Thursday, October 10, 2019


THE CERTIFICATE OF ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL, TOURISM & HOSPITALITY (CATTH) CERTIFICATE OF ADMINISTRATION IN TRAVEL, TOURISM & HOSPITALITY (CATTH) 1. Philosophy The Certificate in administration in Travel Tourism and Hospitality is designed to develop young Namibians to effectively manage the countries tourism resources to ensure sustained growth of the industry. The course appeals to staff already working in the field and those aspiring to join the industry as employees or operators to its relevance and practical approach.The course prepares students for a role that will ensure adequate human resource to manage the growing tourism industry in Namibia and abroad. The course will give the student the necessary skills to work or operate in a very demanding environment. It will enable graduates to advance to the Higher Certificate in Travel Tourism and Hospitality or gain meaningful employment, start own operation or act as a tourism consultant. 2. Programme Outcomes By the time the graduat e finishes the Certificate of Administration, he/she will be equipped with knowledge, skills and requisite attitude to effectively operate to work in the tourism industry. . Objectives (Purpose) ? By the end of the course, the student will be expected to appreciate tourism industry and the context in which it operates. ? To get the student to understand concepts in Travel Tourism and Hospitality. ? Understand the role of marketing and communication in travel tourism and hospitality. ? To give students the theory and practice of administration and accounting systems in travel tourism and hospitality. ? Appreciation of the role of government in managing tourism resources. 4. Enrolment Standards (Admission Requirements):To be registered for any of the courses, candidates must: Hold HIGCSE senior certificate in four subjects with 1- 4 symbols OR Hold a Grade 12 senior certificate (IGCSE) with a minimum of C symbol in English Language, a pass in Mathematics and a C symbol in three other subjects totaling twenty five points or more OR Enter through flexible learning path – mature age/prior learning with five years relevant experience in various fields of world of work. Apart from a valid IGCSE 22 certificate, applicants must also have attained a minimum of 25 points on the IUM evaluation scale.Please note that achievement of these requirements will not automatically guarantee a place on the degree course, it will be subject to a successful interview/aptitude test (as required) and availability of places. OR The equivalent of any of the above as determined by Senate. 5. Teaching Methods The students will be expected to be responsible for their own learning, nobody can learn for somebody else. Emphasis will be placed upon the need for a student to read extensively in each of the subjects. The role of the lecturer is to stimulate learning and to support and guide that process.Programmed reading will support these endeavours. A wide range of teaching methods will be employed by lecturers from traditional lectures through to small decision-making groups, as well as the use of training films and videos, and advanced business simulations. 6. Learning Standards Class contributions by the students will be encouraged and the extent to which these contributions conform to the teachings of the Certificate of Administration in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality will be an important facet in the success of the student.Individual assignments will be set by the lecturer every two weeks and should usually exceed the standard of the exam. Like the group assignments these will normally take the form of a duplicated handout, that should be returned with the finished assignment. The student will be expected to carry these out without help. It is in the student’s interest to carry out these tests with integrity. They will be marked anonymously by their fellow students against a given marking plan.The tutors will use these results to monitor student progr ess and to make decisions as to whether the student is ready to sit exams when the time comes. (Students may not sit exams unless the lecturer feels he or she has a good chance of succeeding). 7. Credits System As per international acceptable formula, one (1) credit equates ten (10) notion hours (learning). These hours do not include the hours spent by a student in a class. A first year degree IUM student will, therefore, attract one hundred (100) credits. 8. Course Outline Certificate of Administration (100 Credits) ?Mathematics for Business 33 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Spoken and Business English Computer Literacy Professional Presentations Report Writing Namibian and Regional Economics Introduction to Business Accounting I Business Communications I Introduction to Travel, Tourism and Hospitality 9. Assessment & Evaluation The assessment system comprises two components: ? Continuous Assessment (CA) attracts 40% of the final grade ? Formal Exams (FE) attracts 60% of the final grade. The ev aluation system comprises two components: ? Students will be asked to complete evaluation sheets for each subject studied ?An external evaluator will evaluate the course in terms of course content, teaching methods, course resources and assessments. 10. Articulation IUM subjects articulate from Certificate/Diploma to Certificate/Diploma as per the statement in course contents Faculty will decide if and how course work from qualifications from other institutions will articulate with IUM courses. Appeals may be submitted to Senate 11. Credit Transfer Internal students that apply for advanced standing or credit accumulation or credit transfer will have their cases considered by the relevant faculty.Students from outside IUM will have their cases considered by the relevant faculty. Credit from outside institutions may be awarded up to fifty percent of total credits for any qualification conducted by IUM. Appeals may be submitted to Senate 44 ENG – 111- Professional Presentation N QF Level 5 Module Outcomes: ? ? ? Credits 10 Demonstrate good communication skills: Speech, Listening, written. Apply appropriate visuals in business communication. Employ investigative and interview skills in business situations. Course Content ? Analysing the importance of good speech and associated characteristics in business. Appreciating the values of listening and acquiring useful techniques to make a better listener. ? Learning how professional speeches and presentations are planned and delivered. ? Understanding how to use the telephone effectively and efficiently. ? Learning about the reasons for meetings and interviews taking place in business organisations. ? Appreciating the steps that need to take place for planning successful meetings and interviews. ? Studying different documents required for formal meetings. ? Analysing the types of interviews that take place and the types of questions asked. Learning how to prepare advertisements, job descriptions and press releases . ? Creating advertisements, job descriptions and press releases. ? Appreciating the different types of visual aid equipment that can be used in business communication. ? Studying the use of visuals in business communication. ? Considering how written communication can be enhanced through the use of colour and lettering styles. ENG – 112 – Spoken Business English NQF Level 5 Credits 10 Module Outcomes: ? Explain linguistics concepts and principles. ? Describe communication. ? Explain the purpose and role of seminars.Course Content Linguistics: ? Applied Linguistics ? Pronunciation ? Enunciation ? Grammar 55 Tutorials ? Selection and formulation of tapes ? Effective deliberation tapes ? SWOT Analysis Perception and Application ? ? ? Seminars ? ? ? Purpose of seminars Acceptable conduct in a seminar Seminar presentation How to illustrate communication Barriers to effective communication How to achieve success in communicated speech MTH – 132 – Mathematics f or Business NQF Level 5 Module Outcomes: ? ? ? Credits 10 Calculate basic mathematical models and algebraic computations.Apply BODMAS acronym and its full application. Calculate basic business and financial transactions. Course Content ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Applying the four rules of whole numbers, fractions and decimals Multiplying and dividing negative numbers Comparing numbers using ratios, proportions and percentages. Obtaining values for simple financial transactions involving purchases, wages, taxation, discounts. Converting foreign currencies Making calculations involving roots and powers Evaluating terms involving a sequence of operations and use of brackets.Approximating data using rounding and significant figures. Solving linear and simple simultaneous equations Determine the equations of a straight line through two points. Determining the gradient and intercept of a straight line Drawing charts and diagrams from tabular data Applying general rule and principles of graphical constructions including axes, choice of scale and zero. Identifying points of importance e. g. maximum, minimum and break-even. Calculating and interpreting summary statistics, namely measures of location 66 mean, mode, median) and measures of dispersion (range, interquartile range and standard deviation) ? Applying the laws of probability to mutually exclusive, independent and dependent events. ENG – 113 – Report Writing NQF Level 5 Module Outcomes: ? ? ? Distinguish and employ various reports. Demonstrate and use clear and concise language. Practice proper report writing skills. Credits 10 Course Content Nature and Purpose of Reports ? ? ? Necessity of reports Formats for writing reports Use of clear and concise language Informative Reports ? ? ?Purpose Situations where used Case studies Analytical reports ? ? ? Purpose Situations where used Case studies Practical Report Writing ? ? ? ? Formulation of Assignment Report presentation Assessment Correspondenc e ? ? ? ? Letters Memos Faxes Orderly in expression of requested opinion 77 Field Activity ? ? Practical like report writing Assessment and evaluation CSE – 135 – Computer Literacy NQF Level 5 Module Outcomes: ? ? Credits 10 Demonstrate computer literacy skills. Illustrate Information Technology appreciation in problem solving. Course Content Introduction to Microcomputers ?Overview of the development of computers ? Multi-user computers – mainframes and minicomputers, personal computers and their configuration. ? Essential PC Hardware, peripherals and software. ? Introduction to the main types of Software. ? Binary codes and the microprocessor ? Types of PCs – their uses and strength ? Introduction to Operating Systems (DOS & Windows) ? Information processing – online, offline processing, real-time, batch processing, single tasking and multitasking ? Current IT issues – open & proprietary systems and compatibility, information systems securi ty. Data communications – Introduction to Networks, central and distributed computing, wide area and global networks. Microsoft Windows ? Navigating the desktop, customising the desktop, file and folder management, installing and de-installing a program ? Logging onto an internet Service Provider or Online service provider, managing the mailbox, email security, using a browser and search engine effectively and downloading pages, refining searches Microsoft Word ? Open a blank document and type text, recognise the toolbars, Ruler Bar, Scroll Bar, Status Bar ? Spell checking, search and replace, thesaurus ?Page set-up, styles and general Formatting 88 ? Creating a tab set, Columns, Tables and Borders/Shading/Page ? Use word Processor Wizard to create a document such as a fax, an invitation or a CV ? Print preview and printing Microsoft Excel ? Start a blank spreadsheet and navigate between workbooks and sheets ? Enter data, change column widths and row heights, Formatting value s, Calculating, creating and understanding formulae, using Math and statistical functions ? Creating and editing charts ? Auto Form Introduction to Presentations ? Create and present a simple show. Keyboarding ?Introduction to the keyboard and basic typing skills ? Introduction to touch typing to be able to acquire at least 35wpm. FIN – 111 – Namibian and Regional Economics NQF Level 5 Credits 10 Module Outcomes: ? ? ? Demonstrate basic economics concepts and principles. Describe economic problems and corresponding economic systems. Explain Namibia’s economic competitive edge over SADC countries. Course Content ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Analysing the Namibian economic structure (namely, Mining, Agriculture, Fishing, Tourism) infrastructure (Transport and Telecommunication), Banking, Insurance.Analysing the Namibian government structure namely Legislation, Judiciary and Executive. Understanding government development plans of government (NDP 1 & NDP 2) Describing the economi es of Southern Africa (Angola, Botswana, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Lesotho, Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania and Democratic Republic of Congo) Examining Namibia’s competitiveness in the region and beyond A case study of Namibia’s industrial policy and the export processing zone initiative in particular.Explaining Namibia’s stake in SACU, SADC, COMESA, WTO, and AGOA. 99 SBM – 115 – Introduction to Business I NQF Level 5 Credits 10 Module Outcomes: ? ? ? Distinguish between different types of business in public and private sectors. Compare the processes and strategies used by businesses. Analyse business financials. Course Content ? ? ? ? ? ? ? To investigate the purpose and nature of business, looking at the different types of organisations within the Public and Private Sector. Including the activity, size, advantages and disadvantages of a business.To describe the hierarchy and the external influences of both Private and Public Sector companies including conducting a PEST analysis. Researching the services available to organisations including financial services, consultancy services and local government funding. Demonstrate an understanding of how to market a business taking into account the location, marketing mix, product lifecycle, customer needs and relating this to the overall business objective. Demonstrate knowledge of the production processes, quality, stock control and the factors internal and external that affect production within an organisation.Human resource management within a business, to include recruiting, payroll, training and development of employees and health and safety issues. Business finance; being able to demonstrate an understanding of balance sheets and profit and loss accounts within a Public and Private sector organisation. FIN – 1129 – Accounting I NQF Level 5 Credits 10 Module Outcomes: ? ? ? ? Demonstrate basic appreciation of accounting theory and practice. Calculate and use appropriate costing methods to specific business transactions.Practice and illustrate preparation of books of accounts. Interpret financial statements. Course Content ? ? Prepare a trading, profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow report for sole trader, partnerships and limited liability companies, after taking into account a normal range of adjustment to the trial balance necessary for such preparation. Recognise and apply appropriate accounting conventions to a range of transactions within the context of the accounting regulatory requirements. 10 10 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Explain and describe the appropriate of account for different types of accounting transactions and be able to prepare a trial balance from these books of account. To prepare and maintain a range of control accounts appropriate to the books of account. To prepare journal entries and deal with the treatment of suspense account items. Operate, calculate and interpret a range of basic fina ncial ratios appropriate to a set of financial statements, particularly in the key areas of profitability, solvency liquidity, asset utilization and investment ratios.Employ the basic principles of cost behaviour cost ascertainment and to be able to: Classify direct overhead allocation summary Prepare an indirect overhead allocation summary Calculate overhead recovery rates by a variety of techniques and to apply these for the purpose of cost compilation. Explain the difference between fixed and variable costs. Calculate the difference between fixed and variable costs. Calculate break-even points of activity and prepare break-even charts. Appreciate and explain the limitations of break-even analysis.Understanding the basic principles of different costing techniques and to be able to: Define the different costing techniques Explain and understand the differences between each technique, and Calculate cost using any of the techniques. Understand the basic principles of capital investme nt appraisal and be able to calculate and interpret figures using the pay back, accounting rate of return or discounted cash flow methods of investment appraisal. BAN – 1117 – Business Communication I NQF Level 5 Credits 10Module Outcomes: ? Illustrate the purpose of Business Communication. ? Explain the communication process using the Communication Theory. ? Demonstrate the communication process in Business Communication. ? Describe the various tools used in Business Communication. Course Content ? ? ? How to write business correspondence including letters, memos and advertisements. The use of business English in written form looking at spelling, paragraphs, presentation of information and appropriate business language used.To learn and understand the basic principals of communication, including learning how to overcome barriers of communication, appropriate channels of communication, the purpose of communication and presentation of self when communicating. 11 11 ? ? To be able to communicate information in the form of graphs, this also includes identifying trends from the data. To learn and understand the different types of technology used within communication and the effects of it on business and the organisation.TTH – 1217 – Intro to Travel, Tourism and Hospitality NQF Level 5 Credits 10 Module Outcomes: ? ? ? Recognize the importance of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality in relation to National Economic Development. Describe and explain the contribution of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality to the National Gross Domestic Product. Comprehend the economic, social/cultural and environmental impacts of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality. Course Content ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The interrelationship and interdependence between leisure, recreation, travel and tourism.The significance of economic, social, cultural, political and environment trends of patterns of leisure and tourism. The characteristics of different types of tourists and their m otivational behaviour. The supply and demand of tourist travel. The dimensions of the travel system in relation to tourism The main motivational factors that influence the tourist’s choice of travel. Evolution of international travel and transport developments that have affected tourism. The relationship between the development of the inclusive package tour and mass tourism.The basic requirement to development of a tourism destination. The roles of, and the relationships between, the main intermediaries within a simple tour distribution system. Government’s interest and involvement with main public tourism organization at both national and international levels. Future trends within the travel and tourism sectors. Upon successful completion of this course, the student is awarded a Certificate of Administration in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality. 12 12

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