Monday, March 23, 2020

4 Ways to Hack Your Resume So You Dont Even Need a Cover Letter

4 Ways to Hack Your Resume So You Dont Even Need a Cover Letter You’ve written a magnificent cover letter that explains in detail what you could only sketch in your resume, and which paints you in the best light with all of the appropriate context. Trouble is, the recruiter you sent it to is too busy to bother opening the attachment. She skims your resume, and that’s about it. If this is your worst nightmare, don’t worry! The trick is to write a great resume that helps tell your story. To get started, follow the best resume practice for 2016.In addition, here are four ways you can sex up your resume to make it do most if not all of the work of your cover letter.1. In SummaryRight at the very top of your resume, add a paragraph that encapsulates your elevator pitch. Tell them- and keep it short and sweet- who you are, why you’re different from the other applicants, and what makes you so special for that particular position. Scrap the traditional â€Å"Objective† paragraph. You won’t need it.2. Get Personal Add a little of that personal flair from your cover letter at the very end of your resume. Give them a sense of what kind of person you are, your passions, quirks, and special talents. You can even use this space to explain you’d be willing and eager to relocate, or give details about your particular stage in life visvis that job in that company. If they don’t feel like reading it, they don’t have to. But it can really set you apart.3. Show ResultsDon’t just list the great things you did in the descriptions of your former jobs, show them. Give concrete numbers and prove exactly how effective you were in that past project or position. This is exactly the kind of ammunition hiring managers love to have to fight to hire a dream candidate.4. Be SocialWhether you like it or not, hiring managers are going to snoop into your social media accounts. Show them you’ve got nothing to hide and make it easy for them. The transparency and willingness to make thei r lives easier will not be lost on them.Do these four things and it won’t matter if you ever write another cover letter again. You’ll be able to prove in just one document that you’re the right kind of talent and personality for their company culture. And if you don’t, you’ll save a lot of wasted time and energy.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Behavior Incentives and Classroom Rewards

Behavior Incentives and Classroom Rewards Classroom incentives, prizes, and punishments are part of a controversial topic for teachers. Many teachers see extrinsic material rewards as an appropriate and effective way to manage behavior in the elementary classroom. Other teachers dont want to bribe the kids to do work that they should be intrinsically motivated to do on their own. Should You Offer Classroom Incentives Early in the School Year? The idea of classroom rewards is an important concept to consider at the beginning of the school year. If you start off the year showering students with rewards, they are going to expect it and will most likely only work for the rewards. However, if you limit prizes from day one, you may find that you can get away from the material aspect a little bit and save yourself a significant amount of money in the long run.  Here is an example of what worked for me and thoughts about the concept of rewards. Rewards in First Classroom? In setting up my first classroom (third grade), I wanted to avoid rewards. I dreamed of my students working for knowledges sake. However, after trial and error, I found that kids respond to rewards well and sometimes you just have to use what works. The teachers before us most likely showered our current students with rewards, so they probably expect it by now. Also, teachers (and all employees) work for a reward - money. How many of us would work and try hard if we werent getting a salary? Money and rewards, in general, make the world go round, whether its a pretty picture or not. Timing When Incentives are Needed At the beginning of the year, I didnt do anything with rewards or behavior management because my kids started out the year quiet and hard working. But, around Thanksgiving, I was at the end of my rope and started introducing rewards. Teachers might want to try going as long as they can without rewards because the prizes start losing their effectiveness after awhile because the kids expect them or get used to receiving the rewards. It also works to change the rewards as the year progresses, just to add a little excitement and a boost to their effectiveness. Avoiding Material Rewards I dont use any material rewards in my classroom. I dont give out anything that costs money for me to buy. Im not willing to spend a lot of my own time and money to keep a store or prize box stocked for daily rewards. Good Work Tickets In the end, positive reinforcement of good behavior worked best for my students and me. I used Good Work Tickets which are just leftover scraps of construction paper (that would have been thrown away otherwise) cut up into little 1 inch by 1-inch squares. I have the kids cut them up for me after school or whenever they want. They love to do it. I dont even have to do that part. Involving Students in Giving Rewards When kids are working quietly and doing what they are supposed to be doing, I give them a good work ticket. They put their student # on the back and turn it into the raffle box. Also, if a child finished his or her work or has been working well, I let them pass out the good work tickets, which they love doing. This is a great thing to do with problem children; kids who are usually in trouble will love monitoring their classmates behavior. The students are usually more strict than I am with handing them out. Since they are free, it doesnt matter how many you give out.   Awarding Incentives On Fridays, I do a little drawing. The rewards are things like: Sit at the teachers desk for the day15 minutes playing an educational computer gameBe the caller for multiplication bingoMake up a math problem for the other children to solveGo to lunch 5 minutes early with a friendStay out for a longer recess with a friendChoose your seat for the dayRead out loud to the class You can tailor these rewards to what the cool things in your classroom are. I usually pick two  or three winners and then, just for fun, I pick one more, and that person is the Cool Person of the Day. The kids and I just thought that was a funny thing to do and a nice way to wrap up the drawing. Also, I keep a bag of candy in my cupboard for a quick reward (if someone catches a mistake I make, goes above and beyond the call of duty, etc.). Its a pretty cheap thing to have around just in case. Just throw candy to the kid and keep on teaching. Dont Overemphasize Rewards I didnt place a large emphasis on rewards. I tried to make learning fun, and my kids genuinely did get excited about learning new things. I had them begging me to teach them harder math concepts because they knew they could handle it. Ultimately, how you use rewards in your classroom is a personal decision. There are no right or wrong answers. Like everything in teaching, what works for one teacher may not work for another. But, it does help to discuss your ideas with other educators and see what others are doing in their classroom. Good luck!