Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Becoming an Informed Voter

Georgia’s 5th Congressional District was created in the year 1827 after it was redistricted from the single multi-member district, the At-large district. During the first congressional elections held in same year, the district voted for Charles Haynes, a Jacksonian. In 1829 however, it was redistricted to the multi-member district.Ever since 1845, the 5th congressional district has been an independent district in Georgia, electing representatives to the House after every two years. Notably, the congressional seat has mostly been won by Democratic candidates.The only exceptions were in the 1851, 1868, 1873, and 1967, 1969, and 1971 elections. During five of these elections, the Republican nominees emerged victorious. It was only in 1851 when Thomas Hackett, a third-candidate running on a Unionist flag won the elections. From 1987 to the moment, John Lewis, a Democrat has won all the elections by a significantly wide margin. To a large extent, Georgia’s Fifth Congressiona l district has voted along party lines during presidential election.During the 2004 elections, the two presidential nominees, Democrat John Kerry and Republican George Bush received 78 percent and 28 percent respectively (Congressional Quarterly, 2005). In the 2008 elections, the district largely voted for the Democratic nominee, Barack Obama (79. 12 percent of the popular vote as compared to McCain who managed to scoop a mere 20. 1 percent of the popular vote) (Cost, 2008). Born in Troy, Alabama in 1940, John Lewis was to become one of the most renowned politicians in Georgia. It was during the Civil Rights Movements of the sixties that he increasingly came into the public arena.He is infamous for having chaired the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), a student civil movement that purported to challenge the widespread racially-based discrimination. Similarly, his role in the struggle against racial segregation is said to have been enormous – participating and l eading peaceful demonstrations such as the Selma-to-Montgomery march of 1965, and coordinating the Mississippi Freedom Project (Hill, 2002). Despite the fact that he suffered immensely under the brutal hand of authority agencies, Lewis endured, and was not only determined to lead by words, but through actions as well.It was in 1977 that Lewis first ran for elective office. This was after the congressional seat fell vacant, a situation occasioned by Andrew Young, the incumbent congressman’s appointment to the UN. Nevertheless, he was beaten by Wyche Fowler. In 1981, he was elected to the Atlanta City Council, a position he served till 1986 when he opted to vie for Congress. He managed to defeat Julian Bond (47% to 35%) in the Democratic primaries, a success largely attributed to his championing for city ethics and zoning. Thus, he became the second black American (after Young) to represent Georgia in Congress since the era of Reconstruction (Hill, 2002).Since 1987 to the momen t, Lewis has been reelected without little or no opposition at all, scooping more than 70% of the vote on many occasions. During his political career, he has interacted with many politicians irregardless of their racial background. He has also served in various Congressional committees including the Subcommittee on Income Security and Family Support, and Subcommittee on Oversight; as well as non-legislative committees such as the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, 21st Century Health Care Caucus, and the Caucus on Human Trafficking (Project Vote Smart).One dichotomy that inevitably emerges whenever the difference between Democrats and Republicans is considered is that of liberalism versus conservatism. In essence, the Democrats are considered as liberals, while the Republicans are often described as conservatives. Although this stereotyping may not necessarily be correct, majority of Republicans tend to be strong advocates of the established traditions, while Democrats are more libe ral in their approach, thus stronger advocates of change.Numerous interest groups rate U. S. representatives and Senators based on their voting affiliations. These include National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL), American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Children’s Defense Fund (CDF), American for Democratic Action (ADA) and American Conservative Union (ACU) among others. In the year 2007, respective groups rated Representative John Lewis as follows: NARAL, 100%; ACLU, 100%; ADA, 85%; and CDF, 100%. Overall, seven interest groups gave him an average of 94%.In essence, this high score is a strong indication that Lewis is a liberal politician. The fact that he has been given a rating of 100% by groups such as NARAL Pro-Choice America implies that he is very supportive of progressive as opposed to conservative policies. Part 2: US State of Georgia The U. S. State of Georgia is among the thirteen original colonies that entered the Union and formed the Confede rate in 1788. Except in 1864 when it had temporarily seceded from the Confederate, the state has participated in all presidential elections.A closer observation of historical trends reveals that Georgia political history in regard to voting as largely inclined to supporting the two major political parties in the country, Republican and Democrat. Between 1868 and 1960 for instance, the state was persistently supportive of the Democrat party, voting Democratic presidential nominees in every election (Martis, 1989). However, the controversy surrounding the Civil Rights Act championed by the Democrats in the early sixties precipitated a change in voting coalitions beginning 1964.For the first time in history, the largely conservative Georgian Democrats voted in a Republican presidential nominee particularly due to their discontentment with the Act. In the 1968 elections, the state voted for George Wallace, an Independent presidential candidate. However, this was the last elections that saw a third-party nominee receive electoral votes in Georgia. Since then, the state has remained largely Republican. The only times when the state supported and voted for a Democrat was in 1976 (Jimmy Carter) and 1992 (Bill Clinton) (Congressional Quarterly, 2005).From a critical point of view, support for Democrats during the two presidential elections was largely rooted in the fact that both presidential nominees were from the southern states. During the 2008 presidential elections, McCain (Republican) received the majority of Georgia’s popular vote (2,048,759 or 52. 23 percent as compared to Obama who received 1,844,123 or 47. 02 percent of the popular vote). As Compared to the 2004 presidential elections, the Republican-Democrat winning margin during the 2008 elections was significantly low (5. 21% compared to 17 percent in 2004).To a large extent, the narrowed margin was attributable to the high voter turnout of African American voters. Nevertheless, McCain scooped all t he fifteen electoral votes. Out of the all the other presidential candidates, only Bob Barr running on a Libertarian ticket managed to get a significant portion of the popular vote (28,731 votes) (Cost, 2008). To a large extent, Georgia can be described a Republican stronghold as evident from presidential and congressional elections. Notably, the state has not voted for a Democratic presidential candidate since Bill Clinton won the state in the 1992 elections.Despite the fact that African American voters turned in large numbers during the 2008 presidential elections thus reducing the margin between the Republican and Democrat vote, the state managed to maintain the Republican legacy through McCain’s win. With its substantial fifteen electoral votes, Georgia emerged as the 2nd largest state (after Texas) to be won by the Republican presidential nominee. On the 15th of December 2008, all the fifteen electors voted for McCain and his running mate, Sarah Palin. McCain was able to carry eight out of Georgia’s thirteen congressional districts (Cost, 2008).Based on the 2008 as well as previous presidential elections, Georgia can be said to be currently leaning Republican. Senator Saxby Chambliss was born on the 10th of November, 1943 in Warrenton, North Carolina. After completing his high school education, he joined Louisiana Tech University where he pursued a degree in Business Administration, and later graduated with a Jurist doctorate from the University of Tennessee (Project Vote Smart). Chambliss entered into the political limelight in 1994 after he was elected to the House of Representatives on a Republican ticket.He was reelected in 1996, 1998, and 2000. During his terms as a Representative for Macon-based eighth congressional district, he served on the U. S. House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, besides chairing the House Intelligence on Terrorism and Homeland Security (Project Vote Smart). In 2002, he vied for the Senate seat where he faced the incumbent, Max Cleland. Notably his focus was on two major issues: homeland security and national defense. Flagging a Republican ticket, he managed to win the election with a significant margin of 7%.In the 2008 elections however, neither him nor Democrat Jim Martin, his close opponent, managed to receive the required 50%, a situation which precipitated a runoff. Nevertheless, Chambliss defeated Martin 57. 5 percent to 42. 5 percent (Congressional Quarterly). As a Senator, Chambliss has been appointed to various committees including the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Select Committee on Intelligence, and Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe among others.He has also been a member in Caucus committees such as the Congressional Fire Services Caucus, Senate caucus on Military Deports, Arsenals and Ammunition Plants, and Rural Health Caucus (Project Vote Smart). Although Senator Chambliss has been actively involved in bi-par tisan legislation, for instance the Emergency Stabilization Act (2008), a closer scrutiny of his voting record depicts him as largely conservative. This is largely reflected in interest group ratings. In 2003 for instance, for instance, LCV gave him a rating of 0% on environmental issues, while NAACP gave him rating of 27% on civil liberties and rights issues in 2007.In 2007, he was rated as follows by other interest groups: NARAL, 0%; ACLU, 10%; ADA, 10%; and CDF, 40% (Project Vote Smart). Overall, he received an average rating of 15%. The fact that his average score is relatively low implies that Chambliss is a conservative Republican. According to the National Right to Life Committee and NARAL for instance, the Senator has maintained a pro-life voting record in as far as abortion issues are concerned (Project Vote Smart). References Congressional Quarterly. (2005). Guide to U. S. elections. New York: CQ Press, 2001. Cost, J. (2008). Georgia: McCain vs. Obama – polling aver ages. RealClearPolitics.Retrieved July 23, 2009 from http://www. realclearpolitics. com/epolls/2008/president/ga/georgia_mccain_vs_obama-596. html. Hill, C. M. (2002). John Lewis: from freedom rider to Congressman. New York: Enslow Publishers, Inc. Martis, K. C. (1989). The historical atlas of political parties in the United States Congress. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company. Project Vote Smart. Representative John R. Lewis (GA). Retrieved July 23, 2009 from http://www. votesmart. org/bio. php? can_id=26820 Project Vote Smart. Senator C. Saxby Chambliss (GA). Retrieved July 23, 2009 from http://www. votesmart. org/issue_rating_category. php? can_id=22029

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Extras Book Summary

EXTRAS Scott Westerfeld Extras by Scott Westerfeld fits into the Juvenile Science Fiction genre. It is narrated in first person by the protagonist of the story Aya Fuse. It is the fourth volume in the Uglies trilogy, and unlike the first three books we are guided through this adventure by Aya Fuse a fifteen-year-old Japanese girl whose one ambition in life is to be popular by kicking an interesting story about something important. It’s been over three years since the cure for the brain lesions was released and the world is slowly regaining what it has lost. They now live without those strict roles and rules from the past, and the world is in a complete cultural renaissance. The story follows Aya and her friends in a world not far from our own where popularity is literally money and people must discover what matters most to them and what they are willing to do to overcome life as an extra. Popularity is everything and will buy you the most luxurious house, the most lavish clothing, and popular friends. Whoever is getting the most buzz gets the most votes. Popularity rules. Aya Fuse's rank of 451,369 is so low, she's a total nobody. An extra. But Aya doesn't care; she just wants to lie low with her drone, Moggle. And maybe kick a good story for herself. She is the protagonist of the story. Throughout the story she gets help from some other characters such as her friends. She meets the Sly Girls who are seemingly ordinary girls who live on the wild side by riding on top of a super fast mag-lev train while trying to stay away from the kickers. Aya has some help getting it right from her famous brother Hiro, her tech friend Ren, her boyfriend Frizz, the always-helpful David, and the Cutters: Shay, Fausto, and Tally. These eight people discover the truth behind the metal shortage and the inhuman freaks, while once again trying to save themselves and the world from destruction. Aya Fuse, accompanied by her hover cam Moggle, crashes a party hoping to track down a group she saw surfing a  mag-lev  train, a story which she believes will make her famous. She follows one of the group's members, Eden Maru, out of the party, but they nearly get away when she is distracted by Frizz Mizuno. Aya leaves without telling Frizz her full name. She then follows Eden into an underground cave, where she is ambushed by the mag-lev riders, who call themselves the Sly Girls. The group's leader Jai gives Aya a chance to join them, but to do so she is forced to drop Moggle into an underground lake. The next day, she visits her brother Hiro. Hiro and his friend Ren Machino refuse to believe Aya's tale of the Sly Girls because they are an urban legend  in the city. Ren agrees to help Aya retrieve Moggle. Aya also happens upon a story about Frizz, discovering that he started a clique based around  brain surgery which enforces honesty. That evening, Aya goes mag-lev surfing with the Sly Girls. During the journey, the girls are surprised when the train stops, and they see inhuman figures loading the train up with a variety of items hidden within a secret underground room. Aya retrieves Moggle, and uses him to film her next excursion with the Sly Girls. They go on another mag-lev surfing trip which ends in exploration of the underground room they had discovered. Inside are many large cylinders of metal and a large chute leading to the top of the mountain, neither of which are understood by the Sly Girls. They plan to return to explore further, but Aya's credibility is ruined by the kicking of a news story about Frizz Mizuno coming to talk to her by her dorm. Aya is forced to break off contact with Frizz in order to lose fame. The story leaves her disillusioned by the hateful comments of the kickers. However, she does have the chance to tell Hiro and Ren about the Sly Girls story. Ren guesses that the chute inside the mountain is a  mass drive  which, combined with the steel projectiles, could be used to launch an attack on the city. When Aya next meets the Sly Girls they reveal that they knew she was a kicker, and have decided to allow her to kick the story of the mass driver. They launch themselves and Aya out of the mass driver with homemade parachutes. This gives them one last thrill before they part ways, and also giving The Sly Girls time to move on to a different city. Aya kicks her story and becomes instantly famous, but is concerned when she receives a message from Tally Youngblood. The message tells her to â€Å"run and hide†, and Aya is nearly captured by the inhumans while trying to do so. Eventually, Aya uses her fame to take control of a high-security apartment, and waits there until Tally arrives accompanied by Shay and Fausto. After talking, the Cutters go hover boarding with Aya, Hiro, Frizz and Ren. Aya has a signal up for her hover cam, and the Cutters boost it so the inhumans could find them. They are soon captured, and on the inhumans ship Frizz ruins their plan. The Cutters knock out the inhumans and put the hover car on autopilot. The Cutters, Aya, Frizz, Hiro, and Ren jump out of the hover car. They then have to travel through a jungle to meet David. After deciding Aya, Ren, Hiro, and Frizz would get in the way, Tally, Shay, and Fausto plan to leave them where they were. Meanwhile the Cutters, would go to destroy the ships of the inhumans. After they have left, Aya says that she is going as well. Ren, Hiro, and Frizz come with her. Soon, they are caught by the inhumans and meet Andrew Simpson Smith. He mistakes Aya for Tally. The inhumans explain what they were doing with the metal, and then they hear explosions. Aya, her friends, and brother rush over there and tell Tally what the ships are for. Soon, everyone is fighting against the fire that the Cutters had started. Aya, Frizz, Hiro, and Ren all become famous in their city. Aya then becomes the 3rd most famous person. Aya, her friends, and the Cutters then go to the Thousand Faces Party. There, Aya meets up with Lai and tells Aya a secret about the cake. After, Frizz tells Aya that he might leave Radical Honesty because he didn't need the group to tell the truth. In the end Aya sees Tally and David together in the dark.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Is Communication Inevitable Essay

What is communication? There are many meanings that can be given to communication. People always give their own meaning for communication. Communication is like a double-acting hinge, swinging outward to release your own ideas and swinging inward to receive the worthy thoughts of others. (Huish,S.) Communication is the process by which a person, group, or organization transmits some type of information to another person, group, or organizations. Is communication inevitable? Communication is something that takes place every minute in our daily lives. It is very difficult for somebody to pass a day without communication. Communication can take place verbally and non-verbally; so however it happens communication is still taking place. Communication is inevitable because communication happen even if we want it to happen or not, communication must take place whether it is verbal, nonverbal or both and communication is something that places a vital role in our life. Firstly, communication is inevitable because communication happen even if we want it to happen or not. Communication is something that takes place without we even noticing it sometimes. Sometime we go through things in our daily lives that discourage from communicating; no matter what we do you will have to communicate. People try to fight from communicating with others but it is really difficult. Is it possible for someone to go a day without communicating? This is really a tricky question. Communication is something that is really hard to run from. Everybody use communication in their daily life, it might not happen every minutes but eh do happen in their daily bases. Secondly, communication is inevitable because it must take place whether it is verbal, nonverbal or both. Verbal communication is the transmission of messages using words, either written or spoken. Nonverbal communication is the transmission of messages without the use of words. An example of verbal communication would be like say Hi, Bye or Hello and some example of nonverbal communication would be like waving your hand, smiling or nodding your head. Sometimes when people communicate they would  prefer to communicate both verbal and nonverbal. They find it more effective and understandable. When some people communicate using nonverbal communication the message is sometimes interpret the wrong way. Thirdly, communication is something that places a vital role in our life. Communication is something that must take place in our life. We can’t live our daily live without communicating. Communication takes place at home, school, work place and more. Communication is important, not communication is like not having a life, and you can’t live without it. Communication plays a vital role in our life because it helps us to learn, understand, and achieve different things. To conclude, communication is important and no matter what we do we can’t avoid from communicating with others. Everybody communication in their daily lives and it can happen verbally, nonverbally or both. Communication is just sending message from one person to the other. Communication is inevitable because communication happen even if we want it to happen or not, communication must take place whether it is verbal, nonverbal or both and communication is something that places a vital role in our life. Always remember that whatever you do that you can never escape from communicating with other. You will always have to communicate even though you wish not to.

How significant a problem is youth offending Essay

How significant a problem is youth offending - Essay Example Their stay in the prison must be utilized to fine-tune their personality, so that upon release, they would find it easy to assimilate into the mainstream of society. The negligent society and adults are responsible for majority of the criminal offenses by young people. Early life experiences have much to do with the criminal leanings of the youngsters. Low achievement in school, family history of problem behavior, and lack of social commitment could be some of the reasons for the youth to get into crimes. Youth offenders should not be treated as the regular criminals. Mercifully, there is a separate youth justice system to look after this aspect, through the intervention of Youth Courts. In his book titled â€Å"Criminology† Tim Newburn, deals extensively on this subject in chapter â€Å"Youth Crime and Youth Justice (p714-741). He highlights the role of the administration, the working of the prisons, police and measurement of youth offending and tries to offer appropriate solutions. No two young offenders are alike and they require varied types of counseling on the basis of their backgrounder information, as to what led them to the path of crime. Society and administration have lots of responsibility in treating and looking after the first time offenders. Youth, besides being combustible, have impressionable minds. Every offender is not a criminal, but has the potentiality to become one, if not guided well in time. What is important is to develop an understanding of the causes of crime. What is the possible solution? Newburn writes, â€Å"†¦imposition of an overreaching aim for youth justice, the creation of the Youth Justice Board to oversee practice, and the establishment of multi-agency Youth Offending Teams to deliver justice†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (p.549) are important. The ultimate aim of the reforming agencies is to target the offending behaviour and to address the specific factors linked with offender’s

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Impact of Globalisation on UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Impact of Globalisation on UK - Essay Example The ups and down in equity markets is not a new phenomenon, but the UK equity markets have not recovered from the shake ups. This is a direct consequence of the networking of economies and globalisation. Globalisation has made its mark in almost all parts of the world over the last two decades in particular. Globalisation as such, has been in existence for quite a while. In the early ages it was essentially limited to business and trade. But with the beginning of the new form of market driven governments, globalisation has filtered down to almost all walks of life like, media, culture, and of course the trade and business practices remain the key segments impacted by the phenomenon. During the early ages, trading companies, particularly from UK and Europe would arrive in a foreign land, make strategic arrangements with the respective governments and influence the ruling class in order to strengthen their business goals. In a number of cases, gradually these companies also succeeded in capturing power in those countries, thus giving rise to the practice of imperialism. Well, the modern avatar of globalisation appears far more sophisticated and customer oriented, as it gives rise to i ntense competition in the market. While on the one hand globalisation is transforming the face of economic policies, on the other apprehensions are also being expressed about the ill effects. International Monetary Fund (IMF) described globalisation as "The process through which an increasingly free flow of ideas, people, goods, services and capital leads to the integration of economies and societies" (IMF, 2002). UK has been at the forefront of implementing developmental change and played a key role in shaping the world opinion on the issue. Globalisation: More than Transnational Cooperation Trans-nationalism essentially meant a focus on broader areas of cooperation in cultural exchanges, economic exchanges; connecting people, governments, organizations or institutions across the borders of nation-states thus facilitating the flow of people, ideas and goods between different countries and regions. On the other hand globalisation, though implies similar connotations, has become more associated with economic activities and a market oriented attitude of big corporate houses. While trans-nationalization worked with exchanges across boundaries connecting the countries and regions, globalization seems to know no boundaries. Moreover with the advancement of communication technologies spread of globalisation has become more prominent and now it has replaced the word trans-nationalisation. Networking o economies and real time online businesses are just some examples of the borderless regime. While trans-nationalisation effectively meant cooperation and coordination between two or more countries, globalisation works with involvement of many countries in similar practices or trade. Formation of regional cooperation councils like G-8, G-20, EU, Gulf Cooperation Council etc. are an indication towards having similar policies on a range of issues, which in turn results in mutual beneficial proposition for the member countries. The networking essentially meant that the economic factors will experience similar triggers arising out of common policies will be shared proportionately by the members. Under the globalisation regime, economic activities have dominated as the major players in deciding the policies. It is only because of such networking that

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Compare and contrast applied and theoretical forms of research Essay

Compare and contrast applied and theoretical forms of research. Provide support for each of your answers - Essay Example Applied research is recognized as successful when a particular research helps in figuring out a solution to any particular issue for which the research was being conducted (McArdle 28). A research that is applied in nature is considered as successful in accordance to the degree of its scientific competence. Research that is theoretical in nature is deemed as successful when a research ends up in figuring out a novice concept or phenomenon or it helps in figuring out new ideas (McArdle 28). The main aim of the researcher of applied research is to provide the world with theoretical frame work in order to help enhance the world’s interpretation of a concept. A research is regarded as applied in nature when the research results in successfully solving a particular issue that is practical in nature and these problems are experienced by various stakeholders including businesses, governments and politicians. In the case of applied research, the issue experienced by the individual or organization funding the research is refined and then a solution is figured out to help the patron. Theoretical research is not conducted with the aim of solving a issue of a particular organization or individual, it rather is conducted for the betterment of the whole society and to help the society understand a particular phenomenon. Applied research and theoretical research are both conducted to benefit human beings and society (Bernan 219). But applied research is conducted to solve the problem or an agenda experienced by a particular organization or individual and that particular organization or individual funds the research. The organization or the individual even has the liberty to decide whether to make the research public or use it for his own advantage only. On the other hand, findings of theoretical research benefit both the overall society and individuals and are published to help ever individual of the society in learning about an issue or a

Friday, July 26, 2019

Lab Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Lab Report - Essay Example The exercise involved the use of a sinusoidal signal generated in MATLAB for (preliminary Q.5) generated for this experiment using the C6713 system board with f (frequency) = 500 Hz, Fs (sampling frequency) = 8 kHz and A (amplitude) = 1V. IIR filter was applied to this signal with different kind of equations. A construction of a pole-zero plot was applied with the aim of understanding the nature and functions of the signals. For the implementation of the filter on the C6713, the magnitude function was swept at different frequencies to see the effect on the Vout (output voltage). Figure 8 and 9 show the effect of sweeping frequency for one at 1000 Hz and the other at 2000 Hz. Experiment 1 majored on the application of an IIR filter to generate a single sinusoid on C6713 system. As illustrated in the above experiment, the different equations were used in the construction of the sinusoidal signal and a pole-zero plots was used in making observations. The pole-zero plot in figure 4 shows two poles located on the unit circle; this implies that the signal is ‘marginally stable’ meaning that it maintains its stability throughout the experiment (Kuo, Lee & Tian, 2013). This is the trend for the waveform evidenced in Figure 3, where the signal remains constant as it oscillates. This is contrary if the poles were located within the unit circle, the signal would change by beginning to decay as it is considered stable. If the poles were located outside circle, the signal would start increasing, which implies that the signal is unstable. For the case in experiment 2, a 4th order Butterworth filter designed both in MATLAB and on the C6713 system. For the Butterwort filter in MATLAB portion, the magnitude response (linear and dB) was constructed while conditioned on the C6713 system, the voltage inputs and outputs were measured at different frequencies. A construction of a pole-zero plots was made as a feedback to the magnitude response. In doing so,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Collective Bargaining Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Collective Bargaining - Research Paper Example Negotiation is there in the corporate as well. When it comes to the corporate, negotiation is known as collective bargaining. Collective bargaining is a process where both managerial officials and the union can place their opinion and they can have a mutual agreement on their interest (Holley, W. H. & Et. Al., â€Å"The Labor Relations Process†). Each and every person has the power to fight for their own interest, but when it is collective bargaining both the parties will have a systematic negotiation, so that both the parties remain satisfied. Collective bargaining has become a famous and a common aspect in almost every organization. Collective bargaining is a politically powerful arrangement. The managerial board decides to negotiate with their employees or with the union, so that they can have a continuous and a peaceful work process in the future (Holley, W. H. & Et. Al., â€Å"The Labor Relations Process†). In the relation to the above discussion, one incident can be observed. United Steelworkers (USW) has successfully bargained various different provisions to improve several facilities and the safety of the workers working at ArcelorMittal at 14 plants in around eight states in the US. In fact, for the on-site employees’ health and safety they have appointed few representatives and a union safety committee. USW negotiated an increase in the minimum number of safety training hours per worker as well as an agreement by the company to provide flame-resistant clothing (American Federation of Labor, â€Å"Collective Bargaining†). This development would help the organization to have continued production, good intrapersonal relationship among the employees and the superiors. It will help to reduce the medication cost on the employee. A Recent Article on Collective Bargaining The Major League Baseball (MLB) is one of the most recognized organizations in the field of baseball. MLB has their steroid policy for their players, and the investigation department is under strict observation and rules and norms. Recently, MLB had a tough time in the organization and they had to bring certain changes in the policies. And, which was done by collective bargaining. This is a pertinent example of a successful collective bargaining. The article presented about the incident describes that two particular players of the organization were found guilty out of their steroid test. And, the company had appointed a person as consultant to look into the matter. When the result or the report was out, the players did not take it seriously and they showed their doubts regarding the findings. Therefore, the higher officials decided to take an action and they brought certain changes i

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Identify the key reasons for privatisation of public utilities or Essay - 1

Identify the key reasons for privatisation of public utilities or institutions and discuss the likely effects in Australia - Essay Example o gradually privatise a large number of its public utilities particularly within the three sectors known as the: (1) financial services; (2) electricity and gas; and (3) transport and communication (Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin, 1997, p. 7). Basically, there is absolutely nothing wrong with privatising public enterprises especially when there is a strong need for the government to come up with large amount of money to finance the development of public infrastructure or given that the government is no longer capable of properly managing a business enterprise. However, it is also possible for the entire society to experience economic and social problems given that the selling of public utility to the hands of the private sector heavily involves infrastructure (Strachan, 1998). To enable the readers to have a better understanding why the Australian Government heavily relied on privatisation back in the 1990s, the key reasons behind the privatisation of public utilities in Australia will be thoroughly discussed. In the process of going through the main discussion, the possible consequences or effects of implementing the privatisation of public utilities in Australia will be tackled followed by demonstrating real-life examples to support the student’s point-of-view. As part of the conclusion, whether or not the key reasons behind the privatisation of public utilities in Australia can be considered as a good political strategy in terms of being able to provide the general public with affordable and good quality services will be justified. For many years, Australians had become very dependent on the Australian government when it comes to the delivery of good quality public services. As part of considering the social welfare of the general public, the government had to spend a large sum of money to improve the public utility services without overcharging the people with the quality services they receive. Partly because of globalization and the limited amount of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Challenges In The Field Of Human Resource Development Essay

Challenges In The Field Of Human Resource Development - Essay Example The essay "Challenges In The Field Of Human Resource Development" overviews the challenges that people met and will meet during the evolution in the field of human resource development. There are many challenges that lie ahead in the future of people in the field of human resource development (HRD). It has evolved over the years and many new hurdles will test the theories used and practiced in HRD. So many people are already analyzing what the prognosis is for the future so to deal with new complexities. However, if HRD is anticipated and the future of it is projected, we are jumping ahead of what the relevance of today’s theories are at this time. With the new world ahead of us, will we be prepared to take on the new challenges that we will encounter? Some of the questions faced today and how they are practiced in HRD include the leadership challenge, diversity, globalization, the collision of the generations, technology, longevity and the workforce gap. Everything in HRD is revolutionizing quickly. As more people are entering the workforce, some leaders seem to be unprepared for their roles they have been promoted into. Globalization and technology are revolutionizing at fast paces as we expand business and intercommunications with other countries and watch as ever-changing technology makes things completely unpredictable as one aspect of technology becomes new and learned, it quickly phases out. As generations begin to work alongside each other, there will soon be five different generations by the year 2050.

Obscenity Laws and the Canadian Charter of Freedom and Rights Essay

Obscenity Laws and the Canadian Charter of Freedom and Rights - Essay Example Canadians are now at risk of suffering from perverse and obscene acts basically due to the Human Rights Act of 1998 overshadowing these laws. The main issue here is that it is impossible for the children of Canada to be safeguarded and protected from instances of child pornography and other ill affects because these laws can not be relied upon fully to efficiently protect their rights in particular. There is no doubt that this holds inexplicit validity as, instead of the obscenity law really helping, it is placing more adverse repercussions onto the children due to the fact that it is unreliable. How can a child find any normalcy and guaranteed protection for their life from child pornography if a court is going to rule it a piece of art Therefore, not only are the children at risk of harm by such actions but the parents who are trying to guard them from being confronted with the various negativities associated with obscenities such as child prostitution and pornography are as well. This is not only off balance in protecting the children's rights and mental health but it is an issue of inequality as well for it appears that the idea of what is art holds more credence in the courts than does the life and well being of a child in particular and there is no equality in that. In this regard these laws are not wholly fair and it is agreed that the following research is true to the f act that these laws are unjust at times. For example, a person accused of child pornography can only be prosecuted if the gathered material is found to be eliciting youth who are underage in obvious sexual acts and even then the proof must be irrefutable1. Undoubtedly, where the main problem with the law is coming in at is in how the Courts are having to ensure that even the violators rights are upheld as well. For instance, an individual can be charged with breaching the obscenity law with regard to child pornography but they can argue that their material is strictly of art and is therefore not obscene. In order to protect each individual's rights in Canada the court must pause and consider the weight of the evidence and decide what degree of obscenity it actually holds if any. As was stated, it isn't fair to the children to even allow room to question child pornography in this regard as it is hurting the children of the country, not helping them. In other words, a child being sexu ally solicited for the false idea of making art is totally wrong and how the courts could construe the law to see it in this light is an injustice to the children and parents of Canada. Pornography is pornography, period. It does not make sense to try and find an art form in child pornography when it is demoralizing the children of the country to do so. However, it is also the law that individuals must show valid proof that an obscene act limited or impinged upon their constitutional rights. If they are unable to provide the factual basis of a claim then the courts will dismiss the case, which too many is unfair as well as unjust in upholding

Monday, July 22, 2019

Summer Love by Carlisle Naudyn Caroro Essay Example for Free

Summer Love by Carlisle Naudyn Caroro Essay Ice cream on a hot day. Going to the beach. Sleepless nights. Good hair days. Taking a leisure walk along the boulevard. ILC 2013 in Metro Manila. A Hong Kong Disneyland spree. Frolicking under the sun and simply living in that moment—just a few of the things I planned for my summer bucket list. My thoughts were more tangled than the students around me as we gather for our Commencement Exercises. My left eye got badly infected and turned crimson red, the main reason I never had the chance to present with my class. I climbed up the stage, got my award as the standing 1st Honor and got teary-eyed (not because I was in a sentimental condition but because I can barely open my left eye). Having my eye infected made me dislike the start-off of my summer. Well, I won’t say I am lucky. But indeed, I was blessed that the infection nursed back to normal the next day. Now, I can clearly see God’s beautifully engineered creations. And finally! This is SUMMER. We had school finished early. My family spent the Holy Week at home. We had our Lenten Diet and we never planned to go out somewhere until the week’s done. I’ve got nine weeks to enjoy summer and without a doubt, I’ve got all the time. I looked back on my summer bucket list, read it all throughout. Undeniably, my summer didn’t turned out to be the way I wanted it to be. The first of April, I got myself enrolled in a summer voice class in Silliman University College of Performing Visual Arts—which is actually, not a part of my summer bucket list. Classes will be starting on the 10th but my schedule would be starting on the 16th. It’s still a little bit early. I was uncertain to do so since my sister isn’t with me anymore. I started attending summer classes in SU since I was 9 years old. With my sister whose in college right now. I was sort of afraid going there alone. That is why I got doubts in doing so but since music is what my heart screams for, I went for it. My parents both worked in a state college and they will be having a seminar in Bacolod on the 10th. Two by two thoughts conquered my mind if one way or another, I should go or not. Well, Bacolod is still a strange and unfamiliar place for me since I haven’t been there plus it’s in Region VI. Yet my determination to travel pushed me to explore more on some unknown shores and that while I’m still young and my knees are still strong, I have to GO. So that’s it, we traveled to Bacolod with the company of my parents’ officemates. 9th of April, we headed to Dumaguete City and traveled by land (Well, because air flights cause too much expense) My patience lengthened ‘cause I have to sit on a bus for freaking 7 hours which I’m not really used to. We stopped by several bus terminals and a huge one with a food chain to take lunch. Then, went on. A feeling of astonishment showed in my face ‘because a huge mall was standing just in front of the hotel, Gaisano Bacolod Mall. I got myself indulged in a movie house, watched Star Cinema’s two of the recent successful movies—It Takes A Man A Woman and Must Be Love, both actually deserved a standing ovation. I as well got the chance of going to SM Bacolod. It was there my Mama bought me a new-fangled LG phone and beyond doubt, I was happy. Witnessing the dancing lights, the busy crowd in the amazing Panaad Festival was one of a kind. I got myself camera-captured in many of the native booths. I got myself pretty awed too, in Mambukal Resort. The beauty of the falls, the warm sound of the flowing river and the diverse kinds of butterflies in their sanctuary truly caught my eyes. Bacolod, the city of smiles (which is true), gave me a wondrous experience and I really wanted to live there but there are too many alien coasts I have to explore. I bid Adieu to Bacolod and continued my journey. The 16th of April came and my first class started. I went there alone, by the way and I was kind of proud of myself. I still have 2 upcoming classes on the 23rd and on the 30th which means I still have to be more independent. Eating alone at Mc Donald’s, walking to school alone and riding a fast craft to and fro all alone proved it. Within the leisure days, I stayed at home and there were days I met with a couple of friends from my YFC community. I was undoubtedly fortunate that Palarong Pambansa 2013 was held in Dumaguete and the date falls exactly on the week I’m having my second classes. So, I had the chance of witnessing Philippines’ best athletes play around courts and fields. Lucky, indeed. Then came May. The house was a bit of busy since fiesta’s fast approaching. I was actually overwhelmed when the day of the fiesta arrived, just the mere fact of families and friends coming over our house, the food and the moments. A day after the fiesta celebration, I went back to Dumaguete to have my progress recital. My Nanay accompanied me since my mother’s busy taking good care of my father, which is actually in bed for how many days. A feeling of anxiety conquered my whole body that day because I will be rendering a version of Les Miserables ‘On My Own’. I ran into students just like me. They had their stories and I can see it by the way they look and among the many of them, I was caught by a good-looking lad who had a freaking amazing voice. Sincerely I was a little bit boosted and inspired that somehow somewhere there are still good-looking guys who are passionate in music. *wink* I would say I did a great job singing that moment cause I got a feeling of 100% satisfaction. I really had quite a successful day. The next day, my father got confined in Perpetual Succour Hospital for a week in Cebu. I had to be there to accompany my mother. I traveled all alone—another proof of my independence. I was a little bit troubled that my mother won’t allow me to perform in our last summer recital since my family had expenses the past days. It has been my lifelong dream to perform in front a huge crowd and just give happiness and inspiration to young people like me. Yet after we went home, the heavens granted my prayers and my mother gave me the consent. It was May 14 when Papa got confined again in Holy Child Hospital in Dumaguete due to his dialysis sessions. Actually, every time I look at my father’s face, I feel down and I just want to cry but I have to be strong. So, my family stayed in Dumaguete for a week after the elections. While they were busy taking care of my father, I was as well busy going to Silliman COPVA to have rehearsals for our final performance. I wasn’t aware of the costume we had to use for the act and I didn’t bring any back home. My mom was in a full support condition and gave me all the things I needed. We had a 2-day show. We performed a Glee-song medley. The first one was a success. I got teary-eyed singing â€Å"Keep Holding On† since my family was absent on the performance. But the show must go on and by the way, I knew the name of the â€Å"good-looking lad with the freaking amazing voice† and I got the courage to talk to him. 5 points! We became friends and yes, I was happy. The last day, my mother was there and my fighting spirit got braver and I performed like it was the last performance of my life. Moreover, I fished some friends. I spent the following days on my cousin’s home and my grandpa’s since they’re having a fiesta celebration. I’ve had memorable experiences with my family which I haven’t experience a year ago due to some busy days. On the 28th and 29th, the Almighty conquered our province when we had our CFC-YFC ProvCon themed â€Å"iFollow†. The experience was beyond priceless that whenever I raised my hand to sing and worship, I feel saved and redeemed and that’s how powerful God’s grace is. I’m not luck indeed but I’m blessed and highly-favored that the last few days of my summer was spent to exalt the Almighty’s name. So that’s it. I didn’t have chances to go to beaches but I had the chance to be in the city of smiles.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Evolution of foreign worker in Malaysia

Evolution of foreign worker in Malaysia Decades earlier, the movement of people from one place to another exist always. Pending their own reasons or motive, people have been moving for centuries from one place to another in order to continue their survival. To date, immigration amongst different countries is no longer a new phenomenon. At the time of world war, many inhabitants were displaced to other nation due to man-made and natural disasters. Until now, the phenomenon still exists which are primarily driven by poverty in their home country. Thus, there are both pull and push factors behind the migration of labour. The situation applies to Malaysia population as well. Multi-ethnic population in Malaysia demonstrated the long history of migration. About 40 per cent of its 26 million people are of immigrants. Due to its geographical location at the crossroads of Southeast Asia, Malaysia had for centuries been open to traders and travellers from the East and the West (Zahid Zamir. 2006). It is during the time of late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that the inflow of foreign workers especially from the Indian subcontinent, China and Indonesia started to come into Malaysia. During the time of British colony, our country confronted with serious labour shortage. A solution has been taken to import the cheap labour resources from India and China to work in tin mines, rubber plantation and infrastructure development. In that period, these immigrant workers contributed cheap as well as adequate supply of local work force when local workers either found not suitable or interested in working under the same harsh conditions faced by the immigrant labours (Zahib Zamir, 2006). With the incoming foreign workers especially from China and India to work in the plantations, mines and the construction sectors, an alien community has formed before the independent of 1957. After gaining independence in 1957 and the establishment of the periodic 5 year Malaysia plan, the increasing population has prompted the country to put emphasis on housing need. As the construction industry outgrow the general economy, labour shortage were particularly acute in many indispensable trades such as concreting, carpentry, bricklaying, painting, tiling, bar bending, and plumbing by the late 1980s and 1990s (Abdul-Aziz, 1995). Phenomenon where local worker markets could not provide sufficient needs happen on that time. The agriculture sector was the first to experience labour shortage and followed by the construction and manufacturing sectors. Foreign workers from neighbouring countries seek employment as workers in these sectors (International Migrations in Malaysia, 27 Nov 2006). Basically, foreign workers who involve in construction industry come from different nationality such as Indonesia, Bangladesh, Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan and others. To date, the presence of foreign workers in Malaysia has become a norm. It is an immediate measurement to solve the labour shortage problem. The foreign workers has become part of Malaysia society as the demand for workforce is growing and poor work environment and image are accelerating existing workers to leave the construction field. In the recent time, foreign workers being largely absorbs to work in tight labour market conditions and low paying fields such as construction industry. Both developed and developing countries are apt to prohibit foreign worker from being legally employed for the purpose of limiting the number of illegal entrants to protect their domestic labourers. Foreign worker are allow to be employed in selected sectors such as plantation, manufacture as well as construction industry with specify limitations and regulations. 2.3 BASIC DATA ON FOREIGN WORKER According to Economic Report 2004/2005, total number of foreign workers rose from 4% of total employment in 1990 to about 10.7% in 1997 and 9% in 2001. As at July 2004, there are about 1.3 million registered foreign workers, constituting 12% of total employment in the country. Foreign workers have steadily increased in number over the past two decades and they have become a key part of the economy for most of the countries. However, for various reasons, the Government and the employers both small and big have tended to down play the importance of foreign labour in the countrys development. The primary objective of foreign worker to come and work in Malaysia was to make some fortune and return their home after some time. Combination of factors including the unattractiveness of manual construction work to local youths, an expanding manufacturing sector that offer better employment conditions, labour attrition, increasing opportunities for tertiary education, a lower birth rate and out-migration of Malaysia workers to high wages country such as Singapore and Japan have make the foreign worker become vital component in construction workforce in Malaysia (Abdul Rashid, Abdul Aziz, 2001). Local people are no longer able to sustain the demand and needs of construction industry (Azian, 2004). In order to maintain the rapid expansion of construction industry, foreign workers is the option to fulfil the needs. According to statistic on regularized foreign workers (Figure 2.1), it indicates that construction sector is the most active in utilizing foreign worker. According to Ahmad, 1996, the Malaysia construction industry has relied on foreign work force since early of 1980s. An estimated 60% of manual workers in the construction industry were foreign nationals in 1987 (Gill, 1988), a figure which increase to 70% in 1991 (Pillai, 1992) and then 80% in 1995 (Balaisegaram and Pillai, 1996). Since then, the local apprentices shed away from working in construction industry as they feel that working together with these migrant workers was not conducive. Furthermore, the shortages of construction workers was largely rooted from such well-known causes such as poor image, uncertainty in career path, lack of training and education, declining wages, poor work environment, and the transient nature of construction workers. All of the reasons above have caused large proportions of foreign workers in Mal aysia construction industry. The growth of foreign worker in construction industry is continuing. Figure 2.1 Number of regularized foreign workers by nationality (July 1992- December 1995). (Source; Immigration Department, as quoted in Kassim (1996)) From the statistic of Annual Labour Force Survey conducted by the Department of Statistics, it indicates that the number of legal foreign workers in Malaysia rose to 1,359,632 as at July 2004. Foreign workers are employed in all major sectors of the economy, with manufacturing accounting the largest share at 30.5%, services (25%), agriculture (24.7%) and construction (19.8%). These workers are normally employed in jobs critics label the 3D that is dangerous, difficult and dirty. In others words foreign workers are employ in position where local refused to do. Figure 2.2 Percentages of Legal Foreign Workers in Malaysia by Country (Source: Annual Labour Force Survey, Department of Statistics) From the Figure 2.2 above, majority of foreign workers are from Indonesia, averaging 66.5% of total foreign workers, followed by Nepal (9.2%), Bangladesh (8.0%), India (4.5%) and Myanmar (4.2%). By viewing the steadily rose amount on foreign workers, the Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein had announced that the government plans to reduce the number of foreign workers to 1.5 million in three years. MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek had recently called for the government to conduct a comprehensive study of the countrys dependence on foreign labour. Dr Chua noted that the countrys local labour force was not sufficient to maintain local industries despite the governments ambitious plans for a high-income economy under the New Economic Model. Hence, the strategy of government to reduce Malaysian dependency on foreign workers will be done after a long run. As long as there is unlimited supply of foreign workers, employer will continue rely on them to their advantage. 2.4 ADMISSION OF FOREIGN WORKER IN MALAYSIA Certain criteria and process have to be observed by foreign workers for entry into Malaysia. Started from 1 August 2005, application for foreign worker is submitted to a One-Stop Centre located in the Immigration Department of Malaysia. There are two types of migrants in Malaysia that is temporary migrants and permanent migrants. For those foreign workers that come into Malaysia in a specified period with single entry visa from Malaysia Embassy abroad, they are considered as temporary migrants. Initially, foreign worker is allowed to work for 3 years only and upon application be extended from year to year to the fifth year. For extension after fifth year, employer must obtain declaration from National Vocational Training Council (NVTC) or Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) that the particular worker is a skilled worker. Basically, foreign workers are recruited to act as construction workers in the construction industry and work predominantly on construction sites and are typically engaged in aspects of the industry other than design or finance (Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia). The job application of foreign workers includes bricklayer, carpenter, concrete finisher, fencer, labourer and etc. Foreign worker who wish to extend working period in Malaysia must obtain either Malaysian Skills Certificate level I II or Skilled Workers Certification from NVTC or Skills Proficiency Certificate or Skilled Foreign Workers Certification from CIDB. 2.5 REASONS CAUSE THE INFLOW OF FOREIGN WORKER TO MALAYSIA There are several factors that attract foreign workers to work in Malaysia. First and foremost, Malaysia is attractive to foreign workers because of its better economic performance and prospective. Most of the foreign workers are come from our neighbouring countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam. It is a reality that the standard of life quality over their hometowns is much lower in Malaysia. In such countries, the populations are much higher with limited job opportunities. The respective country where foreign workers come from is still under developing and some of them live in poverty. Due to greater industrialised and improvement of economy in Malaysia, there has been a massive rural-urban migration drift, which in turn lead to a serious shortage of workers. Hence, foreign worker was attracted to work in Malaysia. As a multi- lingua and cultural country, the multi-ethic people in Malaysia mainly from Malays, Chinese and Indians can live together in a harmony lifestyle. This is the second pull factor to foreign workers to work in Malaysia as they feel that Malaysian are helpful, kind, friendly, cooperative and tolerate. Different with other country, the political and economic stability in Malaysia is also one of the factors tempting the inflow of foreign workers. As we all know, the policy regarding to foreign workers in Malaysia is fair and liberal, the country choose by foreign workers due to its pleasant moderate climate, open and liberal atmosphere. For foreign workers, Malaysia is heaven for them to work along with. Malaysia holds a better prospect for future of foreign labour because it is a fast developing and progressive nation. According to A. Namukundam (2002), the accelerated economic development programmes and the sustained high economics growth rates in Malaysia caused the influx of foreign workers to meet the increasing demand in Malaysia labour market. The demand for foreign labour is increase continuously in tandem with economic progress. 2.6 ELEMENTS THAT CAUSE THE EMPLOYMENT OF FOREIGN WORKER IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY It is too broad to identify each of the reason that responsible for the incoming foreign worker in construction industry. Among the reasons of the local construction industry to employ foreign worker in construction industry are as below: 2.6.1 Shortage of workers especially in the 3D jobs (dangerous, dirty and difficult) In the point of view of local citizen, they consider and known construction job as 3Ds job. The first D refers to dirty, secondly is dangerous and last is difficult demeaning. For Malaysian, they normally prefer easier job. Job offer from construction except with professional knowledge and skill are becoming unpopular among the working population. Basically, foreign worker is place in lower end and heavier kind of job. There are only few participants of local people to be involved in construction sector. When given a choice, locals prefer to work under comfortable environment such as white collar work rather than work under the unstable weather. In this era of technology and industrialization, the job such as site supervisors, contractors, foreman, or general worker been regarded as tough and risk-prone. This is because the construction project will not limited in landed property, somehow, high rise property might be construct. Thus, in the mind of locals, construction work place is much more dangerous and accident rate is higher over site when compare to other industry. The working condition in construction industry also poor compare to other job scope such as in service sector and manufacturing sector. The construction industry does not provide a good image in front of locals. The poor image of construction industry include absence of job security, lack of management, lack of opportunities for career advancement has make local citizen decline to join the construction line. Foreign workers offer cheaper wages For employers in construction industry, they are allow to recruit foreign worker once they proof that effort have been done to recruit local but they are fail at last. As long as the foreign labour is allow entering and work in Malaysia, the employers can easily bring them to fill up the job deficiency in construction sector. It is obvious that employer can select their workers amongst locals or foreigners. Be realistically, most of the employers are cost-conscious. MTUC president Zainal Rampak stated that employers were more inclined to hire foreign worker who were prepared to accept low wages. Foreign worker offer much lower wages compared to locals. Beside than inexpensive, the foreign workers also possess some basic skill in construction and will work in accordance with discipline and working hard. Therefore, most of the employers in construction industry will have preference on foreign worker. Foreign workers willing to work for longer hours Foreign workers are the one who will accept both cheaper wages and worse term and conditions of employment, as their purpose is earn much money in shorter time frame. From the opinion of employer, the newly arrival labour willing to accept lower wages and less attractive work conditions (Michael, 2001). They being paid lower even they perform the same job as locals do. Sometimes they even perform longer hours of working time than local without blaming on it. Addition, Local Authorities Employees Association Chairman Abdul Rahman Mahad added that besides getting cheaper labour from foreign workers, employers also hired such workers as they were ready to work longer hours (The Star, 05 August 2004). According to Tey (1997), it is believed that they are no real shortages but employers prefer aliens especially illegal ones because they can easily be exploited as they have no resource to justice in front of law. As a conclusion, the employers who willing to recruit foreign labour were interested in lower wages and the hardworking character of foreign workers. Foreign worker easy to recruit There are only minimum requirement to be fulfil by foreign worker to take part in Malaysia construction industrys job. For foreign worker, only those who have passed the Induction Course and recognised by NVTC will be allowed to be brought into Malaysia. The Foreign Workers Orientation Course in Malaysia is a course that compulsory for all foreign workers brought in between 1/1/2004 and to date (M. Vivekanandan, 2008). After gone through the course, employer must ensure that foreign labour is insured with an insurance company appointed to the panel of Foreign Workers Compensation Insurance Scheme (SPPA) which under Workmen Compensation Act 1952. For requiring of additional foreign labour, the employers need Certificate of Registration of Foreign Worker under section 60K of EA 1955. After all the cost included had been paid by the employer and the foreign worker is allow to work in Malaysia with condition that he must pass the test on FOMEMA by registered clinic. Friends or relatives work in construction industry Aside from recruiting of foreign workers through Agent Company, there are some of the companies employing them through introduce of existing foreign workers at construction site. Some of the foreign workers being employ to Malaysia because of the relationship between relatives and friend. The working condition in their hometown is limited with job vacancies. Most of the foreign workers working in Malaysia with the reason to reunion with his family and meet their friends because mostly from them choose to work in other place such as Malaysia rather than stay in their hometown. This subsequently made the other foreign workers to choose Malaysia as the place they hope to go and work. Apart from that, local construction industry willing to employ them because they can save on the introducers fee and at the same time, they can recruit a well behaved foreign workers because the existing recognise relationship such as friends or relatives. Plentiful job vacancies on site Although in the opinion of locals that the wages paid off by construction industry in Malaysia is considered as low and insufficient, it is in the viewpoint of foreign that the basic salary that they gain in working in Malaysia is high. Due to greater industrialisation, urbanisation of economy and higher education levels, the general youth in Malaysia community always complain and dissatisfied with the income if they work in construction sector. For locals, they will only take part and work in construction sector if they are recruiting as project manager, site engineers, architects and so on who earn higher income. This situation creates a lot of job vacancies on site, foreign workers has been recruited to fill the empty space. From site coordinator, carpenter, ceiling worker, bar bender, roofer, plasterer to plumber, aluminium worker and painter, the job availability in construction sector is wide and many. All of jobs mentions above are always available in every project construction site which offers moderate wages and opportunities to foreign workers compared to jobs in their homeland. 2.7 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Construction industry is a sort of service- industry that form real things like residential building, industrial facilities, infrastructure facilities and national land development (Kim, Hee Jin, 2002). This industry is comprised of a multitude of occupations, professions and organizations (Wong and Fung, 1999; Kanji and Wong, 1998; Sommerville, 1994). The complicated nature of operation has brought numerous of problem to construction industry. In construction industry, it comprises various parties such as architect, construction engineer, design engineer, project manager, construction manager, contractors, sub-contractors and also general workers. They are involved in the different phases of a construction project, which, include: feasibility, development, finance, concept development and review, estimate, detailed engineering, procurement, construction and start-up (Schultzel and Unruh, 1996). When either one of the party involved do not have co-operation or do something out of ord er, this will normally bring to project failure. Unlike the others industry such as manufacturing, the members of construction players usually change with each project. When different team meet together in one brand new project, their idea will be different and hence the product of construction industry is always unique and seldom mass produce. 2.8 QUALITY IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY According to Hart, 1994, the term quality has a three-fold meaning in construction. Quality means getting the job done on time, ensuring that the basic characteristics of the final project fall within the required specifications and lastly it means getting the job done within budget. To achieve acceptable levels of quality, a project must be included three aspect that is time, satisfaction and cost. The quality of building will be affected when either one of it did not be fulfil. When the project of construction industry has inefficient quality levels, it will reflect to great expenditures of time, cost and resource in order to make up the shortcomings. Actually, the project quality is directly associated with conformance to specifications and fitness for use. Similar to other business activities and sectors, construction industry also has a lot of competitors. The construction industry neither faced aggressive competition at the regional level nor in international level. Therefore, it has to impose higher quality levels to ensure their position in the emerging international market. 2.8.1 Quality of workmanship The construction industry is being viewed as one with poor quality emphasis compared to other sectors like the manufacturing and service sectors (Kubal, 1994; Kanji and Wong, 1998; Wong and Fung, 1999). One of the criticisms directed to the quality of building is shoddy workmanship. The quality, cost and timely delivery of products in the construction industry very much depends on workmanship (The Hindu, 2006). Quality of workmanship can be measure through workers effectiveness and efficiency. The skill, experience and personal ability of the workmen go a long way in determine their quality of workmanship (COBRA, 2009). The workmanship refer to skill of workers on site during the time to processes, the peoples supervise, the materials, the product and etc. Workmanship is skill in an occupation or trade of different workmen based on their training or profession (Adetayo, 1995). Workmen according to Ogunmakin (2005) is the most important factor of production since it is the only factor that creates value and sets the general level of productivity. Workmen on site normally comprise of foreign workers, contractors, main craftsmen, apprentices of various trades and so on. The quality of workmanship produce by these workers is important because it is a main factor to produce quality building. Normally, foreign workers performing all kinds of labour work that does not require specify training. According to Ogunsemi, 2002, poor quality of workmanship makes it difficult or impossible for workers to perceive and apply the concepts of quality control and limits of tolerance for building production thereby, resulting in poor construction which may finally lead to building collapse. Quality of workmanship should be take note especially on the skill of foreign workers. 2.8.2 Quality of building materials Building materials are various substance or items that form the basic components of various elements of a building (COBRA, 2009). Two types of building materials can be found in construction industry that is natural occurring and mixture. Both of the building materials are prepare in adequate proportion to suit the purpose it is intended. Along the way in building construction, materials of varying shapes, sizes and amount are extensively used. The primary building materials on site are cement, sand, aggregate (of various classes), iron rods, water and timber (hard or soft wood) which is widely use in foundation works and structure works. These are referred to as star materials (Odulami, 2002) and they are usually mixed together to give different components and elements found in the erection of any building structures (COBRA, 2009). For a building with good quality, the materials used must be of some specific ultimate strength, which have been tested and certified to established its quality such as quality control (QC), quality assurance (QA) and quality level (QL). Aside of primary building materials, glass, aluminium, ceramics and etc. is secondary importance and have wide application in construction industry. Refer to Bolaji, 2002, due care must be taken in the selection of materials either primary or secondary where improved building techniques are a necessity because both of the materials are not separable. It is on record that, good building techniques are enhanced by building materials of good quality (Adebayo, 2000). If the building materials are not properly handed or stored, they may be seriously vulnerable and effects to quality of building. Before any material should be incorporated into building works, the issue of confirmation of quality of building materials must be taking serious. This is essential to avoid situations where majority of buildings fail in meeting safety obligations to the general public which may finally result into building collapse. COMPONENTS OF BUILDING Building failure occurs when there is a defect in one or more elements of the building which caused by inability of the material making up the components or incapability of workmanship. This further lead to impacts such as the building elements fall to perform its original function effectively and if seriously will lead to building collapse at last. A research was carried out by Bamidele (2000) and in Fadamiro (2002) , the causes of buiding collapse may be cause from natural disaster, design error, poor materials and workmanship, procedure error and poor maintenance. Every kind of building has a lifespan and all components and elements put together to make it functional are expected to sustain this lifespan (Odulami, 2002). Roofing The roof system functions as the primary sheltering element for the interior spaces of a building. Its form and construction should control the flow of water, air, heat and cold. A roof system must be structured to span across space and carry both its own weight and live loads such as wind. Roof system are the primary gravity loads for a building and its structural layout must correspond to the wall and column systems through which its loads are transferred down to the foundation system. Flooring Floor systems are the buildings primary horizontal planes which must support live loads people, furnishings and movable equipment and dead loads- the weight of the floor construction itself. Floor systems must transfer their loads horizontally across space to either beams or columns or to bearing walls. A floor systems edge conditions and connections to supporting foundation and wall systems affect both a buildings structural integrity and its physical appearance. Floor system must safely support the moving loads. Hence, it should be relatively stiff while maintaining its elasticity. Except for exterior decks, a building floor is normally not exposed to weather. Since they are all support traffic, however, durability, resistance to wear, and maintenance requirements are the factors to consider in the selections of a floor finish and the system required t support them. Wall Systems Wall systems are the vertical planes of a building which define and enclose its interior spaces. They may be bearing walls of homogeneous or composite construction, or they may be constructed of linear columns and beams with non-structural panels filing between them. How these walls and columns support floor and roof systems above, and how they are supported in tun by wall and foundation systems below, are determined by the structural capability of these systems qand the types of materials and connections used. Walls can also serve as shear planes which are designed to resists lateral winds and earthquake forces. Exterior walls serve as a protective shield against the weather for a buildings interior spaces and control the passage of heat and cold, air, moisture and water vapour, which also resistant to the weathering effects of sun, wind and rain. The interior walls which subdivide the space within a buiding may be either non-structural or load-bearing. Their construction should be able to support the desired finish materials. Doors and windows Doors provide access into a buildings interior from the exterior and passage between interior spaces. Exterior doors should provide weather tight seals when close and maintain the approximate insulation value of the buildings exterior walls. At the same time, the doorways should be large enough to move through easily and accommodate the moving of furnishings and equipment. Door performance include ease of operation, requirements for privacy and security, and any need for light, ventilation, and view. There are many types and sizes of windows, the choice of which affects not only the physical appearance of a building, but also the natural lighting, ventilations, view potential, and spatial quality of the buildings interior. As with exterior doors, windows should provide a weather tights seal when closed, have insulation valve, and resists the formation of condensation on their interior surfaces. Door and window units are normally factory- build, manufacturers may have standard sizes and corresponding rough-opening requirements for the various door and window types. From the exterior point of view, doors and windows are important elements in a buildings facades. The manner in which they break up a buildings surfaces affects the massing, visual weight, scale and articulation of the building form. Finish work There are severals materials and methods used to finish a buidings exterior and interior surfaces. Exterior wall surfaces should be durable and weather-resistant. Interior walls should be wear-resistant and cleanable. Floors should be durable and safe to walk on while ceilings should be relatively maintenance free. Additional factors to consider include a finish materials fire resistance, and thermal insulation value. Surface finishes have a critical influence on the aesthetic qualities of space. In the selection use of a finish material, the colour, texture, pattern and the way it meets and joins with other materials should be considered. WAY TO DIMINISH THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS THAT BRING BY INVOLVEMENT OF FOREIGN LABOUR In the past, there is always a prediction that the demand for foreign worker is going to be rise in the coming future in construction industry. To date, it is already a truth that the inflow of foreign worker into our country has achieve a high rate and the government or the private sector have the responsible to construct strategies to stop the inflow of new foreign worker and decrease the dependency on them. Several ways has been formulated by the authority governing the industry with the assistant of construction associations to overcome the problems faced by local construction company and developer firm when dealing with the issue of foreign workers. Government tighten hiring rules of foreign labour It is a true where Malaysia industries is bringing more foreign worker than needed in the country and the government has to plug loopholes that cause the oversupply. Drastic measurements has adopted by the government and for most recently topic is the amnesty programme that done by government to repatriate the immigrant workers especially illegal immigrants. As we all know, the foreign workers were needed to fill the shortage of local supply but it is not a long term measure to enable employers to cut cost. Hence, s

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Liposuction Essay -- essays research papers

Liposuction is the most popular cosmetic procedure in the United States. It came to North America in 1982. At first, the doctors used it on thighs, buttocks, and the torso. Now it can be used almost all over the body. The number of liposuctions performed increased by 386 percent from 1992 to 2000. More than 350,000 liposuctions were performed in 2000. Women aren’t the only ones worried about their looks. Last year more than 99,000 men signed up for liposuction and other cosmetic procedures. The most controversial category of new patients is teenagers. Last year, 1,645 teenagers 18 years old and younger had liposuction. The best candidates fro liposuction are normal-weight people with firm, elastic skin. They should be physically and mentally healthy, with realistic expectations. It can help obese people, but it has a much higher risk of complications when more fat is suctioned out. There are two types of liposuction. The first type is the tumescent technique. First they use local anesthetics to numb the area, unless it’s a large area, then they might use a general anesthetic. They put a saline containing solution with anesthetic to reduce swelling and bruising after the surgery. Through a tiny incision, a narrow tube is inserted and used to vacuum the fat layer that’s deep beneath the skin. The tube is quickly pushed and pulled through the fat layer, breaking up the fat cells and suctioning them out. Fluid is lost along with the fat, and it’s crucial that this fluid be replaced during the procedure to prevent shock. Because of this, patients need to be carefully watched and receive fluids. The other type of liposuction is ultrasound-assisted liposuction. The doctors use a heated probe that produces vibrations. The energy it produces causes the patient’s fat cells to rupture, spilling out their oily content. Then the doctors suction out the oil. After the surgery, the patient will experience fluid drainage from the incisions. The patient will also be fitted with a compression garment to prevent swelling and blood clots. The doctor may also prescribe antibiotics to prevent infections.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Liposuction is a costly procedure. It can cost anywhere from 2,650 to 9,100 dollars. It’s not usually covered by insurance, so patients have to pay full cost. Liposuction is an estimated 700 million dollar a year business.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ... ...actions. The following is an example of a liposuction fatality. A mother’s death. No one knows better the Edward Mondeck and his two children, ages nine and eleven. Two years ago, Mondeck’s wife, Rosemarie, 39, decided to have a bit of tummy fat removed with a new procedure called tumescent liposuction. Typically, patients are primed just prior to surgery by injecting large amounts of extremely diluted local anesthetic and epinephrine, a drug that shrinks the capillaries, which reduces bleeding and, many practitioners say, makes it easier to suck out the fat. According to Mondeck and his lawyer, after the drugs were injected, Rosemarie went into cardiac arrest and died. Mondeck sued, and an undisclosed settlement was reached out of court. A lawyer for the physician involved declined to â€Å"get into the issues of the case† because of privacy concerns. â€Å"It was supposed to be a touch-up procedure,† says Mondeck. â€Å"All she had was a fatty area above her bellybutton.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  That was just one of many. Judy Fernandes was just 47 years old. She spent ten hours on the table and died. Lisa Marinelli was just 23 years old. She died of a blood clot the day after surgery.

Magic And Science :: essays research papers

Many events were unexplainable and maybe even seemed to be magical before science evolved to what it is today. All questions relating to the origin of life can be answered scientifically. One may question their beliefs based on scientific theory. Human life can be broken down to fundamental theory. Not only geological or biological, but also all events can be answered scientifically. Magic and magicians have certain function in society. The impossible becomes unexplainable, whether it is fact or fiction. But truly in the minds of magicians, their purpose in life is to leave a mystery, a mystery that science is unable to explain. They leave their mark and give people something to think about, a mark which will never be forgotten. Although magic is able to deceive the minds of many, few understand its effect of misdirection of the human mind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first accounts of magic were recorded around 1700 B.C. It appeared on the Westcon Papyrus and was recorded by an Egyptian chronicler. Stories of magic were handed down for centuries (Blackstone, 12). It has made a profitable living for soothsayer and gypsies, but there are times when magic was a form of entertainment. During the seventeenth century magic has become a living for some entertainers. Jugglers, wizards, and fortunetellers often appeared as scrub than a man of talent. These respected entertainers attracted lots of attention, not only because of their flaming clothing, but also because of their talents. In time there were traveling performers. Magicians dressed up and traveled for town to town, setting up stages and booths attracting the attention of the people, as well as their money. Pretty soon this sorts of entertainment was everywhere. At fairs they perform when they attract a crowd, then they passed around a hat for donations as if they were be ggars. They appeared in places like the market place, street corners, and even adult entertainment bars (Blackstone, 19).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We have seen magic as a form of entertainment, from making someone disappear, to sawing a girl in half. But all great illusions have an explanation. â€Å"Magic, as we have seen, is about power- a seemingly magical power used and expressed by a skilled actor to create the illusion of miraculous happenings’. But the most mysterious part of magic is how these miraculous happenings are performed. The real power of magic lies within the native effects themselves (Blackstone, 117).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Magicians refer magical appearance of an object as a production.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Individual vs. Society in Mrs. Warrens Profession Essay -- Mrs. W

Often in life there is a conflict between what is good for the individual and the moral values placed upon the individual by society.   This is true of the characters in George Bernard Shaw's play Mrs. Warren's Profession.   Shaw clearly demonstrates that actions frowned upon by society are not necessarily evil so long as they benefit the individual.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Perhaps the most obvious example of societal morals conflicting with individual need is the case of Mrs. Kitty Warren.   Mrs. Warren is a woman whose economic standing and lack of any professional skills forced her into becoming a prostitute. Obviously such a profession is against the beliefs of the society that she lives in.   Not only is she not ashamed of her occupation, she is proud of the amount of money that it, as well as managing several houses of prostitution, has made for her. When asked of any shame about her job by her daughter she states, "Well of course dearie, it's only good manners to be ashamed of it: it's expected of a woman." This statement shows that the only reason that one would be ashamed of it is because of society says that one should be.   She feels that the restrictions that society has placed on women has made it impossible for her to pursue any other lifestyle.   She demonstrates this by saying, "It's far better than any other emp loyment open to [women]...   It can't be right, Vivie, that there shouldn't be better opportunities for women."   Shaw is attempting to evoke sympathy for the character of Mrs. Warren by pitting her against a society that is against her.   He is quite obviously in favor of the actions that Mrs. Warren has taken, as demonstrated by the very reasonable rationalization for what she has done and the approving reaction of her daughte... acting as the representative of Shaw's views, is constantly blowing off his attempts at winning her affection.   Finally gives up his attempts when he realizes how her mother earns the money. He states , "I really can' bring myself to touch the old woman's money now."   Vivie is quite glad to be rid of him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shaw's opinions on society against the individual are clearly outlined in this play.   Through the actions and words of the character Vivie it can be clearly seen that he finds nothing wrong with breaking the rules placed on people by society, providing that it is for a good reason and not simply for self indulgence.   The conclusion could be drawn that Shaw feels that these morals are fine in a perfect society, but since we do not live in one they must be broken occasionally in order to attain a better life, providing that it is done only in moderation.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Little Field

After the initial observations of demand for littlefield labs (day 52), one of the first steps we took was to identify the bottleneck in the production chain. This was determined by looking at the rate of utilization of the three machines and the number of jobs in the queue waiting for these machines. It was quickly determined that the machine 1 was our bottleneck, as it was the only machine with 100% utilization and excess number of jobs in the queue. This meant that machine 1 was not able to keep up with the incoming demand and lacked the proper capacity.We knew that we needed to increase capacity and the decision was made to purchase another machine 1. Following the decision to purchase a machine, our focus shifted to the inventory level and the reorder point. It was obvious that the old reorder point was not going to keep up with the incoming demand level, especially considering the four day lead time. Our initial thinking was to set the reorder point to a level where the invento ry would have sufficient level of safety stock to avoid stocking out before the next batch of order came.Also we needed determine the quantity of inventory to order, making sure to take into account the ordering cost of $1000 as well. One of our initial goal for day 52 was to make sure our system was clear of any bottleneck and to have sufficient level of inventory to last us until day 73. This strategy was in part due to the fact that we did not have much time to analyze and properly forecast the future demand (initially meeting took place at midnight due to the long commute), but also to allow us to have more data about the incoming demand.To determine the proper level of order quantity and reorder point, we did a simple forecasting of incoming demand by using a simple linear regression analysis of observed demand for the first 50 days. Using this data we determined that the reorder point must be increased to 45 and the order quantity should be set at 250 kits. When we did meet th e following day, our focus was to forecast the demand out to day 120, since we had the knowledge of demand increasing and leveling out after day 120.Using the excel spreadsheet and looking at the linear regression line, we determined that the approximate level of demand on day 120 would be about 18 kits per day. This number was critical to our overall strategy going forward. Since we knew the demand would average around 18 kits a day, we wanted to have enough capacity in the machines to handle the demand. We figured to calculate the demand capacity of each machines by looking at the level of utilization of each machines on day 1, when the very first order arrived.Using the percentage of utilization and the actual number of job coming in for the first time, we were able to calculate the capacity of each machine with relative accuracy. It was determined that machine 1 had the capacity of 4. 5 jobs per day, machine 2 with capacity of 12. 5 jobs per day, and machine 3 with capacity of 1 2jobs per day. This meant that in order for us to accommodate the expected level of demand, we needed to have five units of Machine 1, two units of Machine 2, and two units of Machine 3.We wanted to have five units of Machine 1 because we did not want to have just 4 and have 100% utilization, causing a bottleneck situation. We also wanted to figure out the optimal reorder point and order quantity using the forecasted average demand of 18 jobs per day. We set the number of reorder point to 95 kits, accounting for the four day lead period and the level of safety stock we wanted to have. Then we determined the order quantity should be set at 500 kits, which would be sufficient level of inventory to last for full day.Finally, with the changes already made to improve our capacity and production lead time, we set out to maximize our profit margin for each job coming in. We agreed that contract three would be most profitable for us since we predicted out lead time to be cut under half a da y, and would not exceed one day with reasonable fluctuation of demand. Also, figuring that we wanted to move out any jobs ready for final processing, we switched the priority of Machine 2 to give priority to step 4.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Summer with My Aunt Essay

I, of course, was non utilizationd to consumption all amount of capital because my parents were doing vigorous enough to keep my sister and me in propose aim, so the idea of having leisurely cash was a red-hot concept which I craved. As a child I admired this woman for many reasons and precious to be resembling her. I treasured to live in a prudish neighborhood with a declamatory ingleside, I wanted to drive a bonnie white shiny car and don new clothes, I wanted to be strong and healthy , unless nigh of all I wanted to be successful interchangeable she was. So I spent my days in school preparing for college so that someday I would be open to be like her.Things changed, though, when I moved d name to Texas for two months to crawfish care of her nine month over-the-hill son, Luke as it tr finishs a elbow room Gretchen Decker was and is not as happy with her life as I thought she was. At the beginning of the summer period sentence I had agreed to fly prohibit ed to California to take my grandmas place as a fate hand for my aunt. Gretchen had estimable married her trey preserve, Chris, two years prior and had belatedly experience pregnant. My whole family was rather implicated with this takings because my aunt was now in her forties when complications started arising my grandm new(prenominal) put her own life on hold to concentrate on her attention on her daughter.When the succession came, though, it was my turn to help my aunt. I left my job, friends, summer activities, and leisurely time to fly out to California and take care of my cousin. Plans were disrupt by my aunts job, though, when she original recent news of a furtherance that would land her in the Dallas metropolis. I, of course, did not headspring because either way I would be able to at last get to populate this woman I so aspired to be like, and at the analogous time I would be able to vi vex with my aunt Trudy. So at the end of the summer I packed up my bags and my dad, sister, and I drove down to Texas.The house was gorgeous with a huge entry way and vaulted ceilings and a humongous open-concept kitchen and active room. The rooms were not very large however they were a decent size, be brass to a large bathroom. T here(predicate) was no furniture yet because it was still world moved from California and sadly wed have to live without it for a coupling more weeks. It was a great neighborhood, though, quietness and clean but most importantly, rubber this was the house my mother and father were change by reversals so severe for. The city was excessively very established with great schools and big malls, another thing I, myself, had incessantly wanted.The neighboring day I met Luke and was shocked by his appearance. He was a gorgeous cosset but his weight brought up a bit of a concern for me. Luke was simply nine months old and weighed 30 pounds the starting time though in my mind was, wherefore is she feeding him so a lot ? but I held my tongue and asked, So, what does he eat? My aunt replied saying, well he has quintette bottles a day and two to terzetto solid meals a day. Another thought, sanctified crap, then I said, Wow, hes big. She laughed and said, Yeah hes decidedly not starving. She may have implant it funny but I make up it odd that this child was the size of a two year old and was barely able to move. I walked over to the icebox next and poured myself a glass of water. As I drank, I stared at a picture of my aunt and Chris. They were running side by side concentrating on the aim ahead, when suddenly Luke laughed and my attention was turned to the other side of the room. My sister, Darian, was playing with Luke and showing him how to use his toys. My aunt smiled at the sight and said, Darian, I cacoethes this little guy so much.Its amazing. Ive never whap anyone or anything this much. My sister immediately asked, adoptt you love Chris? The pause middle(a) the question surp rised me, but finally she resolutioned, well yes but I unspoilt love Luke so much. She touchd to answer the question by saying that Chris was a good com moveion and thats why she married him. Later I would discover my aunt just liked to be married and that is what led me to believe my aunt didnt care about love as much as she did her job, because she went into a marriage thinking like a business woman rather that a girl in love.To me this also meant she just didnt want to be alone. A week went by and the moving was make and I was left alone with my aunt. She was fight to get used to things at her new job and ii could identify she was infra much stress. So I did everything I could think of to take a file off her back like doing the laundry, cooking, killing and making sure Luke was in a good mood for her when she came home. No matter what I did though my aunt began to be nonplus increasingly frustrate with her job. She would leave the house around six-thirty every day and come back around six and continue to do work after Luke went to bed.She would always tell me she careed she could spent more time with Luke but that wouldnt be able to happen because Chris was playing peter pan in Afghanistan. Every day it was the same thing Chris is peter pan, I wish I didnt have to be the main supplier but the position of the matter is that my aunt makes around 104 one thousand dollars a year and Chris makes around 84 thousand. I was becoming very frustrated with my aunts complaints because my family of four had love off 30 thousand for rather some time and managed to survive, so why couldnt she live off 84?The answer to my question was very upsetting. She said, puff up thats Missouri and Missouri isnt the real world. How dare she belittle my parents hard work They both worked day and iniquity trying to provide a let out life for my sister and I and this is how she sees their work? I didnt pull down get to see my parents a lot of the time because one o f them was always at work, and here my aunt sat in a huge house with a comely neighborhood, with a beautiful baby and a handsome husband and funds so much that she didnt even feel what to do with it, trying to tell me how terrible her life was.I kept my emit closed because it was not my place to tell her these thoughts but more and more I became disappointed in my aunt. Why could she not be thankful and content with what she had? Her favorite subject of complaint was her husband mostly, because he didnt make enough money for her to stay at home but she also accused him of trying to rid of her and Luke because he didnt wasnt to take any responsibility. She thought this because he was expiry to stay in a deployable building block but at the same time the reason he was doing that was for an education opportunity.thither was no pleasing her, though even the fact that Chris wanted to be the provider did not appease her. She had made a comment to me about how she would Find Luke a new daddy if she had to. This made me tired of(p) to my stomach that she would say such a thing but I dig that is what happens when you marry someone just because you like to be married. Marriage is not like playing house it is a benefaction God has upsetn us to change state one with another person you love. Everything I admired my aunt for pretty much washed away because of my experience this summer and I will not go back to live with her again.She will sit in her big house in a nice neighborhood, with a husband she dislikes, a job that makes good money, and break down because she does not know how to be content. Thats what I really want is to marry a man I love, give him beautiful children, and work at a job that I absolutely love not a bunch of money with nothing to do with it. I give notice thank my aunt, though, for showing me how unhappy a person can be in their life because they focus their mind on only the negative and never any positive aspects of their lives.