that’s about it. If this is your worst nightmare, don’t worry! The trick is to write a great resume that helps tell your story. To get started, follow the best resume practice for 2016.In addition, here are four ways you can sex up your resume to make it do most if not all of the work of your cover letter.1. In SummaryRight at the very top of your resume, add a paragraph that encapsulates your elevator pitch. Tell them- and keep it short and sweet- who you are, why you’re different from the other applicants, and what makes you so special for that particular position. Scrap the traditional â€Å"Objective† paragraph. You won’t need it.2. Get Personal Add a little of that personal flair from your cover letter at the very end of your resume. Give them a sense of what kind of person you are, your passions, quirks, and special talents. You can even use this space to explain you’d be willing and eager to relocate, or give details about your particular stage in life visvis that job in that company. If they don’t feel like reading it, they don’t have to. But it can really set you apart.3. Show ResultsDon’t just list the great things you did in the descriptions of your former jobs, show them. Give concrete numbers and prove exactly how effective you were in that past project or position. This is exactly the kind of ammunition hiring managers love to have to fight to hire a dream candidate.4. Be SocialWhether you like it or not, hiring managers are going to snoop into your social media accounts. Show them you’ve got nothing to hide and make it easy for them. The transparency and willingness to make thei r lives easier will not be lost on them.Do these four things and it won’t matter if you ever write another cover letter again. You’ll be able to prove in just one document that you’re the right kind of talent and personality for their company culture. And if you don’t, you’ll save a lot of wasted time and energy.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Behavior Incentives and Classroom Rewards

Behavior Incentives and Classroom Rewards Classroom incentives, prizes, and punishments are part of a controversial topic for teachers. Many teachers see extrinsic material rewards as an appropriate and effective way to manage behavior in the elementary classroom. Other teachers dont want to bribe the kids to do work that they should be intrinsically motivated to do on their own. Should You Offer Classroom Incentives Early in the School Year? The idea of classroom rewards is an important concept to consider at the beginning of the school year. If you start off the year showering students with rewards, they are going to expect it and will most likely only work for the rewards. However, if you limit prizes from day one, you may find that you can get away from the material aspect a little bit and save yourself a significant amount of money in the long run.  Here is an example of what worked for me and thoughts about the concept of rewards. Rewards in First Classroom? In setting up my first classroom (third grade), I wanted to avoid rewards. I dreamed of my students working for knowledges sake. However, after trial and error, I found that kids respond to rewards well and sometimes you just have to use what works. The teachers before us most likely showered our current students with rewards, so they probably expect it by now. Also, teachers (and all employees) work for a reward - money. How many of us would work and try hard if we werent getting a salary? Money and rewards, in general, make the world go round, whether its a pretty picture or not. Timing When Incentives are Needed At the beginning of the year, I didnt do anything with rewards or behavior management because my kids started out the year quiet and hard working. But, around Thanksgiving, I was at the end of my rope and started introducing rewards. Teachers might want to try going as long as they can without rewards because the prizes start losing their effectiveness after awhile because the kids expect them or get used to receiving the rewards. It also works to change the rewards as the year progresses, just to add a little excitement and a boost to their effectiveness. Avoiding Material Rewards I dont use any material rewards in my classroom. I dont give out anything that costs money for me to buy. Im not willing to spend a lot of my own time and money to keep a store or prize box stocked for daily rewards. Good Work Tickets In the end, positive reinforcement of good behavior worked best for my students and me. I used Good Work Tickets which are just leftover scraps of construction paper (that would have been thrown away otherwise) cut up into little 1 inch by 1-inch squares. I have the kids cut them up for me after school or whenever they want. They love to do it. I dont even have to do that part. Involving Students in Giving Rewards When kids are working quietly and doing what they are supposed to be doing, I give them a good work ticket. They put their student # on the back and turn it into the raffle box. Also, if a child finished his or her work or has been working well, I let them pass out the good work tickets, which they love doing. This is a great thing to do with problem children; kids who are usually in trouble will love monitoring their classmates behavior. The students are usually more strict than I am with handing them out. Since they are free, it doesnt matter how many you give out.   Awarding Incentives On Fridays, I do a little drawing. The rewards are things like: Sit at the teachers desk for the day15 minutes playing an educational computer gameBe the caller for multiplication bingoMake up a math problem for the other children to solveGo to lunch 5 minutes early with a friendStay out for a longer recess with a friendChoose your seat for the dayRead out loud to the class You can tailor these rewards to what the cool things in your classroom are. I usually pick two  or three winners and then, just for fun, I pick one more, and that person is the Cool Person of the Day. The kids and I just thought that was a funny thing to do and a nice way to wrap up the drawing. Also, I keep a bag of candy in my cupboard for a quick reward (if someone catches a mistake I make, goes above and beyond the call of duty, etc.). Its a pretty cheap thing to have around just in case. Just throw candy to the kid and keep on teaching. Dont Overemphasize Rewards I didnt place a large emphasis on rewards. I tried to make learning fun, and my kids genuinely did get excited about learning new things. I had them begging me to teach them harder math concepts because they knew they could handle it. Ultimately, how you use rewards in your classroom is a personal decision. There are no right or wrong answers. Like everything in teaching, what works for one teacher may not work for another. But, it does help to discuss your ideas with other educators and see what others are doing in their classroom. Good luck!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Behavioural finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Behavioural finance - Essay Example Incurring of additional risk helps attain high rates of return. There has been a proposal relating to the utility maxim and the general solution for the portfolio selection problem (Von Neumann and Morgenstern, 2007). The process of making an investment choice includes; choosing a unique optimum combination of risky assets and separate choice regarding to the allocation of funds. To obtain a maximum resulting satisfaction, there is combination and application of certain wants and commodities. The weakness of this model is it’s cumbersome to separate the purely technical from the ones in the conceptual nature. According to Mr. Jack Treynor, the total utility function can be given by U = f (E, a) illustrating the meters of distribution and the expected value and the standard deviation, where E indicates the future wealth and a shows the standard deviation under prediction (Markowitz, Miller & Sharpe, 1991). There is the preference of a high expected future wealth to a value which is low; this is known as ceteris paribus illustrated as (dU/dEw > 0). This leads to an upward slope as seen in the earlier graph of risk against the expected rate of return. For a simpler analysis, there is an assumption that an investor decides to commit an amount (W) of their wealth to investment. By letting R be the rate of return and W as the terminal wealth, then; R= (Wt- Wi)/Wi. The mean-variance under certain conditions leads to unsatisfactory predictions of behaviour. A model based on semi-variance is preferable basing on standard deviation and variance (Markowitz, Miller & Sharpe, 1991). There is an assumption that the curves can diminish marginal rates of substitution between E and ÃŽ ±, from the earlier equations. There is a derivation of indifference curves from the assumption that the investor wishes to maximise the expected utility and thus,

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Role of the Mentor In Organising, Managing And Leading Programmes Essay

The Role of the Mentor In Organising, Managing And Leading Programmes of Learning In Clinical Education - Essay Example In fact, one of the most familiar adages puts it, â€Å"Experience teaches us best.† This can be further elaborated from Kolb’s theory of experiential learning. Illustration 1: Kolb’s cycle of experiential learning (Quinn, 2000). In this theory, Kolb’s emphasised four generic adaptive abilities to reach effective learning and these involve concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation (Quinn, 2000). Furthermore, in clinical education, another important point in facilitating learning is about providing strategies for effective clinical teaching (Gaberson and Oermann, 2010). However, facilitation alone does not prove to be sufficient to ensure learning at the highest level. Supervision in learning in clinical practice is a must. Aside from facilitating the students in their learning in clinical education, mentors have the role to supervise them. This supervision is evident on the supervision cycle model o f Goldhammer and his colleagues in 1980. Regarding this supervision, it is an integral part of educator’s role (a) to initiate pre-observation stage which establishes rapport, reviews plans and discusses and rehearses changes; (b) the next stage is about educator’s actual observation of the session and taking into account noting issues for future discussion; (c) the third stage is about the analysis of the data that educator’s gathered from observation and consequently followed by strategy planning for feedbacks; (d) finally, both educator and student should initiate individual analyses and undergo plans for modification (Rose and Best, 2005). Supervision therefore is a hands-on activity that tries not only to facilitate learning, but more so... This essay stresses that managing the assessment process so that there is time for continuous feedback and identifying if the student is progressing is another important concern in student’s learning process. It is true that meting the challenges and difficulties presented to the mentors while supporting students in practice is another important area of concern. This is the bottom line of support system. This paper makes a conclusion that managing the situation if there are other concerns involved is another important move in student’s learning success. For example, enhancing the learning of students in the hospital area requires placement area analysis. This means mentors are not only there to facilitate, supervise, assess and give their support, but they should substantially consider the remarkable strengths and weaknesses of their students in their specific placement area. Mentors therefore are expected to conduct analysis and even specific forms of research. Students prior to becoming certified professionals in the clinical practice should undergo necessary learning, but they should not acquire this by themselves. They need mentors to teach, train and above all to support them prior to achieving their individual future objectives in life. Mentors therefore are expected to put their best foot forward as leaders which have substantial ability to facilitate, supervise, assess and support learning at the highest level as possible.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Shaping, Joining and Surface Treatment Analysis

Shaping, Joining and Surface Treatment Analysis MANUFACTURING  PROCESS  SELECTION Introduction: Process selection is a key responsible are in an industry where the specification from the customers is analysed and the suitable process for the desired product is isolated from the other manufacturing processes. This selection process in a company is very important as this determines the futuristic profit for the industry or the quality of the products thats been produced from the plant. In order to analyse the importance and economics of the various processes in manufacturing industry, most of the companies these days uses CES software which explains all the details a company should think about before starting the manufacturing process. CES software details the important information on the history of the materials used for manufacturing process and suitable analysis based on their economics and environmental impact. In this report, from CES mainly, the process universe is analysed based on the three process such as SHAPING, JOINING and SURFACE TREATMENT. Figure 1 CES database with process universe Part 1 Manufacturing processes: From the CES (Cambridge engineering selector) software, process universe database few of the processes were selected and analysed in detail using CES database and the sources outside CES in order to investigate these processes. Joining, Shaping and Surface treatment are the three manufacturing processes that were analysed in this report. JOINING Introduction: This process describes the methods of joining parts together using various tools and methods in order to form certain assemblies which provides useful functions mechanically. At the very beginning joining process was very simple and basic like sewing using threads to stitch clothes, using paper clips, press studs and shoe laces. When it comes to fastening two objects or bodies together, all possible options should be considered in manufacturing processes in industries. Some of the basic classification of joining process are using Adhesives, Fasteners, Mechanical welding and Thermal welding. In industrial manufacturing process, joining process is widely divided into either permanent or non-permanent joining between two objects or surfaces. One of the common process in joining metals is to fasten two parts or castings in order to merge the two surfaces of the objects. Metal objects like body armours were assembled using metal rivets. Before metal welding was introduced, riveting the metals bodies played an important role in joining manufacturing process. BRAZING Brazing is one of the basic methods used to join two pieces of metals together. The process starts with isolating the two parts of steel that are to be brazed and by cleaning the parts using wire wool or emery cloth would remove all the greases on the surfaces. A paste that is made from borax flux powder and water is applied along the joint. This prevents the process of oxidation on the surfaces as this inhibits the brazing procedure being successful. And when the compressor attached to the brazing torch is turned ON, this pressurises the gas and the air, and then the gas-air is turned ON slowly, feeding the gas through the small nozzle and this is then ignited at the end of nozzle using a match. Figure 2 Brazing torch Once the torch is set and the hottest part of the brazing torch (tip of the blue part of the flame) is used to merge the two parts of the steel surfaces. Two pieces of the steel are placed on top of the rotating mount where it is easily accessed from all the directions. In order to lift the steel off the rotating mount, fire bricks are used and hence the heat produced can flow all over the surface rather than on one spot. The surfaces of the steel and the joining metal were given a gentle heat to raise the temperature in order to expand the metal edges and ready for brazing. Figure 3 Brazing process setup The flame is then moved forward and backward in order to focus the hottest part of the flame until the steel part becomes red hot. Then a brazing rod (copper zinc alloy) is then pushed gently along the edges of the steel surfaces and when the temperature is right the rod will melt in the gaps to fill them and merge the metal and steel surfaces. The rod is fed until it runs along the joint is brazed in order to join them together. When this is complete, the steel is allowed to cool slowly by quenching in water because cooling the metal quickly may break or crack the joint or it may become distorted. Figure4heatingprocessFigure 5 Brazed material Types of materials Brazing is the process which is widely used to heat exchangers, bicycle frames, boilers, copper pipes, and pipework fittings and to repair castings and assemble machine parts. Metals, Ceramics and dissimilar materials are normally brazed using this process in industries. A variety of alloys are used in brazing the materials by using the alloys for filtering. Some of the materials that are used as common filters are, Silver Copper Nickel alloy Gold silver Copper silver Aluminium silicon Copper zinc Most commonly, the brazing materials come as in the form of rod, powder, ribbon, paste, wire and preforms such as stamped washers. Characteristics of the components Brazing process will be able to fit within the sectional thickness of range from 0.1mm to 30mm. some might cover the points beyond this range, however, this may affect the increase in cost and time for the process in order to take place. The minimum section thickness is always determined by the process and the materials used within the certain manufacturing companies. Nominal tolerance for the brazing process is in the range from 0.05mm to 0.5mm and the resulting processed materials may be outside the tolerance range but this might affect the time for processing and the cost for the manufacturers. Some accuracy like precision or the surface roughness can be determined by the nature of the process. Economics of the process Brazing can be done manually and by using automated machines which is using the furnace. Generally manual process takes time and using the torch to braze a material requires certain skill level. On the other hand, automated furnace brazing requires no skill and no labour costs. Therefore, this brazing process is cheap and tools are fairly cost worthy as well and it is very economical for small runs in certain companies. Yet this process allows high production rates when the whole process is automated at large or industrial scale. SHAPING Introduction: Shaping is a process that was developed over time from ancient times when machines were involved in manufacturing processes. However, these types of shaping machines are not widely used in the current manufacturing industries although they had very substantial development. This process was used to cut metal tools and other parts in early days on the flat surfaces, yet these were used as a drawback in this times. Shaping produces the flat surfaces by moving a single point in a reciprocating or zigzag motion. The forward stroke is the cutting edge motion and the reverse motion is finished with high velocity motion in order to include the sideways feeding motion. CERAMIC MOLD CASTING Ceramic mold casting is a process which uses high temperatures in order to cast certain parts of machines or even tools, used in various machineries. This process is also like plaster mold casting but instead of using plaster to create metal parts or castings, ceramic casting uses refractory mold materials for casting. In an industrial level the parts used as cutting machinery or metal molds die for metalworking or even the metal impellers can also be manufactured using this type of casting processes. Nature of the process This process kicks off with preparing the platform for pouring the material for molding. A mixture of fine grain ZIRCON (ZrSiO4), aluminium oxide, fused silica, bonding agents and water which creates a ceramic slurry solution for the mold to be dipped in or immersed in this solution. When the mold is set in the slurry solution in the platform, the pattern is then removed and the casted mold is then left off to dry. Then using high flamed torch, the mold is then fired in order to melt or heat off the excess cast around the mold. This firing the mold process will also burn off any unwanted waste materials on the mold and make it rigid and hardened for the future polishing process. In order to add more strength and rigidity the mold is then baked in an oven over a certain time period or even heated in the furnace. The firing process leaves the mold with few cracks and lines which then adding the mold extra permeability and collapsibility for the metal processing that comes later in the industrial scale manufacturing process. Figure 6 ceramic casting process Once the mold was prepared the two halves were then joined together for assembly and be ready to pour the casting or molten material into the molds. The two halves also called as cope and drag section are then backed up with the fireclay materials for additional molding strength. Often in these types of processes in manufacturing industry, the ceramic mold is preheated in the oven in order to pour the molten metal into the cast. The metal casting is poured and let to solidify, in ceramic molding process in industries, like in other expandable mold processes, the ceramic mold is destroyed in the removal process of the metal casting. The ceramic mold itself can be a shell, for small manufacture processing components, or a box less block mold, for large industrial components, or even a composite mold combines both the shell which then backed up with a cheaper material like the large components that are produced in large quantities. The insulating nature of the ceramic mold prevents the molds from decaying or decomposing and prolongs the lifespan of the cycle time however the manufacturing ceramic casting process lends itself to mechanization and rapid output of molds. Types of materials Ceramic casting process plays a vital role in casting metal components such as tools used for forging and extrusion and even die casting. This process also used in the glass production. Some of the materials that has been processed in this way are, Aerospace parts and components Marine fitting tools Propellers for ships and small turbines Complex gearing parts Pumps and valves Pipes and precision machinery parts Impellers Characteristics of the components Mass range for this casting process is from 0.2kg to 50kg of weight and this is determined by the capacity of the casting mold or the caster, the press that the mold undergoes and the machine tools, etc. this can also often be extruded or extended with the help of additional process of fabricating. 1.5mm to 999mm is the range of the sectional thickness of the materials or the casting mold that is being used in the casting process in the industrial scale of manufacturing process. This is determined by the fluid flow in castings or the plastic constraints used in the molding process or the melt flow length in injection molding, etc. this process can generally be further outside the range resulting increase in cost for material and time for the process to take place in an industry. The range of tolerance for this casting process is from 0.38mm to 0.8mm in length or measurement as the achiever tolerance can be refined by secondary machining operations such as precision grinding and polishing in order to remove the extra unwanted materials and keep the accuracy nearly to 100%. 1.6 µm to 3.2 µm is the range of roughness for this process as this is controlled by smoothness of the molds or casting surfaces. Economics of the process Ceramic mold casting is relatively expensive. The tools costs cover a range from small, simple to large, complex molding materials and they vary in size shape and structure. To be able to cast parts at higher accuracy elements eliminates the need for machinery which reduces the cost for automated process but this casting is mainly monitored with watchful eyes and that increases labouring costs and training men in different aspects of skills development. The long preparation time taken in molds increasing makes the manufacturing production rates at very low intervals and increasing demands for new molds with certain improvements. SURFACE TREATMENT Introduction: Surface treatment can be used in various ways in order to clean or polish the surface of the materials using various techniques. This includes polishing or grinding the metals as well as smoothening the outer surface of the body of the materials used in manufacturing. Surface treatment of the metals involves the creation of a barrier that can protect the metal parts like a wall around the body in order to prevent corrosion or other chemical or environmental damages. The surface layer forming on a metal that is scheduled for chemical coating is created due to a chemical reaction which is non electrolytic in nature in order to achieve great and precision results in industrial manufacturing process. GRINDING Grinding is a slow process that polishes the surface of a material yet not removing a large sized part from the object or cutting the big edge off the material. In the past, this process was only used to machining processes or final dimension accuracy treatments by finishing the surface of the materials. But the developed or renowned new processes are changing the thought process thats been used over the years of time. Utilizing new grinding techniques, incredible material removal rate has increased up to 300mm3/smm, which is equal to 28 cubic inches per minute. This process allows the tough edges in aerospace markets, where the materials are made up of tough alloy or nickel to be removed and polished. Nature of the process Grinding process normally associated with the tools thats been used in the process of grinding. A grinding tool is used to grind down or polish metals or glass surfaces. Grinder is more like a sander which uses the abrasive surface of the grinder to remove the minute particles on the materials. Grinding process actually sharpens the wheel that is attached to the grinder by braking those particles and creating new grinding points in the wheel. A grinding wheel is made from several chemical and mineral ingredients, this composition of particles may vary according to the purpose of the wheel that is used in the industry like whether to grind metals or polish ceramic glasses. Figure 7 bonding particles in grinding wheel making process For metals they use the grinding wheel made from aluminium oxide granules to create that very abrasive surface of the wheel. For non-metals components, silicon based particles are used in the making of surface of the grinding wheels. These particles are added in weighed scales and by using resin bonding agents these particles are then bonded in shape to form the grinding wheels which are then used in the grinders for appropriate uses. Figure 8 grinding process with grinding wheels Types of materials Grinding also used to cut hardened steel, which produces very smooth surfaces. Surface pressure is minimum in grinding, which is suitable for light or small works that will spring away from the cutting tool in the other machining processes. It can be classified into rough and precision grinding. Rough grinding eliminates the primary layer of the materials that are with the huge or big part of the edges and extra addition of materials. This prepares the materials for further grinding with precision and increased accuracy. Surface grinding uses a rotating abrasive wheel to remove material which creates a flat surface. Pistons, pins, gears and shafts are some of the materials prepared by this grinding process. Rivets, valves and pipe fittings and lenses and mirrors for precision optical equipment. Characteristics of the components Surface smoothness of the materials used under grinding process achieve the high precision. The maximum temperature attained during this process is ranges from 70 to 370 C, this is due to the interaction between the grinding wheel and the material that is being grinded in the process. Unfortunately, the grinding process does not even out all parts of the material which indicates whether the treatment reaches its maximum precision level. At this process the curved surface coverage is very poor. Economics of the process The tools used for grinding process are fairly cheap and affordable. This is for manual polishing tools only with the approximate range of price from capital cost being  £90 to  £1000 and tooling cost ranges from  £8 to  £200 however this results in the production rates being very low as this is a manual process. Automatic machining processes can be expensive for both capital (ranges from  £1800 to  £1,000,000) and tooling machines (ranges from  £900 to  £10,000) but this shows higher production rates in manufacturing. PART 2 In depth case study analysis Using CES software the following charts are drawn and one of the given case study is analysed with the help of CES software. Manifold Jacket Figure 9 Manifold Jacket hollow 3D model The part shown above is called manifold jacket, is used in aerospace shuttles and vehicles. This component is made from nickel and it weighs about 7 Kg as this is a large 3D hollow dimensioned component it has a thickness of 2 5 mm with a precision tolerance of 0.1 mm. In this process of manufacturing case study, we only going to manufacture 10 units as this limited usage in the industry. Table 1 design requirements Manifold Jacket Material class selection Mass range Vs Material class The required material for this manifold jacket comes from a non-ferrous alloy. The chart below explains the class of materials fall in the range from 5 to 10 Kg of mass range of the chosen material (Non-ferrous alloy). From CES software the chart was created by labelling Y-Axis (Mass range Kg) and X-Axis (Material class Non-ferrous alloys). Then certain range as given above (5 to 10 Kg) was isolated using the box tool and the processes that satisfies the approximate length and mass are then labelled in the chart. The box in the chart isolates the processes which can shape these alloys and can handle the desired mass range of 5 10 Kg. Mass range was the Y axis and it was selected from the Process universe > Shaping > Mass range from the chart dialog box. Material class on the X-axis was chose from the advanced features and under Tree > Material universe > Metals > Non-ferrous alloys. In order to choose the limit to isolate the required process selection, a box was drawn in the chart body and right clicked on to Properties > Specified range 5 10 Kg in under the mass range sub heading. Then the chart was then zoomed in according to label the processes. By clicking and dragging on each of the coloured lines the desired processes can be identified. Chart 1 mass range VS nonferrous alloy Thickness Vs Shape class The chart below shows the relationship between the range of section thickness of the chosen materials and to see which processes can produce a 3D hollow shape of the material with transverse features. The chart was plotted by choosing range of thickness for Y-axis and hollow 3D with transverse features on the X-axis. By selecting Chart > Y axis > Range of section Thickness was selected in order to plot the graph and X axis > Advanced > Tree > Shape > 3D shaping > Transverse features. A box was marked in the chart by selecting box tool in order to isolate the processes that are capable of making that desired 3D hollow feature with the transverse feature as well. This box was in the range of section thickness from 2 mm to 5 mm. the processes outside the desired range are in different colour since these processes failed to produce the desired results within the certain limitation and ranges specified by the manufacturing company or industry. Chart 2 range of section thickness VS hollow 3D with transverse features Tolerance Vs Primary shaping process The process selection chart below refers to the interaction between the tolerance that the selection process can have and the trueness of the primary shaping process that is responsible for the formation of this manifold jacket. This chart was plotted using CES by selecting Chart from the process universe and under Shaping process > Y axis > Tolerance (mm) and on the other hand for X axis > Primary shaping process was selected on the same dialog box as both are under shaping process sub heading. Few processes that can be used to make this product within the limited tolerance and accuracy of the ranges are then isolated from the chart using a box tool and drawing the box for only the processes that can satisfy which means whatever lies on the box after TRUE phase and the applicable tolerance was specified. The tolerance level for these processes ranges from 0.1 mm and whatever above this tolerance and belong to the true phase then these processes can be used to manufacture the desired product with the possible tolerance output. Chart 3 tolerance VS primary shaping processes Economics Vs Discrete The chart below was plotted against the Economics of the batch size of 10 units thats been produced from the manufacturing processes. This chart explains the cost for the manufacturing process and see how much this process cost for the company would in order to produce 10 units of the desired products. Using the box tool from CES, 10-unit scale was isolated from the chart and the processes which can produce the certain amount of products are labelled outside the chart. Economics batch size in units is plotted in Y axis by selecting form Chart > Y axis > Economics batch size and for the X axis from the shaping process universe > X axis > Discrete was selected. Only the true section of the chart which can produce the desired materials can be isolated and units of 10 were boxed in order to see which processes can achieve this manufacturing process. Table 2 processes of the manifold jacket Chart 4 economics of the batch size VS discrete Methodology and conclusion Before even the part was made, it was important to meet the customer requirements and produce a report on how the production is going to take place and how this might satisfy the customers needs in order to make the production more efficient and effective. To make Manifold jackets it seems that Electroforming and investment casting are the right processes with the suitable economics and even for small number of units the casting works out just fine. These types of products are used in small number of units such as in aerospace vehicles and shuttles therefore it doesnt have to be produced in vast quantities. But in order to produce in bulk operations this process could cost very high and more expensive when it comes to the process being automated as the machines for these types of processes could cost effective and hard to maintain. If the process is manual this could cost much worthy for the company as in training staffs and more labour could result in expensive treatments. When it comes to large scale production of the desired products Electroforming is the only solution and for the manual process side, Investment casting emerged as a suitable solution. However, before any of these decisions been made, a brief analysis of the investment and profit report such as a cost analysis report is advisable in order to proceed with the project in future. And the analysis from the labours also advised in order to maintain a constant and continuous production in line in the factory in near future. PART 3 Environmental Impact of Process Selection ECO AUDIT TOOL To evaluate the environmental impact of the designed product and to analyse the ways to reduce this effect on the environment, ECO-AUDIT tool in CES software is used. This concept is achieved by focusing on energy usage and CO2 footprint of the materials used in the process of manufacturing. The product design forms the objective for the methods used and this resulted from a class of material selection. The objective is dependent on both product application and dominant phase, when the use phase is dominant the objective for a car would be minimize mass, whereas for a boiler, it would be to minimise thermal loss from the manufacturing process. Eco audit tool helps us to perform small or large quick audit before even we begin the report. This part of the CES software helps you to track and focus on the environmental requirements and simple and quantitative reports are being produced in order to demonstrate the compliance. This way it saves money by identifying the early stage corrections and before even the resources were submitted. Methodology of ECO Audit tool The methodology system in ECO audit helps us to easily interact with the tools and get some environmental impact of the manufacturing processes or the materials used for the manufacturing process quickly and effectively. This way you can track the product sustainability, comply with the customers target or the companys and even help us with more ideas in order to improve the design for manufacturing. If the goal is to minimise the environmental impact of the processes performed in the environment we need a quick and effective means of valuable report in order to judge the performance or the quantitative assessment. The whole processes in the ECO audit methodology can be summarised by the following image which clearly explains the steps and analysis of the process. Figure 10 methodology of ECO Audit process Advantages It helps us to make quick and early decisions based on the corrections and solutions given by the eco audit tool and this saves the company a plenty of time and money by identifying the mistakes in early designs and early stages. In order to use this software, the company or the industrial personnel does not need a specific knowledge therefore this product can be used across the company by anyone making this software more accessible for everyone and engineers can be supported by this software and take advantage by using this to make changes in their environmental audition report. It also helps the company to demonstrate the progression towards sustainability goals thats been set or achieved for the customers and some of the investors from other companies and sectors through benchmarks and some other better quantitative measures made. Case study Glass bottle We are trying to find out all the information regarding this product. For this we can use ECO audit tool which can tell us about the life cycle of this product, transport and uses for this product. This tool also clarifies the information for the energy consumed by this product and the CO2 emission for this product. We now analyse the design and the materials used in order to form this bottle including the cap of the bottle and also analyse where the bottle actually transported from and the net weight of the product or the balance weight that this product can maintain. Product manufacture The name of the product is Glass bottle with the aluminium cap that can be filled with 1 litre of mineral water which could also mean that the net weight of the materials and the whole product is 1Kg. Table 3 materials in manufacturing the product All the materials that the bottle was made up of can be recycled which indicates that the whole product is very Eco friendly and very beneficial to the environment. Transport The bottle itself was manufactured in France and it has been transported 550 km to UK with the help of

Saturday, January 18, 2020


Bookmaster Case Case Study Questions MGMT357 Professor Janet Steinke March 10, 2013 Background The case bookmaster explains how Drew went to bookmaster to buy a book he wanted to enjoy reading. When Drew arrived at the bookstore and explained to the CRA what book he wanted. The CRA informed Drew that the book was instock and that there were actually two copies of the book on the shelf. However, when Drew and the CRA went to the shelf to get the book there were no copies available.Drew would have to drive to another store that was 15 miles away to get the book. The CRA then suggested to Drew to buy the ebook which was almost $20 cheaper. Drew would have to download the ebook on his computer since the Kindle and iPad’s were too costly for him at the time. Kindle an Ipad both have many restrictions on their work and try to prevent piracy to maximize profits. Case Questions 1. Each player in the above value chain makes money by creating value for the stakeholders. 2. 3.The ebook h as many advantages and disadvantages. the first advantage is the development, marketing, and decreasing costs for eReaders. The second advantage is its easy accessible and can be read on any device if it’s an apple because they are linked together. The third advantage is that marketing the product is easier on line than in a book store. The first disadvantage is that the sale price is lower so the profit margin is relatively the same. The second disadvantage is that piracy is more common and the content is easier to duplicate.The third disadvantage is that competition is very high in the digital industry. The hard copy book also has many advantages. The first is that hardcopy books are easier to stay focused on because the web-surfing variable is eliminated. The second advantage is that you can jot down your thoughts while reading. The third advantage is hardcopy books are not subject to the failure of technology. Some disadvantages to hard copy books are as follows; The cost to make the books are high.Books are harder to carry around if you have more than a few with you. The third disadvantage is the costs of books are high. 4. The role of operations in the hardcopy value chain is to print books. The role of operations in ebooks is to produce digital content and to store the content. 5. The other issues that are important on critiquing both of these is the future. Where are books headed in the future? It is important to try and forecast whether ebooks or hardcopy books will be a thing of the past.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Comparison of two Poe short stories Essay

The â€Å"Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat† are two short stories written by the author Edgar Allan Poe respectively in 1843 and 1845. The two short stories which are characterized by a gothic and mysterious atmosphere has a very similar plot setting, but how do you differ the reason for killing an old innocent man(TTH), and a sudden hanging of the cat that you used to love(BC)? Poe gives a unique opportunity to analyze the way of human behavior through his short stories, where you as a reader have to study the minds of insane individuals who claim to be sane. The atmosphere of Poe’s two shorty stories indicates a lot of fear, which makes the tension rise as the timeline develops. This is seen in both stories, even though we have one big difference regarding the order of the events; in the â€Å"Tell-Tale Heart† our starting point is in a prison or in a mental health center most likely, where the protagonist recounts the preceding actions, which has led him to the place he is now. This means that we know the whole plot of the story. This flashback-like telling technique makes the reader focus more on aspects we normally consider less important; why does the heartbeat get louder and louder? â€Å"[†¦] the noise arose over all and continually increased. It grew louder – louder – louder!†(P. 158 l. 9-10). These dark and odd aspects are quite important in the â€Å"Tell-Tale Heart†, not only because they make the story more exciting and thrilling by the anaphors for instance, but also because it leads us toward a more â€Å"right† comprehension of the protagonists` behavior; how and why is he driven to his state of mi nd? Poe’s way of writing makes the tension rise a lot towards the end. It almost feels like the text is speeding up for the reader because of the action-packed ending containing all of these repetitions and exclamation marks. Furthermore is the monologue also a central factor in both short stories affecting the atmosphere, because the protagonists enrage themselves more and more. No other individuals tries to calm them down in any way, ask how they are etc. Especially this makes them seem even crazier. In â€Å"The Black Cat† is the atmosphere also dark and frightening, but not exactly in the same way though. In contrast to the â€Å"Tell-Tale Heart† are the smaller effects not that important in â€Å"The Black Cat†. The atmosphere is  more affected directly by the protagonist whose mood seems to be changing a lot through the story. The atmosphere appears almost idyllic in the beginning when the narrator tells us about this love for animals: â€Å"I was especially fond of animals, and was indulged by my parents with a great variety of pets. With these I spent most of my time, and never was so happy as when feeding and caressing them.† (P. 1 l. 21-23), but as the protagonist starts to go out and drink he gets more and more irritable. It seems like he is aware of the changing, but he finds himself unable to reverse it somehow. The answer for this might very well be the alcohol, which gives the atmosphere a huge twist as the protagonists’ senses are attenuated and he catches the wrong impressions of his formerly loved cat Pluto: â€Å"One night, returning home, much intoxicated, from one of my haunts about town, I fancied that the cat avoided my presence.† (P. 2 l. 55-56). The negative side effects of the alcohol withdraw a condition influenced by paranoia for the protagonist. Poe has an unusual way of building up a fearful; more likely a disgusting atmosphere around hobbies containing good moral and mutual pleasure; caretaking of an old man and petting a loyal cat – not really the things we would consider evil. He does this deliberately to make the reader focus more on the protagonist’s personalities: Why would anyone hang a sweet cat or a kill an old man? The relationships are turned upside down; your friends become your enemies. If we take a closer look on the spectacular personalities we most likely indirectly make an interpretation of the protagonists who are defending their extreme behavior. This is specifically seen in the â€Å"Tell-Tale Heart†, wherein the protagonist tries to argue for his actions several times: â€Å"And have I not told you what you mistake for madness is but over-acuteness of the senses?† (P. 156 l. 27-28). The denial of the madness almost appear logic to some individuals perhaps, but you do not call it mitigating circumstances what so ever if an individual can hear the heart pounding of a dead man. This is in fact the biggest difference between the two men – the protagonist in the â€Å"Tell-Tale Heart† could as well be a woman, but he says: â€Å"You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing.† (P. 155 L. 3). For that reason we  assume the individual is a man; a man who has planned his murder for about a week. In contrast to this has the protagonist in â€Å"The Black Cat† not planned his murderous actions at all, but carries them out in blind rage. Besides this does the two protagonists have a lot in common regarding the narration especially. They both seem unreliable; they cannot be completely accurate with everything that happened in the past, particularly the narrator in â€Å"The Black Cat† since he was intoxicated by alcohol most of the time. Both titles say a lot about the narrators as well. The title in the â€Å"Tell-Tale Heart† can be put in relation to the narrator and his own heart, because he can’t bare his own actions at last and we think that it is in fact his own heart that pounds so hard in the end of the story due to the feeling of guiltiness. This applies equally in the other short story, wherein the man is suppressed by guiltiness in the end and suddenly kills his lovely wife. Furthermore is the thematic subject almost the same as the title interpretation; the human heart cannot bare such guiltïÆ'  outwardly they both seem very confident when the police searches the house, but the inside is the guilt-feeling increasing, which reveals the protagonist’s evil acts in the end. Poe masters the gothic genre very well by creating this fearful environment; even making the home a frightening place in the â€Å"Tell-Tale Heart†, whereas he makes irrational pets rational and makes the narrators irrational murdersïÆ'  relationship turned upside down again, this time regarding outwardly behavior. He changes the abilities of human nature in the big whole, which makes the stories a bit hard to analyze and therefore we must as reader think like a psychologist to obtain a slightly right comprehension of the unique stories.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Persuasive Essay On Birth Control - 1288 Words

In the United States, twenty six states allow minors, defined as children twelve and older, to consent to contraceptive services; Michigan allows some minors, such as those who are married or have previously been pregnant, to consent; four states have no standing laws or policy (â€Å"An Overview† 1-2). The contraceptive access also varies across the country. Some states require comprehensive sexual education and for teens to be able to access contraceptives. Some lean more towards abstinence only education in the hopes teens will steer away from sexual activities. There are also scattered clinics where teens can receive birth control. For many parents, this term conjures up images of teenage sex or pregnancy, which can cause them to ignore its†¦show more content†¦The parents have since partnered with a conservative nonprofit legal organization, Pacific Justice Institute, in hopes of pulling the program from the schools as they suspect Planned Parenthood is attemptin g to coerce the teens into having sex in order to receive more funding for abortions (Culp-Ressler 5-6). They are convinced access to contraceptives will increase the rates and risks of teenage sex. The parents believe they should be able to opt their children out of sex education and prevent them from accessing birth control. They decide that removing the ability for safe sex will force children into abstinence. In truth, contraceptive access will not increase the rates of teen sex, according to a 2017 paper co-authored by five John Hopkins doctors and pediatricians (Gebelhoff 7). The pamphlet used to help teens decide if they are ready should be viewed as a good thing because it gives students reasons not to proceed (Culp-Ressler 4). Additionally, John Hopkins says, teenagers on the pill or other hormonal birth control options are more likely to be protected from pregnancy than those who use condoms because the pill has a lower rate of failure and is not influenced by pressures in the moment (Gebelhoff 8). Hormonal birth control is more effective at preventing pregnancy, but it would be impossible for most teen girls with reluctant parents to obtain if states require parental permission due to the scarcity of clinics and lack of over the counterShow MoreRelatedBirth Control Persuasive Essay1446 Words   |  6 Pagesmessage is sent through regulation and poor modifications to progressive ma ndates such as Trump’s recent adjustments to the Affordable Care Act. 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