Thursday, October 31, 2019

What are the advantages and disadvantages to outsourcing ROI (Release Research Paper

What are the advantages and disadvantages to outsourcing ROI (Release of Information) - Research Paper Example This calls for a need to outsource the ROI activity so that things can be accomplished with minimal fuss. The potential advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing the ROI are as follows: According to an estimate, Hospital Information Management (HIM) departments need to retain at least three workers on full-time basis and accommodate their pays, monthly privileges and educational expenses in the budget in order to adequately administer the ROI process. (Fournier, Coffey, and Bellenghi, 2008, p. 22). Outsourcing the responsibility for the ROI offers the owners’ room to minimize the expenses by saving the money that would have otherwise been consumed in purchasing the insurance, facilities and monthly privileges for the permanent HIM employees. Also, money spent on educating the employees through additional training is saved. Not only that, outsourcing the ROI services can be employed as a fundamental means to transfer the risks and all liabilities to the contractor accepting the responsibility. In addition to that, applications and requests are entertained timely with minimal inconvenience to the applicants as well as the staff. Furthermore, the information is released with increased responsibility and remaining within the limitations imposed by the owners which goes in favor of the owners. Although usually outsourcing ROI bears more advantages than disadvantages, yet the disadvantages can be very severe once encountered. It is an established fact that no other company would take the responsibility as seriously as the owners themselves fundamentally because the contracting companies are concerned with their fee, and the owners’ reputation does not matter much to the irresponsible contractors. However, disadvantages are not commonly encountered unless the contracting company tends to maximize its profits by selling the owner’s secret reports and statistics to the spying agencies.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Arab-Israeli Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Arab-Israeli Conflict - Essay Example The first conflict between the two nations, known as the first Arab-Israeli War, started on May 15, 1948, when five Arab armies invaded the one-day- old Jewish state. "The war was fought along the entire, long border of the country: against Lebanon and Syria in the north; Iraq and Transjordan - renamed Jordan during the war - in the east; Egypt, assisted by contingents from the Sudan - in the south; and Palestinians and volunteers from Arab countries in the interior of the country. It was the bloodiest of Israel's wars. It cost 6,373 killed in action (from pre-state days until 20 July 1949) almost 1% of the yishuv (the Jewish community)" (Lorch 2003). Therefore, the War of Independence in 1948 was the most destructive wars that the two nations ever fought and it did not mark the end of the Arab-Israeli conflict, although the war came to an end with the 1949 Armistice Agreements. The 1948 Arab-Israeli War, which was fought between the newly declared State of Israel and its Arab neighbours, has been known in different names, and the Israelis call it as the War of Independence or War of Liberation while the Arabs name it as the Catastrophe. The United Nations made an important decision to partition Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state on Nov. 29, 1947, and the war broke out following the withdrawal of the British force from the region. "Mounting violence leads to the first Arab-Israeli war in early 1948, when the British withdraw from the region. Jewish forces hold their ground and declare Israeli statehood on May 14, 1948. Neighbouring Arab nations, including Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt and then-Transjordan, lend support to the Palestinians. The Egyptians are the last to seek an end to hostilities; an armistice is reached in January 1949." (The Arab-Israeli conflict, 1947-present). Therefore, various nations such as Israel, Palestine, and other nei ghbouring Arab nations, including Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt etc took part in the war of 1947. In fact, the fighting had started long before long before the actual date of the war between local Jews and local Arabs who were supported by volunteers from neighbouring states such as Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Egypt. Significantly, it was the bloodiest of the seven wars that the Israelis had fought in the region and around 6,000 Jews were killed in the war, which is almost 1 per cent of the country's Jewish population at the time. "It was also the last time Israel found itself facing an opposing force that did not overwhelmingly outnumber its own. Between 35,000 to 45,000 Israel soldiers were pitted against 42,000 to 54,0000 troops from the Arab countries." (Background: The 1947 - 1949 Arab-Israeli War). Therefore, the 1948 Arab-Israeli War was the most destructive war among the various wars belonging to the Arab-Israeli conflict. The war which was fought in four phases came to an end o n February 24, 1949, when the Israel troop and Egypt signed an armistice agreement that was followed by similar agreements with Lebanon on March 23, 1949, with Jordan on April 3, 1949 and with Syria on July 20, 1949. Thus, the 1948 Arab-Israeli War ended without great lose to the Israeli side which was established as a sovereign state in 1948. Another

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Detecting Spam Zombies by Monitoring Outgoing Messages

Detecting Spam Zombies by Monitoring Outgoing Messages Abstract: Compromised machines are one of the key security threats on the Internet. They are often used to launch various security attacks such as spamming and spreading malware [15]. Given that spamming provides a key economic incentive for attackers to recruit a large number of compromised machines, we focus on the detection of the compromised machines in a network that are involved in the spamming activities, commonly known as spam zombies [12]. Introduction: As the use of internet increased in the era of science and technology the problem of spam has also been increased. There are multiple ways in which spam takes place we would like to discuss the spam that is passed through messages specifically through emails. When these spam mails are passed into the system these makes the system compromised and the data in the network can be stolen or lost these kind of spamming is more concern to the industry or any kind of organization where privacy is the key aspect in this competitive world. Spam: Spam can be defined as Simple Pointless Annoying Messages. According to US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) spam is defined as, any commercial electronic mail message sent, often in bulk, to a consumer without the consumers prior request or consent [1]. A recent study conducted by SMX an email security provider the percentage of spam is about 80% approx. And the average size of these spam messages in 16 Kb [2]. The results above indicate the seriousness of the problem. There are several techniques proposed and employed in filtering these spam messages such as Machine learning techniques like Neural networks(NN), Support Vector Machines(SVM), Naive Bayes Classifier. Some techniques are based on probability and others on architectural. According to Anil Kumar Gupta along with two others in his research paper stated that training SVM is easy compared to NN because NN takes more time to train than SVM and NN will not offer binary classification mechanism where has SVM does that technique t o verify the legitimate of the email [2]. Rafiqul Islam in his research proposed an architecture for spam filtering based on support vector machine [3].   T. Hamsapriya along with three others in 2014 proposed Filtered Bayesian Learning technique to increase the performance of the naÃÆ' ¯ve Bayes classifier. These all techniques have contributed in controlling spam to very much extent [4]. Spam Zombies: A machine is said to be compromised if it is successfully exploited by the attacker. These machines are used to launch various attacks in the network. These compromised machines are called zombies. The machine is made compromised when an attacker sends a spam mail to the targeted system and made a zombie [5]. Spam in Messages: Todays communication mostly happening through messages that are sent electronically through email or text messages in mobile. Our main concentration is confined to messages that are going out through a network and coming into the network that are emails. Body message based spam detection is employed in larger servers but in a research conducted by Shukor Bin Abdul Razak in 2013 showed that the feature can be manipulated and has several issues such as Manipulation of lexical patterns, efficiency, future trends. So he proposed an email header technique that has a potential in filtering spam efficiently [6]. In 2015 Wazir Zada Khan along with three others stated that the detection criterion for web spam is substantially different, so, the email spam coming from botnets cannot be handled by the web spam detection techniques. Then they proposed architecture for email spam botnet detection [7]. Algorithm:  ­Ã‚ ­SPOT detection algorithm is used to detect spammers. Before proposing SPOT detection techniques there are few works which happened in detecting spam zombies. S. Yuvaraj in 2013 came up with a four module system which consists of compose mail process, Filter spam detect, IP capture, Extraction of payloads and payload disassembly and this algorithm is called has semantic aware statistical algorithm (SAS) [8]. But this algorithm fails to catch spammers but detects spam zombies. The research also proposed algorithms in the field of botnet which is usually called a group of computers affected with malware and controlled without the notice of administrator. To control these botnets issues Guofei Gu from Georgia institute of technology came up with bot hunter based on correlation between inbound and outbound communication. This system also uses intrusion detection system(IDS) to find out the compromised machines in the network [9]. Later in 2008 again Guofei Gu along with Wank Lee p roposed another technique called botsniffer in which he extended his research in detecting compromised servers depending on the behavioral similarity in a single group of connected computers [10]. After all these works with different techniques people came up with standard algorithm called SPOT applied in detecting spam zombies which functions by monitoring outgoing messages in the network. Z. Duzan in 2009 proposed an algorithm using Sequential Probability Ratio Test(SPRT) depending on the mathematical value of the SPRT the email is as spam or not spam [11]. But he ignored the impact of dynamic IP address on the data which is considered for analysis. His research is as limitations since the algorithm is based on probability analysis and the messages arrived assumed to independent of each other but this may not be the practical scenario. Spam filters are used to detect the spam emails but these filters are not 100 percent efficient. Later in 2012 Pen cheng along with Z.Duzan modifie d his algorithm they introduced two more terms   called count threshold   and percentage threshold to calculate the impact of dynamic IP address[12]. In continuation to the work of Z. Duzan, Ar. Arunachalam along with his two students in 2013 added two more modules and applied Z. Durzan techniques in calculating the impact of dynamic IP address to entire system by adding user interface module and spam zombie detection module where he has reset the values of the captured spam emails continuously [13]. Similar work has been done by R.Vasanth Kumar and K. Ravi Kumar in 2013 they modified the existing algorithm using the IP address of the sending machine and introducing a new term called message index[14].   Parvathi Bhadre and Deepthi Gothawal in 2014 proposed a new method using SPOT detection algorithm consisting of four modules namely virus checks, Spam Checks and Spam filter, blocking of spammers using SPOT and Recovery [15]. But their research does not talk any thing about the impact spam mails generated using dynamic IP address. In 2015 Anupsingh Thakur and Prof.Praful Sambhare conducted a survey on spamming and detection control through various methods like SVM, Domain key integrated mail system(DKIMS) and SPOT detection system defined how SPOT is accurate in detecting Spams [16]. Conclusion: Brief review on spam, spam zombies, spam in messages, algorithm used and the previous works done are explained. We in our project intending to come up with improved algorithm that could effectively tackle the limitations of the previous works. References: D. C. Washington, Unsolicited commercial e-mail before the SUBCOMMITTEE ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS, TRADE AND CONSUMER PROTECTION of the COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, 2013. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Mar. 3, 2017. A. G. Kakade, P. K. Kharat, and Anil Kumar Gupta, Spam filtering techniques and MapReduce with SVM: A study, 2014 Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Aided System Engineering (APCASE), vol. 14666087, pp. 59-64, Feb. 2014. R. I. M, W. Zhou, and M. U. Choudhury, Dynamic Feature Selection for Spam Filtering Using Support Vector Machine, 6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2007), vol. 9864217, Jul. 2007. H. T, L. S. P, K. R. D, and R. C. M, SPAM CLASSIFICATION BASED ON SUPERVISED LEARNING USING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES, ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology, vol. 02, no. 04, pp. 457-462, Dec. 2011. A. Rajagopal and A. P. P, SPOT- e-mail Spam zombie detection system, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 664-669, Jan. 2012. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Mar. 3, 2017. S. Bin Abd Razak and A. F. Bin Mohamad, Identification of spam email based on information from email header, 2013 13th International Conference on Intellient Systems Design and Applications, pp. 347-353, Oct. 2014. W. Z. Khan, M. K. Khan, F. T. Bin Muhaya, M. Y. Aalsalem, and H.-C. Chao, A comprehensive study of Email Spam Botnet detection, IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2271-2295, Jul. 2015. Y. M. S. S., An effective defense against compromised machines by sas worm detection, International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research, pp. 33-37, 2013. G. Gu, P. Porras, V. Yegneswaran, M. Fong, and W. Lee, BotHunter: Detecting Malware Infection Through IDS-Driven Dialog Correlation, 16th USENIX Security Symposium, pp. 167-182, 2007. G. Gu, W. Lee, and J. Zhang, Botsniffer: Detecting botnet command and control channels in network traffic, Proceedings of The 15th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2008), Feb. 2008. Z. Duan, P. Chen, F. Sanchez, Y. Dong, M. Stephenson, and J. Barker, Detecting Spam Zombies by Monitoring Outgoing Messages, IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 2009. Z. Duan, P. Chen, F. Sanchez, Y. Dong, M. Stephenson, and J. M. Barker, Detecting Spam zombies by monitoring outgoing messages, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 198-210, Mar. 2012. A. Ar, V. V, and Y. V, Detecting Spam Zombies Using Spot Tool by Monitoring Outgoing Messages, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 400-402, Apr. 2013. V. kumar R and R. K. K, Recognizing Spam Zombies by Monitoring leaving Messages, International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 2, no. 11, pp. 3213-3216, Nov. 2013. P. Bhadre and D. Gothawal, Detection and blocking of spammers using SPOT detection algorithm, 2014 First International Conference on Networks Soft Computing (ICNSC2014), pp. 97-101, Aug. 2014. A. Thakur and P. Sambhare, Spamming and Detection Control: A Survey, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH IN EMERGING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 155-157, May 2015.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Forgetting the Pain :: World Peace Terrorism Essays

Forgetting the Pain The world as we know it is in dire need of serious changes in the way humans go about interacting with each other. This is often realized by leaders of generations who have become notable as a result of their dedication to progress in this field. Many who approach the struggle have different causes they stand behind, however the goal remains the same: to convince others of tolerance, acceptance, and equality. For Martin Luther King it was segregation, for Gandhi it was the British tyranny in India, and for me it is the hatred and murder between the Israeli’s and the Palestinians. Hatred begets hatred, violence leads to more of the same, and their will never be peace between Israel and Palestine until this becomes apparent to all parties involved. The history of the land is rich with culture and tradition, yet it is shadowed by the blood and countless massacres of the innocent. The roots of the land stretch deep and the religious fervor is intense, yet the weapons of destruction of past wars in this land are left standing as a reminder to the people of the long standing hatred and fear of yesteryears. Both the Israeli’s and Palestinians have been wronged. And neither seems to let that pain go. As each side feels more threatened, each results to more desperate measures, in hope of sending out the message â€Å" We will not sit down and die, and will fight to preserve our cause in any way we can.† Deaf ears on both sides receive and send this message. Just as when two people scream at the top of their lungs, fail to listen to each other. When talking to Israeli’s during my travels to their homeland for my senior year in high school, their plight became apparent to me, their hatred has spawned out of feelings of fear and distrust. For this, I cannot blame them. Their history is one of persecution, in fact some may argue that the very existence of Israel was created as a result of one of the greatest tragedies the world has known, which happened not but sixty year prior to present day. Their history in the land of modern day Israel has not been a â€Å"walk in the park† either. Dating back to the first settlements, which were purchased from Palestinians, was constantly raided and the inhabitants were slain.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Benefits Of Having Children Attend Pre School Education Essay

AbstractionThis study covers the benefit of directing kids to pre-school before kindergarten. Literature reappraisal is used to research the research bing in this field. It will assist us to understand what consequence pre-school has on kids. Such plans are besides discussed in the paper which is carry oning developing for kindergartners for their development. This paper non merely covers that academic facet but besides sheds visible radiation on the benefits preschool instruction has on societal and emotional facets of kids ‘s life. After roll uping this information, it will be collaborated with the findings of this research paper utilizing different research technique. In the terminal, the paper will be concluded along with some suggestions.IntroductionIn this competitory universe it is really of import to develop the kids in such a manner that they are non left buttocks. Survey shows that with pre-school preparation, kids show much developed accomplishments of larning when t hey enter kindergarten. If a kid is being read to at place, visits museums, learns how to play a game and reads along person so it is more likely that his/her learning abilities are polished and ready for kindergarten ( Stube & A ; Patrick, 2010 ) . Pre-school is a planned plan for kids before they start their formal instruction. It deals with the larning ability of a kid. Children are trained in such a manner that their acquisition abilities are enhanced. Specified techniques are used to better the linguistic communication accomplishments and analytical accomplishments. it besides has a positive consequence on the behavioural facet of a kid ‘s personality. Bridges ( 2008 ) found out from the research that affecting parents is really critical for the success of pre-school preparation. Besides, engagement of community can be really critical in the achievement of a successful preschool preparation centre. Margetts ( 2007 ) likewise says that in a multicultural community, parents and community itself plays a really of import function. This research besides highlights diverse methods of implementing preschool plans in Australia and United States of America or any other diverse state. It I believed that a cosmopolitan pre-school system can profit everyone and supply equal chance to every pupil. But Bridges ( 2008 ) argues that it is a waste of resources because households who can non afford will non hold full entree and unless it is designed to the ace quality it will ensue in a catastrophe. Teachers play a critical function in the development of a pre-school kid. It is indispensable to understand the civilization, background and imposts of the kid. Training of the instructor is really indispensable. Not everyone can manage pre-school kids. They need to be taught in a certain manner so it has the greatest consequence on the development of the kid. Children should besides be encouraged to inquire as many inquiries as possible. It increases their cognitive accomplishments ( Persky & A ; Golubchick, 1991 ) . There are institutes every bit good as place attention can be considered a portion of pre-school preparation. The things that the kid surveies at the age of three signifier the footing of his/her academic life in the coming old ages. However, every kid does non acquire equal pre-school preparation. Therefore, consequences in different cognitive abilities sing instruction. Pre-school instruction besides helps the parents to find any learning disablements that might be an d can extinguish the opportunities of traveling to particular instruction by effectual pre-school instruction. This paper focuses on such benefits pre-school preparation has on the kids before they join kindergarten.Literature ReviewChilds who attend pre-school show higher math accomplishments, linguistic communication accomplishments and have less behavioural job ( Bridges, 2008 ) . Bridges ( 2008 ) besides indicate that non all kids have entree to the pre-school and pre-kindergarten plan. However, she argues that pre-school instruction is non a valid tool to mensurate the academic accomplishments made subsequently in life. The researches before failed to see the engagement of parents in the pre-school preparation. Research shows that pre-school is a sound investing non merely in footings of kids ‘s development but besides academically, socially and economically. Early instruction non merely develops the accomplishments but besides heighten the ability to score good, less kee ping of classs and fewer opportunities of arrangement in a particular instruction plan. Besides, research show that thee kids have less inclination to make condemnable or justness jobs ( Barnett & A ; Hustedt, 2003 ) . There was a great statement among authorities and parents about preschool instruction. Parents were of the position that kids should be taught at place instead than preschool institutes by authorities. The function of authorities should be to cut down the revenue enhancement for parents and leave the pre-kindergarten preparation to the parents. These plans can be expensive. However there is a demand for these establishments that should supply preschool instruction to every kid by inventing a plan which is cost effectual and provides high quality ( Bracey & A ; Stellar, 2003 ) . The survey shows that the kids who get preschool instruction have much developed cognitive and societal accomplishments. The research was conducted on kids with different backgrounds, cultural groups and had different native linguistic communications. Even so, the consequences showed that the kids with pre-kindergarten instruction showed a batch of added accomplishments, they were more confident and had speedy ability to larn different things ( Gormley, Gayer, Phillips, & A ; Dawson, 2005 ) . Anderson, et. all ( 2003 ) stated that the most of import accomplishments required for kids to develop in early age are knowledge, acknowledging dealingss, self-regulation and develop specific accomplishments. Early instruction consequences in developed social-emotional operation of the kids. They besides said that it is indispensable or the preschool plans to advance the societal accomplishments. When kids get societal competences in early age it enables them to lend more in societal service and besides improves their relationship with parents. However, there is no grounds of such plans demoing betterment in wellness of the kids. ReadinessA andA EarlyA Activities forA ChildrenA fromA theA Heart ( REACH ) is a plan designed to better the kids ‘s preparedness for school and better their accomplishments. It is a measure taken by California State University along with Long BeachA UnifiedA SchoolA to heighten the social-emotional province of kids along with more developed literacy. This is an illustration of how much these types of plans are of import and good that good organisations are willing to put in them so that the kids of their society can profit ( Stanley, 2004 ) . All three and four twelvemonth kids are entitled to free instruction in England. The survey shows that the kids of age three are more suited for preschool instruction. They learn more rapidly about understanding the universe and its physical existences. After three old ages, there is a negative consequence on the learning ability of communicating, linguistic communication, mathematics and creativeness ( Hopkin, Stokes, & A ; Wilkinson, 2009 ) . Another research shows that 91 % of kids can be identified as good or hapless reader if they had preschool preparation. The variables used to mensurate the ability to read were memory of retrieving letters and sentences, velocity of calling an object and orthographic trial ( Badian, 1994 ) . One of the major grounds against the development of preschools in United States is the thought that these types of schools or institutes would merely picture that the households have failed to raise and develop their kid ‘s personality ( Bracey & A ; Stellar, 2003 ) . Government did non bring forth high quality day-care centre due to this opposition to authorities ‘s enterprise which in return solidifies the belief of parents that preschool institutes provide low-quality of attention. Therefore merely in-between and upper category households can take advantage of the private plans offered by different organisations ( Bracey & A ; Stellar, 2003 ) . Teachers are the most of import facet of preschool preparation. It is indispensable for them to understand the civilization, linguistic communication, background and imposts of the kid. Training of the instructor is really indispensable for the development of every kid in the plan. Children need to be taught in a certain manner with specific tools and techniques. Teachers need to do themself available for every kid and go to their inquiries. Children should besides be encouraged to inquire as many inquiries as possible. It increases their cognitive accomplishments ( Persky & A ; Golubchick, 1991 ) . Apart for trained instructors, environment of the schoolroom besides plays every bit of import function in the development and instruction of pre-school kids.Aim of StudyPre-school instruction is a really of import facet of kid ‘s development. Many people are going aware of its importance but there are still some people with the belief that it is no more than a revenue enhancement c ozenage by the authorities. This research surveies the benefits pre-school instruction has on kids before they start traveling to kindergarten.Research MethodologyQualitative attack is used to analyze the effects and benefits of pre-school instruction. Case surveies, research documents and other literature are used. Main beginnings used are following:Books:Different books on the topic of preschool or early instruction are used to research the benefits and effects of preschool instruction.Journal ArticlesArticles for educational diaries are used in order to analyze old researches done on this topic. This is an of import beginning which provides researches different sentiments and instance surveies. Hence, ensuing in better analysis by sing the image from both sides Analysis of this information is done by comparing the literature reappraisal and different researches which cover several facets of the subject. By analysing these researches, decision has been given.AnalysisMost of the research shows that for the societal, emotional and academic development of kids, it is really of import that the kids get preschool instruction. However there are besides statements that the preschool instruction by authorities is merely a scheme to incur revenue enhancements and fees. But, most parents and instructors agree that the preschool instruction plays a critical function in the personality development of the kids. In some states like England, it is compulsory for kids to go to pre-school and pre-kindergarten institutes because they believe that without this the kids will demo deficiency of communicating, linguistic communication and originative accomplishments. Parents besides play a really important function in the preschool instruction. Reading to the kid s at an early age improves the reading ability of kids. If parents take their kids to topographic points like menagerie and museum, it enhances their ability to develop the cognition of physical existences in the universe. In order to accomplish the coveted consequences of preschool instruction, the plan needs to be carefully developed. The instructors have to be trained in such a manner that they can depute single attending to each kid. The plan should include ocular and audio acquisition techniques. In England, it is besides under treatment to get down preschool instruction for the two twelvemonth olds ‘ . This shows the importance of preschool instruction to a great extent. Environment of category room determines the capableness of the institute and staff. Learning environment should be developed. Extracurricular activities like music and physical instruction retains the involvement of kids, at this degree of preparation, kids ever learn more from paly as compared to strict academic course of study. Parents and community play equal function in the development of preschool preparation plan and the development of kids of that plan ( Persky & A ; Golubchick, 1991 ) . Research shows that the kids who belong to underprivileged background acquire the greatest benefits from pre-school tarring. Children signifier upper and in-between category have the agencies to larn at place and visit topographic points which play every bit of import function as pre-school preparation centre. However, underprivileged kids do non acquire a opportunity to research their abilities in such a manner. Illiterate parents could besides be a hurdle in to the full developing the abilities of the kid. Therefore, the preschool preparation plans aid these kids to hold equal chance as any other kid in the community. These kids show great development when they join preschool preparation. this enables them to derive bravery and assurance and compete with the best of their abilities in the hereafter. Hence we can state that preschool instruction benefits every kid of the community. With an effectual plan, it can help the parents to develop the abilities and accomplishments of their kids. By making favourable environment for kids in a preschool category room, the hereafter academic life of these kids can be improved. Parents have to play an equal function with th preschools and back up the authorities to establish such plans. The success of preschool preparation is dependent on all the members of the community and disposal of preschools. Teachers need to be trained for better instruction of these kids.DecisionPreschool instruction has a batch of benefits which plays a critical function in the life of kids. It non merely increases their academic accomplishments but besides enhances the societal and emotional properties. It is of import for kids to acquire preschool instruction so that they can vie in the of all time increasing competition. Parents and instructors both need to play their function in the development of a kid. At the age of three, it should be made compulsory for every kid to go to pre-school preparation. it will heighten their personality, societal interaction and emotional stableness. There are many factors that paly of import function in good pre-school trading such as trained staff, to the full equipped class-rooms and larning environment. The course of study of preschool preparation should include effectual course of study, tools and techniques of kindergarten, back uping activities like music and physical instruction and most significantly engagement of parents and community. Attempts need to be made in order to extinguish the negative thought about preschool preparation. Training and consciousness of female parents can be really utile in order to set up a positive image. Families need to be guided by seminars or telecasting consciousness plans. There should be an extended run for the publicity of preschool instruction. Government need to take enterprise and set up high quality preschool developing institute to recover parent ‘s assurance. This should besides be made compulsory and free, if possible, for every kid ; because, healthy and intelligent kids will turn into a healthy and developed state. In order to develop a high quality preschool plan, attempts are required form the authorities, educational board, parents and community. All have to work together in order to give kids a better hereafter. This plan non merely develops the personality, it besides identifies if there are any disablements present in kids. Particularly, reading disablements can be caught at an early phase and can be treated. The kids form underprivileged background benefit the most form these plans. It provides a sound platform for them to develop their abilities at an early phase and non stand out as an outcaste. Effectiveness of such plans is more dependent child-centered and person-centered attack than any other method. Besides, preschools with high parental engagement, moderate strength of preparation, societal battle of kids and long continuances resulted in higher benefit in academic public presentation and class-room battle.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Kudler Fine Foods’ Values and the Management

Kudler Fine Foods’ Values and the Management Kudler Fine Foods’ Values and the Management â€Å"Every organization must assume responsibility for its impact on employees, the environment, customers, and whomever and whatever it touches† (Maciariello, Pearce, &Yamawaki, 2010, p. 53). To understand such impacts, a company needs to define its purpose, mission, and vision supported by strong ethical and moral values.The circle could not be completed without a consistent management team that will attract and train a staff that is driven, motivated, and committed to the organizational purpose and to providing the best customer service possible, all to sustain the most important existence of a business – revenues. Kudler Fine Foods’ commitment is toward offering the highest quality, least-processed, and organic food while promoting well-being and fulfilling even the unexpressed wishes and needs of the customers.To execute their mission, Kudler Fine Foods n eeds to understand that their purpose cannot just reside in few places, such as marketing department; it has to pervade every part of the company (Spence, 2009, p. 89). If the purpose was to influence operations, innovations, and growth of the business, there is a need for an ethical and moral management to help make a difference. Only a person with an exemplary character can make solid ethical choices.Personally and professionally, my approach to ethics calls for developing practical wisdom and sound judgment within individuals to guide them in their ethical decision-making (University of Phoenix, 2010, Awareness Inventory Assessment). Kudler Fine Foods needs a manager who would be focused both on profits and installing moral standards within the organization. Integrity, honor, justice, benevolence, and virtue should not be just abstract principles. A manager who is committed to ethics and leading by example should be able to form partnership with employees, develop respect for div ersity, and find competitive advantages.Ultimately, such manager will be able to motivate the staff to stay committed to the organization. As a leader, my driving force would be to stay credible and consistent every day. As Maxwell (2007) pointed out the secret to a success should be found in the daily agenda (p. 1). Consistency makes employees able to depend on, trust, listen, and follow their managers. â€Å"Our daily challenge is to live our character, action, and investment choices so naturally that we begin making the best choices almost subconsciously. This requires patience, honest reflection, adaptation, and commitment† (Cottrell, 2007, p. ). Employees would follow a leader who represent a strong moral character and in return, they should strive to provide the best service. Company’s customers would develop a greater appreciation for such practices, and the store would see an increase in their revenues. Ethical management is crucial for financial outcomes, too. â€Å"Managers, who always promise to make numbers, will at some point be tempted to make up the numbers† (Buffet & Clark, 2009, p. 44). A Southwest Airline, for example, has a strong belief in their mission, purpose, employees, and customers.They have turned their employees into evangelist and their customers into fans by employing ethical and devoted managers (Spence, 2009, p. 88). Therefore, a company has posted profit every quarter for the past six years, an unmatched goal by any other airline in the history of aviation. To establish a strong corporate culture, attract customers, retain profits, and appreciate the employees, leaders need to observe, sit back, and listen. Additionally, if you want to develop trust as Maxwell (2005) emphasized, managers need to stand up for what’s right, even when such a stand is unpopular (p. 117).It takes a person with strong values and character to make any significant changes toward company’s success. â€Å"In order to m aximize value, corporate managers must not only satisfy, but enlist the support of all corporate stakeholders – customers, employees, managers, suppliers, local communities† (Maciariello, Pearce, & Yamawaki, 2010, p. 55). Kudler Fine Foods needs to have a person of true influence to accomplish their wish to grow and prosper. Development of character seems to be a long-lasting process which has been neglected for the past years, and my desire would be to sincerely bring it back.References Buffet, M. & Clark, D. (2009). Warren Buffet’s Management Secrets: Proven tools for personal and business success (1st ed. ). New York: First Scribner. Cottrell, D. (2007). Monday Morning Choices: 12 Powerful Ways to go from Everyday to Extraordinary (1st ed. ). New York: HarperCollins Publishers. Maciariello, J. A. , Pearce, C. L. , & Yamawaki, H. (2010). The Drucker Difference. New York: McGraw-Hill. Maxwell, J. C. (2005). The 360 ° Leader: Developing your influence from anyw here in the organization. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. Maxwell, J. C. (2007). The Maxwell Daily Reader: 365 days of insight to develop the leader within you and influence those around you. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. Michelli, J. A. (2008). The New Gold Standard. New York: McGraw-Hill. Spence, R. M. (2009). It’s Not What You Sell; It’s What You Stand For (1st ed. ). New York: Penguin Group. University of Phoenix. (2010). Williams Institute of Ethics and Management: Awareness Inventory self-assessment test. Retrieved January 15, 2010, from University of Phoenix, Week 6, MGT/521-Management Course Web site.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Discussion Board Forum Order# 1111913 Example

Discussion Board Forum Order# 1111913 Example Discussion Board Forum Order# 1111913 – Assignment Example Assignment: Macro & Micro economics A prisoners’ dilemma is usually a paradox that occurs in decision analysis in which 2people acting in their own individual best interest follow a course of action which does not lead to the ideal outcome. Thus, the characteristic prisoners’ dilemma is usually in such a way that the concerned parties decide to shield themselves at the expense of the other contributor. Consequently, as a result of pursuing a purely logical thinking process to help oneself, the two participants get themselves in a state that is worse than if they had collaborated with one another in making their decisions. The same case would apply to auto makers while making decisions. Thus the yearly changes will create dilemma for both car buyers as well as the automakers. If there is an increase in prices, it means that the buyers will take longer in making decisions on what models to buy, which may force the automakers to be in a fix on whether to sell more at a che aper price or sell a few at high price leading to less sales and reduced profits(Van,2009).The charge that immigrants flood the labor market and drive down wages in the U.S is ill thought and baseless. The proponents are missing the realism of immigration as well as its role in the future of the US. Rather than sentimental politicking or issue of values, immigration needs to be looked at as an arbitrage matter ,a process through which fast aging nations bid for the skills together with energies of newcomers to help keep not only their economies afloat but also their future secure .Maybe it would be much better if the US immigration policies focused less on ethnic constituencies and politics and more on acquiring particular abilities and skills from other countries, more so from Mexico’s rising ranks of skilled and educated workers. The immigration policy should also focus on bringing in more entrepreneurs. At present, one-fifth of all US enterprises are owned and operated by immigrants, a rise from 12% 2 decades ago. Most of these are in small towns and suburbs, where together, most immigrants locate opportunities as well as better quality of living (Joel, 2012).ReferencesJoel, K. (2012). U.S. Desperately Needs Immigrants And A Strategy To Get The Right Ones. Forbes , NP.John, C. (2014). The Optimal Number of Immigrants. Economists View , np.Van, J. (2009). The Green Collar Economy. New York,NY: HaperCollins.

Monday, October 21, 2019

systematic analysis of art essays

systematic analysis of art essays The title of this brilliant composition is Girl Before a Mirror by Pablo Picasso. Picasso was a Spanish painter from Malaga, Spain, but spent the majority of his life in France, where he produced this portrait of his beautiful mistress Marie Therese Walter in 1932. Girl Before a Mirror was painted with Oil on canvas, 64 x 51 1/4", and is now property of The Museum of Modern Art, New York. The piece was a gift of Mrs. Simon Guggenheim. During the year of 1932, Picassos productivity increased dramatically, a direct result of Picassos pleasure with his newest love, Marie Therese Walter. Captivated by Walter, Picasso commenced a luxuriant series featuring her face and profile, which progressively became more harmonious and lyrical. In the case of the girl before the mirror, Picasso is telling a story of their love. Walter is portrayed in two forms: herself as Picasso sees her, and her reflection. Her eyes are properly on opposite sides of her nose; however, as we look at her face, it changes like an animated cartoon, from a beautiful, evocative face seen full on, shining like a full moon, to a calm pensive profile, to subtle differences in whether shes seen as looking right at the painter or half looking toward the mirror. The whole effect is as if her head were seen in the process of turning from a deep gaze into the mirror to glance inquisitively (and affectionately) toward the observer. A quote from John Berger (1965) What makes these paintings [the portraits of Marie Therese] different is the degree of their direct sexuality. They refer without any ambiguity at all to the experience of making love to this woman. They describe sensations and, above all, the sensations of sexual comfort. I couldnt have said it any better myself. The curvilinear lines signify the voluptuous curves, giving it a feeling of feminine sensuality. The roundness of her abdomen raises the idea of pregnan ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Embezzlement, Peculation, and Connotation

Embezzlement, Peculation, and Connotation Embezzlement, Peculation, and Connotation Embezzlement, Peculation, and Connotation By Maeve Maddox In a previous DWT post, Michael argues that theres no such thing as a true synonym because a words connotation always colors its denotation. Commenting on the article, a reader refuted Michaels argument with the words peculation and embezzlement: I have found one [an exception], and i dont know why it exists. Peculation; definition is embezzlement in other words peculation means embezzle embezzlement thus embezzlement and peculation are of identical meanings. Which makes no sense to me. Technically, the words do mean the same thing: taking money that belongs to someone else. However, there is a useful distinction that many writers observe. Embezzlement is used for the sneaky crime of a private citizen, while peculation applies to the act of misappropriation of money and contracts by persons in high places. Embezzlement is a crime against an employer; peculation is a betrayal of the public trust. Ex-Macon teller pleads guilty in embezzlement 2 ex-Fort Peck employees guilty of embezzlement every one of [the government] ministers has helped in tile work and is guilty of peculation on a gigantic scale†¦ The second governorship of Clive was marked by †¦ the enforcement of stringent regulations against the besetting sin of peculation. Although the connotations of many words are the same for large numbers of readers, personal associations can color the way a listener or reader reacts to a given word. For example, for most people the word mother probably carries positive connotations of warmth and nurturing. For the child of an abusive or mentally-ill woman, however, the feelings stirred by the word mother might be negative. Apart from such personal associations, words acquire connotations for us as we encounter them in our reading. Vocabulary acquired from wide reading brings connotation along with denotation. denotation: The meaning or signification of a term. connotation: That which is implied in a word in addition to its essential or primary meaning. A failing of present day education is the practice of teaching vocabulary chiefly by means of word lists or vocabulary books. Vocabulary lists should be used for review; children can best acquire a lasting vocabulary by reading books like Treasure Island and A Tale of Two Cities. A sense of the connotation of words is developed by reading the words in a variety of contexts. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Homograph ExamplesHow to Punctuate with â€Å"However†40 Words Beginning with "Para-"

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sonny's Blues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sonny's Blues - Essay Example On the other hand, Sonny’s brother is an upright math teacher and a family man. Though, he always steers clear of trouble but feels trapped in Harlem and yet, chooses to remain passive about it. Sonny’s character depicts restlessness and even though Sonny’s brother too experiences that restlessness they both have different ways of exhibiting them and coping with such feelings. 2. What are the conflicts in the story (internal and external)? The entire story depicts various conflicts both the narrator and the protagonist face and eventually pave their paths in life. The conflicts that sonny and the narrator are constantly battling with are the feeling of being trapped in Harlem and their estranged relationship with each other. They both understand the problems they have faced throughout their lives, but due to the fact that none of them truly took the time to share and divulge their feelings to one another, none of them could truly understand each other. Moreover, Sonny’s older brother had taken up the responsibility of looking after his brother after his mother died but due to the way he turned out, the narrator was always suffering from this guilt.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Consumer law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Consumer law - Essay Example (1) If the debtor under a debtor-creditor-supplier agreement falling within section 12(b) or (c) has, in relation to a transaction financed by the agreement, any claim against the supplier in respect of a misrepresentation or breach of contract, he shall have a like claim against the creditor who with the supplier, shall accordingly be jointly and severally liable to the debtor. (2) Subject to any agreement between them, the creditor shall be entitled to be indemnified by the supplier for loss suffered by the creditor in satisfying his liability under sub-section (1), including costs reasonably incurred by him in defending proceedings instituted by the debtor. (2) Civil effect. Any provision of a credit contract that imposes a monetary liability prohibited by subsection (1) is void to the extent that it does so. If an amount that is prohibited by subsection (1) is paid, it may be recovered. A credit provider must not (a) Enter into a credit contract on terms imposing a monetary liability prohibited by section 21(1); or (b) Require or accept payment of an amount in respect of a monetary liability that cannot be imposed consistently with this Code. (1) The Court, on application by the debtor or mortgagor, may order a credit provider to credit the debtor or mortgagor with a payment, fixed by the Court, exceeding the net proceeds of sale if it is not satisfied that the credit provider sold the goods as soon as reasonably practicable (or at such other time as the credit provider and debtor or mortgagor agreed) for the best price reasonably obtainable. (2) On application by the debtor or mortgagor, the mortgagee under any prior mortgage to which the goods are subject or the mortgagee under any subsequent mortgage of which the credit provider has notice, the Court, if not satisfied that the credit provider complied with section 78, may make an order requiring the credit provider to compensate the debtor or mortgagor or the

Management and the Global Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management and the Global Economy - Essay Example Such companies are Ericsson, Honda and Chiquita among others. This paper looks into the above companies and offers light in respect to their strategies that have seen them conquer their respective lines of operation. Significance of Technology/ Ethics/ Culture in International Business Management Facebook is a widely used social site which attracts people who are mostly between 18-30 years. Its strengths include the wide fan base that currently stands at slightly over 600 million. It is partly owned by Mark Zuckerberg and Microsoft which bought minority shares worth $240 million in 2007. The company has reformed over time by upgrading its site to suit the changing customer needs as well as to outwit competitors. Fans are able to post and share videos and photos with their friends, send messages, chat online among other unique and new features. It has however been criticized for not regularly updating the fan page. According to Latham (2011) Facebook should take advantage of the onlin e advertisement boom to increase on revenue base and popularity. The company has also faced many legal battles and political interference for example the recent case where classmates of the founder wanted to be cashing more from the company claiming to have co-founded the company. Football or soccer has a peculiar popularity which is part of culture in Europe and United Kingdom to be precise. Manchester United is one club that has a wide following not only in UK but in the whole world. The club has a fan base that comprises of five percent of the global population. Manchester United Plc. has taken advantage of this by expanding its revenues sources to Asia, Africa and Latin America through sales of club’s merchandise like jerseys and magazines as stated by ESPN. The club is currently owned by the Grazer family from United States which controls seventy percent stake. The club’s financial status has not been appealing due to high expenses and less-than-matching revenues. The company takes advantage of their website to sell merchandise. Its Grazer takeover wrangles have attracted attention for a long time coupled with poor financial performance and massive debt. The strong brand name and its multinational approach are its important strengths. Although competition is intense from arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool, Manchester has many opportunities to capture a wider market and fan base. Operating within ethical standards by companies draws mixed reactions as this is more of a subjective issue. That which one party may regard as ethical is totally the opposite for another. This is well illustrated by Chiquita Brands Int. where at some point it has been involved in both ethical and unethical practices. Examples of ethical practices include building schools and health facilities for its workers and their families. It also returned land to Central Americans and later funded relief efforts after the 1972 earthquake. Unethical ones include being involved in c orruption with the Costa Rica’s government, assisting CIA to topple Guatemala government, helped in the attack of Cuba in early 1960s and many others as stated in Chiquita Brands Int. Case Study. The company has had a huge influence on the political landscape in South America which has ultimately affected its image negatively acting as its weakness. It has also been good in breaking laws

Revolutionary War-Cowpens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Revolutionary War-Cowpens - Essay Example He states that all the battles fought by then were done with the help of troops and men who participated in the regiments and had a certain commander who used to gather the entire men together and prepare them for all sorts of catastrophes. Soon these men who belonged to the frontier got the status of 'The Corps of Rangers'. These companies of rangers belonged to various parts of the state such as Virginia, Maryland or Pennsylvania who were under the leadership Colonel Daniel Morgan. Through his ongoing efforts the rangers got the status of the most eminent corps of the continental army. They were not precisely Rangers but were high level marksmen and according to some British general they were corps f a crack shot. These riflemen of Morgan stood victorious and were able to secure an amazing victory against the British during the Battle of Cowpens in 1781. The level of achievement can be evaluated by the fact that 1100 British soldiers attacked them and they were able to kill 110, ca pture 830 of them only lost 12 men who were killed during the entire process and 63 were badly wounded. Another successful regiment was of Thomas Knowlton, a brave young soldier who led an army from Connecticut which was quite successful in gaining the vital information of the mission. Only less than 150 men were part of his troop but his campaign was quite successful too. In this book the author has in detailed studied the Battle of Cowpens and according to him all men irrespective of cast, creed or culture were recruited in the regiments having their leader that is general or officials who managed and empowered them. How have artist portrayed the Battle of Cowpens in the paintings? None of the paintings that have been attached for review are able to completely depict, justify and narrate what actually happened during the battle. According to me the first painting is the closest to the real scenario that happened during the Battle of Cowpens in 1781. In this painting the defeat of the British is seen and how badly they were devastated during the battle. Many of their soldiers were killed and on the other side that is American soldiers were in power and had completely overtaken the British soldiers. Personally I think that these paintings are quite biased and only reflect the artists view and how he actually perceived the entire situation. They have features which narrate that the artist was only interest to reflect his perspective and only executed what his preferences were. They were also only focusing on how the movements related to art were flourishing and did not do anything to contradict them without using their own brains and evaluating the truth. A lot of time was spent on propagating the art movements and the art which was being carried forward during that time. They did not do anything to change the prevailing situation through their art but just went with the flow. Research was not done properly because if the research was accurate and more precise then the painting would not have been as bias as they are at the moment. References 75th Rangers (Bryant, Russ, and Susan Bryant. 2005.  75th Rangers. St. Paul, MN: MBI Pub Sealed with blood: war, sacrifice, and memory inRevolutionary (Purcell, Sarah J. 2002.  Sealed with blood war, sacrifice, a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Films the Conversation and the Parallax view and its influence on the Essay

Films the Conversation and the Parallax view and its influence on the audience - Essay Example Authority on wiretapping soon after the Watergate Scandal broke out referred to the equipments used to eavesdrop on the Democratic National Committee's headquarters as sloppy and amateurish. Harry Caul is depicted as the microcosm of America at the 70's. He is shown as an anti hero in the sense that he can effortlessly bug anybody at anytime, anywhere. He is dedicated to his work which becomes an obsession, and he doesn't seem to care about fellow humans and their sufferings. He himself is a paranoid and secrecy is his moral. He swears by secrecy in anything remotest connected to him, perhaps it's the realisation in his sub conscious mind that how important a person's secrecy is which he is constantly violating. However, when he overhears a conversation of a couple he was bugging, his conscience prevailed over his sense of professionalism and he got entangled in a web of deceptions and lies. The movie is insightful and penetrating and divulges deep into the fears in everyone's mind, which is lying dormant. The conversation is about paranoia, invasion of privacy, bugging and nagging conscience of people. In the Watergate scandal, the people involved although were aware of the immorality of their act, did not think it to be objectively wrong. Harry initially had no notion about the immorality of his job but finally he had which destroyed him. Though the script was written in the mid 60's, the release of the movie coincided with the Watergate Scandal and the script that finally emerged had in it issues of personal responsibility and encroachment of technology on the privacy of individual. The film is not a response to any one political event, rather it is a generalised commentary on the erosion of privacy and... The Parallax Corporation is shown to have unlimited power. The question about Kennedy’s assassination and the Watergate scandal of 1974 are stark realities which proved general publics ignorance about constant threat to democracy and freedom. The scenes behind the Parallax Corporation where Frady undergoes some qualifying tests, reveals how patriotic values can be perverted and manipulated to serve a corrupt system. Both the movies released in the 70’s are influenced by the happening in America during that time period. While intrusion of privacy, wiretapping, lies, deceits at the highest level, fear psychosis in mind of the American public, were depicted in the Coppola movie â€Å"the Conversation† through the surveillance expert Harry, the Parallax View based on conspiracy theory drew its storyline from assassinations of J.F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Since both the movies drew their inspiration from real life situation, every image seen in the movies have the potential of affecting the audience greatly. Presenting the most dangerous and volatile political issues of the 1970’s in a lucid pattern, both the movies have earned critical acclaim.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Problems In Adulthood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Problems In Adulthood - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that the problem between generations is one which is immemorial. â€Å"No generation has a complete grip on the imagination and work of the next one, not mine and not your parents’, not if you refuse to let it be so.† Today’s seniors have a set of principles which was once considered to be the basis for human existence. However, these ideals are constantly changing, so that these principles are no longer fundamental. New ideas are constantly taking the place of old ones. This is sometimes seen as a detriment for seniors, as they cannot accept the new ideals of the younger generation.   In order for there to be a functioning society, there should be a balance between old and new principles. However, this balance has been elusive.This research highlights that  the problem between competing ideals of different generations is not new.   It has existed since time immemorial. It can be seen on the micro level in families, as the e lder wants to instruct the children on what is best. The children, for their part, want independence from their parents, and want to show that they can make it in life without the support of their parents.   This gap is widening, not narrowing, as the culture rapidly changes and the economy becomes more global and complex. The younger set changes because they are influenced by the world around them.  The generation gap is made worse by the fact that the parents are increasingly more into earning money than talking with their children.

Films the Conversation and the Parallax view and its influence on the Essay

Films the Conversation and the Parallax view and its influence on the audience - Essay Example Authority on wiretapping soon after the Watergate Scandal broke out referred to the equipments used to eavesdrop on the Democratic National Committee's headquarters as sloppy and amateurish. Harry Caul is depicted as the microcosm of America at the 70's. He is shown as an anti hero in the sense that he can effortlessly bug anybody at anytime, anywhere. He is dedicated to his work which becomes an obsession, and he doesn't seem to care about fellow humans and their sufferings. He himself is a paranoid and secrecy is his moral. He swears by secrecy in anything remotest connected to him, perhaps it's the realisation in his sub conscious mind that how important a person's secrecy is which he is constantly violating. However, when he overhears a conversation of a couple he was bugging, his conscience prevailed over his sense of professionalism and he got entangled in a web of deceptions and lies. The movie is insightful and penetrating and divulges deep into the fears in everyone's mind, which is lying dormant. The conversation is about paranoia, invasion of privacy, bugging and nagging conscience of people. In the Watergate scandal, the people involved although were aware of the immorality of their act, did not think it to be objectively wrong. Harry initially had no notion about the immorality of his job but finally he had which destroyed him. Though the script was written in the mid 60's, the release of the movie coincided with the Watergate Scandal and the script that finally emerged had in it issues of personal responsibility and encroachment of technology on the privacy of individual. The film is not a response to any one political event, rather it is a generalised commentary on the erosion of privacy and... The Parallax Corporation is shown to have unlimited power. The question about Kennedy’s assassination and the Watergate scandal of 1974 are stark realities which proved general publics ignorance about constant threat to democracy and freedom. The scenes behind the Parallax Corporation where Frady undergoes some qualifying tests, reveals how patriotic values can be perverted and manipulated to serve a corrupt system. Both the movies released in the 70’s are influenced by the happening in America during that time period. While intrusion of privacy, wiretapping, lies, deceits at the highest level, fear psychosis in mind of the American public, were depicted in the Coppola movie â€Å"the Conversation† through the surveillance expert Harry, the Parallax View based on conspiracy theory drew its storyline from assassinations of J.F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Since both the movies drew their inspiration from real life situation, every image seen in the movies have the potential of affecting the audience greatly. Presenting the most dangerous and volatile political issues of the 1970’s in a lucid pattern, both the movies have earned critical acclaim.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Summary of Inturnship Experience Essay Example for Free

Summary of Inturnship Experience Essay There are many approaches, strategies, techniques, methods, or styles floating in the internship atmosphere but there is no such thing as perfect approach, perfect strategy, perfect method, perfect technique, or perfect style because at the end of the day it is all about how the intern delivers his skills and how they cater pressure. In my 31 days of internship I have learned that everything should start on a plan, I started with the visualization on how I will make my task easier yet efficient without jeopardizing the quality of service our Hotel renders. In my experience while I am doing my plan, I was so puzzled with what I should do first, my mentor made me realize that the guest’s needs must come first because they are the most important factor in the hotel and restaurant management. I was able to gain experience at a job that I potentially had interest in. I learned about the hospitality field and if it was right for me. Along with the work experience, I also had to write an essay about my experience and keep a daily log. This experience helped shaped who I am now at the end of my college career as I feel more comfortable with working with people in different settings. For my internship experience I worked at Casablanca Hotel and Condominium in Freeport Subic. It was a long couple weeks before I finally found the right hotel to perform my internship at. The mangers and other employees at Casablanca were welcoming and helpful while I worked with them. I learned all major front desk duties of working at a hotel as well as other various aspects such as walking around the hotel and making sure everything was running smoothly. I never realized how everything done in a hotel actually goes through the front desk and because of this I was always busy doing something to help improve the hotel into a better experience for future guests. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience helping guests make reservations, check in, and check out of the hotel. My job was to be welcoming and helpful toward each guest in any way possible. During my 31 days I was able to gain practical experience under professional supervision while implementing classroom experiences and theories that i have acquire during my early years in college. I also develop the ability to work with people, both individually and as part of a group while comparing our theories and concepts learned in the classroom and related real life experiences. I also tested my own personal skills and competencies to be able to become familiar with routine procedures and responsibilities of the agency. I seek for experience opportunities to learn, observe, and practice a variety of administrative experiences for me to evaluate myself in relation to the field, and in relation to my professional preparation in addition to this I have establish realistic goals for professional growth and development moreover establish career goals and objectives upon conclusion of the Internship experience. This experience will help me finish my degree in many aspects by working at the hotel I learned the major keys in running a hotel. I also worked with many guests and customers and in doing so I was able to work on my communication skills. Being a business major and wanting to get into sales or other customer service jobs after I graduate I know I am going to need great communication skills as I will be interacting with people whether in meetings or helping out guests. After my internship was over I feel more relaxed in interacting with others and feel more ready to finish my degree and more engaged to working in the business world.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Peace And Stability In Afghanistan Politics Essay

Peace And Stability In Afghanistan Politics Essay Even after almost eight years of international communitys efforts in Afghanistan the instability and turbulence has increased rather than abated. Not only has Afghanistan seen ever increasing levels of violence and loss of life the virus of instability and culture of violence has also spread across the Durand line with hardly any silver line on the horizon. A deadly insurgency, higher opium production, increasing civilian casualties, rampant corruption, an unstable neighbourhood and an uncertain political future remain the defining features of the complex and combustible situation that obtains in Afghanistan. Much of the initial euphoria generated after the fall of Taliban in 2001 has dissipated and those advances made in the fields of education and womens rights have been overshadowed. The prospects for preventing Afghanistan from being sucked into this whirlpool of chaos appear bleaker than ever.  [1]   2. Americas Af-Pak policy which was announced in end of March 2009, needs to be scrutinised to gauge its progress and success or otherwise. The main pillars of this strategy were based on not only in increase of force levels but also on increase of the resources devoted to economic development and coordination among international donors building Afghan governing structures primarily at local level reforming the Afghan government expanding and reforming the Afghan security forces and trying to improve Pakistans efforts to curb militant activity on its soil. The strategy also included negotiations with Taliban figures that were willing to enter the political process. After the Presidential election there is a need to again review the security, governance and development and aid structures and delivery mechanisms. 3. Major factor impacting the situation in Afghanistan is the continued resurgence of Taliban due to a host of contextual factors. The Taliban is estimated to have a permanent presence in 72 per cent of Afghanistan; its hold being strang not only in its bastions of the South but also in the East, where it literally runs a parallel government. Moreover the insurgency is spreading in a manner in which it has begun to ring the capital city of Kabul, with three of the four main roads leading to Kabul being rendered ensafe for Afghan or International travel. Successes against the Taliban, whether military or of winning hearts and minds have been limited as the Taliban appear to be striking at will with lethal forcw and is increasingly successful in the propaganda war. 4. Governance is another area where the noramal populace has been disillusioned with current dispensation. Endemic corruption plaguing much of the government machinery, especially the police and judiciary, both of which effect the evreryday life of the common man, has undermined credibility of the elected government and helped build up a degree of local support which stems more out of the Talibans ability to fill in the governance vacuum as opposed to ideological support for their cause. 5. Developmental aid has been delivered to Afganisthan in vast quantities but it is not visible on the ground. Fruits of this aid have yet to be tasted by the common people. Bonn process was followed by London Compact and there is an Afghan National Development Strategy (ANDS) for 15 years ahead but the timelines and benchmarks outlined in the same have not been adhered to. And the economic aid promised to realize the ANDS has also not been delivered whereas there is a massive spending by the NATO and Coalition forces to the tune of about US $20 billion a month. 6. How can, therefore, the international community improve on the delivery mechanisms and implementation measures? This remains one of the key questions in the current conundrum of security and development complicated further by weak governance. Surge indevelopment and aid funds and personnel planned as part of the Af-Pak strategy may help but some of the contextual core issues would yet need to be addressed before a positive outcome could be expected. 7. Looking at a wider perspective, how do the regional stake holders view the Afghan imbroglio? How can their varying perceptions be reconciled for the cause of common good? 8. Further, the presence of safe havens in Pakistans lawless frontier regions have played a seminal role in sustaining the insurgency in Afghanistan and fuelling instability in Pakistan, thus making it impossible to visualize a solution to the Afghan quagmire in isolation. 9. Given the above background what could be alternative future scenarios in Afghanistan say in next 4 to 5 years time and 8 to 10 years time keeping in mind the trends and drivers and possible triggers? Based on the emerging scenarios what should be the international communitys policy and strategy choices to ensure a favourable outcome? A broad range of critical issues affecting the Afghan environment need to be examined before a determination as to how to proceed further can be made. 10. Broadly, therefore, the seminar on peace and stability in Afghanistan and the way ahead is built around four themes of security, governance and examination of likely future scenarios and offering recommendations for policy and strategy choices which can be made now so as to move towards a better and brighter future for Afghanistan and in effect for rest of the international community. METHODOLOGY Statement of Problem 11. To analyze the effects of likely political instability in Afghanistan post withdrawal of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and its implications for India and policies that India needs to adopt to deal with this problem. Justification of Study 12. United States is increasing getting impatient in the affairs of Afghanistan wherein its policies are not delivering the desired results. It is likely to reduce its foot prints in that country and has accordingly set a deadline for withdrawal of ISAF. 13. The goal of US in Afghanistan is to defeat Al Qaeda and deny them the bases in that country, so as to improve its own homeland security. As per US, achievement of this goal is not dependent on creating an environment of political reconciliation in Afghanistan, which is difficult and time consuming. Rather its goal can be achieved by entering into an agreement with one entity: Taliban, who may agree to keep Al Qaeda out in exchange of returning back to power. Hypothesis 14. The return of Taliban or any civil war post de-induction of ISAF would hurt India dearly. India would prefer a sovereign, democratic secular Afghanistan which is not under the influence of powers inimical to our interests. 15. Therefore, India must ensure that the world community does not abandon Afghanistan at this crucial juncture and continue to provide for its political reconciliation and rehabilitation. In this regard, deployment of UN sponsored security forces with a much larger agenda than the ISAF is looked into, so as to allow the country to become strong both politically and economically. Methods of Data Collection 16. The study is primarily based on information gathered from books written by prominent Indian, foreign authors as well as information available on the internet. There has also been an attempt by me to analyse the events as they have unfolded and suggest possible options and own responses. Other sources of information are articles written in Indian, Pakistani, Western newspapers and news services such as the CNN and BBC as well as some defence journals. A bibliography of the sources is appended at the end of the text. Afghanistan being a very current topic has undergone a series of ups and downs during the course of my preparation of the dissertation. The Bonn Agreement is very relevant in todays context and is also attached as an appendix. Scope 17. The study will be covered under the following heads:- Chapter I Introduction Chapter II Geo strategic importance of Afghanistan to India Strategic location of Afghanistan Key to Energy Security Pakistans desire of achieving strategic depth by having control over Afghanistans polity Chapter III Brief history of Afghanistan post 9/11 Defeat of Taliban and set up of new Government Role of Pakistan in combating terrorism Chapter IV : Present imbroglio in Afghanistan. Failure of US policies in Afghanistan Growing frustration amongst US and NATO forces Poor governance by Karzai and growth of Taliban Chapter V : Likely Future Scenarios and Implications for India Withdrawal of US forces and re emergence of Taliban Depletion of US footprint and renewed violence Pakistan getting foothold in Afghanistan and involvement of Al Qaida in Kashmir Indian involvement reduced with a hostile government in Afghanistan Chapter VII Options Available To India Make efforts to ensure continuous presence of International security force in Afghanistan Involving UN in peace establishment in Afghanistan Continuing support to government in Afghanistan by undertaking rebuilding projects Chapter VIII : Conclusion. CHAPTER II BRIEF HISTORY OF AFGHANISTAN POST 9/11 OP Enduring Freedom On September 20, 2001, in the wake of the September 11 attacks, US President George W. Bush delivered an ultimatum to the Taliban government of Afghanistan to turn over Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda leaders operating in the country or face attack. The Taliban demanded evidence of Bin Ladens link to the September 11 attacks and, if such evidence warranted a trial, they offered to handle such a trial in an Islamic Court. The US refused to provide any evidence. Subsequently, in October 2001, US forces along with UK and coalition allies invaded Afghanistan to oust the Taliban regime. On October 7, 2001, the official invasion began with British and US forces conducting air strike campaigns. Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan, fell by mid-November. The remaining al-Qaeda and Taliban remnants fell back to the rugged mountains of Eastern Afghanistan, mainly Tora Bora. In December, the US and her allies fought within that region. Its believed that Osama bin-Laden escaped into Pakistan duri ng the battle. In March 2002, the United States and other NATO and non-NATO forces launched Operation Anaconda in the hopes that theyll destroy any remaining al-Qaeda and Taliban forces in the Shahi-Kot Valley and Arma Mountains of Afghanistan. The Taliban suffered heavy casualties and evacuated the region. The Taliban regrouped in Western Pakistan and began to unleash an insurgent-style offensive against the United States and her allies in late 2002. Formation of Civialian Government After Operation Enduring Freedom, Mujahideen loyal to the Northern Alliance and many other groups mustered support for a new government in Afghanistan. In December 2001, political leaders gathered in Germany to agree on new leadership structures for Afghanistan. Under the Bonn Agreement, an interim Transitional Administration was formed and Hamid Karzai was named the Chairman of a 29-member governing committee. On 13 June 2002, the Loya Jirga, appointed Karzai as the Interim President of the Afghan Transitional Administration.[28] The former members of the Northern Alliance remained extremely influential in the new dispensation. Hamid Karzai won the 2004 presidential election, and became President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. He defeated 22 opponents and become the first democratically elected leader of Afghanistan. Although his campaigning was limited due to fears of violence, elections passed without any significant incident in spite of a surge of insurgent activity.] 6. After Karzai was installed into power, his actual authority outside the capital city of Kabul was said to be so limited that he was often derided as the Mayor of Kabul. The situation was particularly delicate since Karzai and his administration had not been equipped either financially or politically to influence reforms outside of the region around the capital city of Kabul. Other areas, particularly the more remote ones, were historically under the influence of various local leaders. Karzai started making attempts to negotiate and form amicable alliances with them for the benefit of Afghanistan as a whole, instead of aggressively fighting them and risking an uprising. CHAPTER III BEGINNING OF CHAOS Americas Miscalculation President Bush, speaking at the Virginia Military Institute in the spring of 2002, proposed a Marshall Plan for Afghanistan and its neighbours that added up to state-building on a regional scale. But the post 9-11 Pentagon long stuck with a narrow, or sharp focus on wiping out Al Qaeda and the Taliban, with a corresponding under-focus on long-term development. Other agencies of the US Government struggled to advance their programs with little coordination either with the Pentagon or with one other, and with much micro-managing by e-mail from offices in Washington. But even had the Pentagon gotten it right or the other agencies been better coordinated, the program would still not have worked, for US policy (and UN policy as well) suffered from a birth defect. When the US finally toppled the Taliban, Tajiks from the Northern Alliance took control of Kabul. In a winner-take-all move, they immediately packed the government with their own supporters and relatives, to the exclusion both of Pashtuns, the largest group in the population, and minority Shia Hazaras. Eager to sidestep all dissension, the UNs Bonn meetings in December, 2001, ratified this dangerous status quo, while the Emergency Loya Jirga, held in June, 2002, then ratified the Bonn conferences mistakes. While U.S. officials talked bravely of working the situation, Northern Alliance leaders in Kabul effectively consolidated their hold on power. Marshall Fahim, confirmed in Bonn as Afghanistans Minister of Defense, kept his own militia lodged in the capital and cut personal deals with like-minded warlords elsewhere, greatly complicating the task of building a national army. Worse, he and his family seized control of key markets and other assets to create their own income stream, independent of Karzai and the Americans. Many Pashtuns, as they watched this unfold and noted their fellow-Pashtun Karzais inability to counteract it, went into a sullen opposition. A few resorted to armed opposition. Since most Taliban leaders had been Pashtun, this gave the appearance of a Taliban revival. In fact, it was worse, a new movement of Pashtuns and other groups aggrieved over having been excluded from the post-Taliban order. Because the US backed Karzai, they blamed their own marginaliza tion on America. This bitter mood gave rise to a new opposition and new insecurity. Charged with rooting out remnants of Al Qaeda and the Taliban, the US worked with whatever forces were at hand, including warlords, postponing to a later phase the achievement of balance within the Kabul government and the consolidation of state institutions. Light Footprint. Afghanistan was the least resourced of any American led nation building operation. There are 1.5 international soldiers for every 1000 persons in Afghanistan compared to 20.5 per 1000 in Kosovo, 19 in Bosnia, 10 in Sierra Leone and nearly 4 in Haiti. Post conflict stabilization operations require more troops and longer time than to win the initial fight. In fighting, firepower and technology enable smaller, more agile forces to prevail. But in post conflict stabilization and reconstruction, there is a need for more ground troops, money and time. Low levels of investment in military power and economic assistance in post conflict reconstruction lead to a low level of security, ineffective governance and poor economic growth. From the outset, two contradictory concepts drove international intervention in Afghanistan. The country was described as the major front of a global war on terror, yet the intervention was light footprint engagement. This light footprint continued to impair every aspect of reconstruction of Afghanistan .Taliban was removed from power, but neither their potential to return nor their external support was addressed. The focus on accomplishing short term security goals undermined the efforts at establishing positive long term trends. Mis governance The general opinion in Afghanistan is that the insurgency is rising because the people have lost faith in government. The security forces have failed to protect local villages and the institutions struggle to deliver basic services. The patience of people with government is breaking down and it in turn is favouring the return of Taliban. The afghan government had difficulty providing essential services to the population, especially in rural areas of the country. As per a World Bank report, the main beneficiary of assistance was the urban elite. This triggered deep seated frustration and resentment among rural population. The government suffered a number of systematic problems and had difficulty attracting and retaining skilled professionals with management and administrative experience. Due to lack of investment and poor maintenance only 6% of the population received electricity. Most efforts were to supply electricity to the urban areas and not to the rural areas which were falling to Taliban. The Afghan government faced challenges providing security outside of the capital. A major reason was the poor state of the Afghan national police. The result was weak security apparatus that could not establish monopoly of the legitimate use of force within the country. The police was not an international priority after the overthrow of the Taliban regime and they received significantly less money and attention than the army. The Afghan police was needed to help establish order in urban and rural areas, but they were heavily out gunned by the insurgent. The police force was plagued with corruption and lacked semblance of a national police force. Pakistani Dimension Pakistan has played a very strong role in Afghanistan in the last three decades, unfortunately, it has been a very negative role. With the fall of Taliban in Afghanistan, Pakistan lost its political clout in that country but it retained its links with the Taliban and actively assisted insurgency in Afghanistan It was only due to intense pressure from America that Pakistan reluctantly agreed to stop aid to Taliban. However, as it became clear later that Pakistan was not committed to end terror. Pakistan decided to hold talks with the militant leaders in Swat and offered to stop all military actions against them. This further fuelled insurgency in Afghanistan and increased attacks on US and NATO forces. Revival of Taliban Almost five years after the defeat of Taliban regime, there was a resurgence of Taliban in 2006. Their return could be divided into three stages through which the group gradually gained momentum especially at the last stage that started in 2006. The first stage, from 2002 to 2003, had a relatively tangible lull. However, there were some small bombings from time to time. In 2003, the Mullah Mohamed Omar launched a new Jihad council comprising of ten military leaders of Taliban. The group could achieve this essential military restructuring cashing in on the US shift of focus towards Iraq. The second stage, from 2004 to 2005, witnessed a number of remarkable activities and developments in tactics of fighting, types of weapons, and the groups deployment in several areas.The Taliban started to carry out some military operations in daylight and managed to fully control some remote areas of south Afghanistan.The third stage, from 2006 to 2007, marked the overwhelming return of the Taliban. The year 2006 was the bloodiest one since the fall of the Taliban, as more than 4, 000 were killed, including one third of civilians. The British-American council for media security reported in a comparison between the years 2005 and 2006 that there was an increase in the attacks on the NATO forces from 900 in 2005 to 2500 attacks in 2006. One of the major achievements of the Taliban in this period of time was that they managed to run peoples affairs in some southern areas establishing a good network and friendly relationships with the residents of the south. Taliban Strategy. Analysts pointed out that Taliban had established a two pronged strategy in Afghanistan. First to re establish its authority over the southern provinces around its former headquarters in Kandahar and second to destabilize a ring of provinces around Kabul. CHAPTER IV US EXIT POLICY AND LIKELY FUTURE SECURITY SCENARIOS Af-Pak Policy On 23 January,2009, American President Mr Obama announced his Af-Pak policy wherein he stressed that his administration was committed in refocusing attention and resources on Afghanistan. The salient features of his policy were: Appointment of special envoy Mr Richard Holbrooke to Pakistan and Afghanistan to help lead US effort to forge and implement strategic and sustainable approach to the region. Pakistan told to destroy the safe heavens for Al-Qaeda and Taliban in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan. Deployment of 17,000 additional troops in Afghanistan to improve security situation. The American President had laid out a very bold and responsible policy to counter the resurgent Taliban insurgency in Af-Pak region. However, within a short span of one and half years the American policy has undergone a complete change with President himself laying down the withdrawal plan of ISAF( International Security Assistance Force) and the Secretary of State , Mrs Hillary Clinton stressing the need to reintegrate the insurgents in the political mainstream of Afghanistan. This dramatic turnabout of American plans regards Afghanistan is due to various factors, American Losses. The American or the NATO losses have been increasing and with every passing year the Taliban is becoming stronger and stronger. Even though more and more troops have been deployed and more money pumped in but still the attacks on the ISAF are only increasing. The Taliban tactics have now graduated to frontal attacks on US outposts. US Goals in Afghanistanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.There is a profound confusion in America regarding what US goals in Afghanistan ought to be and what the means for resolving those goals should be? The debate is on whether US should focus narrowly on issues of counter terrorism or should they focus on counter terrorism and counter insurgency. It is also being debated whether US should really be engaged in business of state building or can workaround by negotiating with adversaries, the Taliban. These debates in domestic politics are turning against an extended and continuing commitment to Afghanistan. Crisis of Resolution The allies are tired of the Afghan commitment, because they do not understand how the struggle that is going on, in this far away land has an impact on their own security. The urgency that the world felt on 12 September 2001 has weakened with the passage of time. Afghanistan seems too hard, too complex, and too difficult and as the legend goes would continue to be the graveyard of empires. If this is true than why should we and the international community continue to make commitments to a war that by some iron laws of history is ultimately destined to end up in defeat? (d) Crisis of Resources. America is investing heavily in Afghanistan. There is no gainsaying the fact that the commitments to Afghanistan and Pakistan are costly to the US. In 2010, America has committed $65 billion to Afghanistan. If we take into account the aid to Pakistan, the total comes to $85 billion, these are not small commitments. If the lives of troops, wastage of equipment and wear and tear on forces that have been engaged in this theatre are taken into consideration especially at a time when America is in economic crisis itself and the entire world community is struggling with the global crisis, the cost is phenomenal. Many NATO countries are focused on these costs and argue that a way must be found for a quick exit from Afghanistan. This has made the job of US President more difficult. Choices for America The International community and especially America faces two choices for Afghanistan. The first is to invest and endure in Afghanistan and the second is to improve conditions, in order to exit. These are the two strategic choices that US has to contemplate as it talks about the way ahead, as each strategy has a different consequence. Invest and Endure. If US have to carry out this option, then they have to build consensus domestically and internationally on the enduring importance of Afghanistan. All members of international coalition have to commit to the resources required i.e. military, economic and diplomatic institution. This option of invest and endure cannot simply be a military campaign. It has to be an effort to re-constitute societies by changing the counter-insurgency strategy and focusing more on protecting population and minimising collateral damage. Improve and Exit. In case America and other NATO countries decide to improve the conditions in order to exit they will have to adopt a different strategy. The ideological adversaries will not have to be defeated but only kept at bay for sometime inorder to improve conditions. The investments in the institutions, social welfare and democracy would be minimum. Americans have started to realize that military solution is far difficult to achieve as compared to a political solution. They have started saying for quite some time that they want re-conciliation and talks with Taliban if they can lay down their arms. There have been covert contacts with certain Taliban elements, however, it has not produce any results till now. Even President Karzai has realized the precarious state of ISAF and have himself started wooing the Taliban so that his government can last even after the International forces withdraw. . So without clear success how long will American stay? NATO and Afghanistan have recently agreed to fix 2014 as the deadline for troops withdrawal from Afghanistan in a phased manner. They have also clarified that troops can stay in support role even beyond 2014. However, mounting coalition deaths, growing domestic pressure in NATO countries and the increasing differences between Karzai and the west may change the situation. Also, any major military debacle like, a US post being overrun by Taliban or an air crash with significant casualties may immediately catalyze opposition to war. Even the 2012 Presidential elections may require early troop withdrawal in the there is no clear sign of success. Likely Future Scenarios The debate on likely security scenarios emerging in the region post withdrawal of ISAF is gaining momentum in India. Many analysts have generated three plausible scenarios which are likely to emerge post withdrawal of ISAF from Afghanistan. (a) Scenario 1 US withdrawal or draw down of forces Return of the Taliban It is pointed out that in case of a complete US withdrawal, the probability of return of Taliban is not farfetched, thereby condemning Afghanistan to what US analysts describe as the worst case scenario. This would also lead to an emboldening of the Al Qaeda, instability spreading to Pakistan and Central Asia, thus reducing the region to become a base for Al Qaeda operations. (b) Scenario 2- US limited engagement-proxy warà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The most probable scenario beyond 2014 is the reduced US presence in Afghanistan with troops limited to protecting key cities, a shift from overstretched counterinsurgency operations to internal defence. This would allow Pakistan to continue its hedging strategy whereby it will continue supporting the Afghan Taliban to destabilise Afghanistan with the eventual goal of reinstating a pliant regime. Scenario 3- US long term commitments -Building on Afghan state. According to the analysts, this is the best case scenario for Afghanistan, though such a state of affairs is highly unlikely given the reduced public support for the Afghan war in the United States. This would call for additional resources including troops to train and partner with Afghan forces and continuation of the institution building programmes. In this scenario, India could play a long term role in the training of the Afghan national institutions, institutional building political, and security and justice sector reforms. CHAPTER V GEO STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE OF AFGHANISTAN When Allah had made the rest of the world, He saw there was a lot of rubbish left over, bits and pieces and things that did not fit anywhere else. He collected them all together and threw them down on the earth. That was Afghanistan. An old Afghan Saying Geographical Location Afghanistan is a land locked country with Iran to its west, Pakistan to its south and east, China to its north east and the newly independent states of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to its north. Afghanistan covers an area of 245, 000 square miles and is surrounded by two nuclear states, China and Pakistan, a threshold nuclear state, Iran and having three other nuclear powers in its near vicinity, India, Kazakhstan and Russia. This places Afghanistan in a difficult situation with its neighbours as well other regional and non regional powers vying to get a foothold in the country to spread their influence in the region and the subcontinent. It is also the land bridge between South Asia and Central Asia and possibly to Iran as well. Safe Sanctuary for Islamic Fundamentalism Apart from being the land bridge to central Asia, Afghanistan has been a home to the fundamentalist of various hues and colours ranging from the Jihadis from Kashmir to the Uighur separatists. Afghanistan certainly provided a suitable launch pad for such activities in Central Asia, more so when the Taliban was at the helm of affairs. Taliban played host to Al Qaida and its leader Osama Bin Laden The strengthening of links between militant organisations like IMU (Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan), Al Qaida, the Chechen rebels, Uighur separatists and the Taliban, further compounded the security situation in the region. Energy Resources in Afghanistan In terms of natural resources, Soviets had estimated Afghanistans proven and probable gas reserves at up to five trillion cubic feet. However, the production has been affected by years of war, and new reserves are yet to be located due to lack of any serious exploration having been carried out for the last 30 yrs or so due to the prevailing situation. The northern areas adjoining Central Asia have proven reserves of natural gas estimated at 100 billion cubic meters, the Jar Quduk oil and gas complex being a case in point. Afghanistan also has an estimated coal reserve of up to 400 million tons located between Herat and Badakhshan. However, due to the situation in Afghanistan, the production has remained low and unless serious efforts are made in the near future, Afghanistan will continue to play its historical role of serving more as a transit route for others than as an exporter of its own resources. Oil and Gas Pipelinesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.The Central Asian republics hold the key to large resources of energy i.e oil and gas. The landlocked nature of these states imposes inherent constraints in unravell