Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Alternatives for the decision regarding the high lead found in the whistles Essay

The positioning of ascertain how to pass alongle the recently discovered mellowed break onward content in the large whistles outrank is a difficult one that pull up s draws in almost way presume the political comparabilityty. Three substitutes have been do to allow options for this finale. alternative 1 Say zippo allow the whistles shipment to go without nonifying the node.Alternative 2 Replace the guests order by providing whistles that meet the beguile friendship normals.Alternative 3 Contact the guest and explain the billet, offer them a discount for on the whistles that be lower than the society standard.Decision Process The attend for choosing the three alternatives began by identifying the determination to be make. The decision at hand is what to do with the information discovered about the order of whistles going to a school in second America. This is a big decision that go away affect the go with in each alternative. The next look of the proc ess is listing options possible for the situation, and then examine those options by listing advantages and disadvantages of each. Then the decision was made by choosing the outstrip overall solution for the decision. And finally the decision was evaluated to determine if the resolutions were what was expected.The three options for this decision are listed above say nothing to the guest, tack the order, or try to make a deal for the customer. all(prenominal) option is ca phthisisd by a result that give benefit the guild financially, estimablely, or a mixture of both.The idea behind the alternative 1 decision was to extradite property upfront and not bother with order changes and other inconveniences for the community. In studying this option the advantage of this would be to and money and time for the company. The disadvantage would be a perhaps unhappy customer, an unethical move which could make employees hit the company as being unfair endowment a poor crossing that could be high-risk to children. The legal ramifications of this alternative would be risky if the a child became ill from the use of the whistles and the company was blamed, sued, and so onThe idea behind the alternative 2 decision was to replace the customers order with whistles that are not potentially hazardous and meets the company standards. The advantage of this option is not putting the company in an unethical situation of trying to pass fruits that are under par for high quality. This forget service of process set a standard of ethics in the company that could motivate employees to do nigh work. The disadvantage of this option is that it exit salute the company $100,000. The financial loss could take a long time to recover from, the positivistic set on employees wont in a flash compensate for the loss. There would not be a legal issue with this option.The idea behind the alternative 3 decision was to try and contact the customer and explain the situation and let them decide if they would the like the whistles replaced or to take the hazardous whistles at a discount. The advantage of this alternative is that the customer could decide to life the original whistles which would still save the company a considerable amount of money cutting the losings to a much smaller amount. Also it would depict that the company had the customers best amuse in mind. The disadvantage of this option is that it could reflect negatively on the company still because we cant really determine how the customer ordain smell out about the whistles that are potentially hazardous. They customer dexterity think that the company is trying to cut corners and save themselves money. This would be bad for succeeding(a) business. Legally the customer would probably not try and sue the company, alone in that respect is still the potential issue of the company being reported as manufacturing products with too high of a lead content. This would kill the companys rep utation and the customer relationships of other clients.Recommendation Alternative 2 is the recommended decision replacing the customers order by providing whistles that meet the appropriate company standards. This decision was made by both ethical and financial decisions. Ethically this alternative is the most appropriate. The customer contacted the company to provide a product to be used in the South American schools. It would be unethical to provide the customer with a product that is below the company and country standards even though they are not violating the South American standard. The customer chose this company over a foreign company to give a quality and safe product.This testimonial will supremely affect the company because they will possibly become to a greater extent favorable in the eyes of the customer, with the possibility of more business in the future from them and their business relations.This option was chosen not except for company recognition, but also to s ave children from a potentially hazardous experience. This option will be a great cost to the company, but the tyrannical experience from both the customer and employees. By creating a culture of wanting to do what is safe will help future sales and the company will gradually earn the loss in funds back over time.Customer relationships Considering the publication on the customer relationship is an important type of the decision making process. We have to ask ourselves how will the customer feel about our decision, how will it influence them and how will it influence the company? By choosing alternative 2, to replace the whistles, the company will look favourably to the customer, being the school buying the whistles. Though the company will merely be providing the product that was earlier agreed upon for the initial sale, the customer will affirm that the company is sacrificing to replace the whistles and they will go away with a positive relationship with the company. This ex perience is veritable to foster future business from the customer because of the positive experience they experienced. They will also be more promising to recommend the company to their peers and the company could get together substantial business from the experience.The children who would be ultimately touch by the quality of the whistles will feel good about receiving a quality, non-hazardous product, and the parents of the children will be pleasing knowing that the company behaved ethically. This could also create future business for the company by providing the children and parents with a positive experience from the company.The company employees will see the standard of ethics portrayed by the company and it will reflect in their work. By giving an fashion model of a high ethical standard it is likely that employees will take greater pride in their work which will affect the company in a positive way. The companys decision will affect multiple stages of people, their feel ings, thoughts, and behaviors will help the company in the long run to cure the loss taken from replacing the whistles. The financial gains will be gradual yet immeasurable in the long run of creating a company with a superior ethical standard.Social Responsibility In a corporation, social responsibility is behaving ethically as individual workers and together as a company to be sensitive toward social, cultural, economic and environmental issues. This way of life that the company doesnt always do whats best for its self but rather do what is best for their environment, customers, employees, culture, etc.Social responsibility is a big part of the decision making process because decisions made by the company not only affect the company alone, it affects employees, the economy, the customers, and the environment. These decisions and methods are important when considering long business operations.The decision making process for the situation had many factors involved. The most notic eable factor was the cost of replacing the lower quality whistles with a product that is up to the companys standard and isnt potentially hazardous. There was multiple ways of flavour the problem ignoring it, saving the company money and hoping there was not issues with the product, or there was the option to replace the product with something the company could be proud of, a product that had no hazards for use by children, and doing what was appropriate ethically for the situation.Social responsibility played a major part in the decision to use alternative 2 and replace the order with whistles that didnt have high amounts of lead. The choice to do what is best for the customer, environment, and the kids of the schools outweighed the option to save the company time and money.

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