Friday, August 30, 2019

B2B and B2C

In these harsh economic period, dealing with the ethical, legal, and regulatory concerns associated with B2B and B2C websites and the free flow of information is a main issue for both kinds of e-businesses. For both of these websites, there are security issues, site policies, applicable law, disclaimers of warranties and limitations, and conditions of use.In any type of business, whether it is traditional or e-business, ethics creates specific judgments regarding what is right or wrong, meaning, it makes assertions concerning what ought to be made or what ought not to be made. As all of us know, ethics is universal and is applied to anything that has relationships and interactions with individuals. Ethics is needed to steer business from harming and damaging the general public.   Moreover, ethics is likewise tied with legalities to help protect and secure its codes and principles. Consequently, ethics and legality works together to produce a peaceful environment in doing and transa cting businessAs compared with B2C’s websites, the audience and clients of B2B’s websites are not individual people since these individuals are members of a company. When conducting business you need to be aware who has authority, for example, for signing an NDA or placing an order on behalf of a company. Because the relationship is more extensive, every time you exchange information.Lately, concerns such as identity theft are rising for the reason that websites are not secured enough. Information and data has to be cautiously tracked and identified as confidential or general business or confidential when needed. Regarding ethics, the correct behavior of participants are characteristically described in regulatory codes formulated and implemented by commercial standard groups, trade associations, and the professions.Legal and ethical issues in B2b and B2c websites are very much alike, even though victims in B2B have more advantage when settling legal concerns given that procedures are extremely black and white. It is a fact that ethics is founded on universal values that do not alter if you are transacting business with an individual or with a company. The lone difference is that a B2B website has special rules and regulations if it concerns kids younger than 13 years of age. Moreover, due to the fact that B2B depends on the sharing of mutual information, ethics is very important. Not like consumers keeping business in B2C, in B2B, a victim does not have a great deal to do, just to ask for a third party’s assistance to solve their problems with B2c websites. Moreover, in B2B, it is easy to identify what took place and who is responsible and accountable for what happened in a B2B website.It is exceedingly significant from a legal B2B and B2C perspective to ensure that the written words and what is depicted regarding a company are factual.   Another important legal issue concerns intellectual property rights. Since concerns come up regardin g marketing ethics and the significance of understanding a business for Internet, there are probable areas and opportunities for disclosing trade secrets or intellectual property if appropriate B2B and B2C ethical behavior is not complied with.Meanwhile, in terms of legal and regulatory issues, B2B and B2C websites should see to it that they do not violate and commit copyright infringement, identity theft, identity fraud, and they do not patronize and tolerate consumer survey scams and hoaxes and advertising and keyword scams.Lastly, with the prevalence of PDA communication devices and new wireless web mail from cell phones, the Internet will be definitely touching and affecting more lives than ever before. Hence, privacy and security issues together with e-business ethical, legal and regulatory issues will become more widespread since it will become increasingly difficult to fathom who you can trust online; with all the illegal and unethical online e-business email scams, and Inter net marketing advertising frauds. #ReferencesFerrell, O.   â€Å"Introduction to Business Ethics Issues.†Ã‚   E-Ethics Center, Colorado State University, College of Business.Harris, L. and L. Spence.   â€Å"The Ethics of eBanking.†Ã‚   Journal of Electronic Commerce Research Vol. 3 #2, 2002.Warholic, J.   â€Å"Importance of Ethics on the Internet.†Ã‚   Professional web Services, Inc.

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