Saturday, September 28, 2019

Comparison of Two People in the Same Profession Article - 1

Comparison of Two People in the Same Profession - Article Example To be able to do this, this paper settles on two teachers.     Robots can be exact duplicates whereas, in human beings, all people are unique. It is because of this reason that no single firm can leave the role in making decision role to robots. Moreover, another question can be raised from this fact is: Why are there people to make decisions? The fact of two teachers being on the same level and under the same management and governance does not mean the same level of intellectuality and ability to make decisions. The degree to how fast an individual can make a right decision varies from one person to the other depending on a number of factors. Some of these factors range from inborn capability, experiences in life, age, gender, family backgrounds to the level of education. A crisis of the same magnitude presented to two teachers can be mandated to have different responses if the crisis is not numerical. In the same manner, response to decisions made by the management can vary no matter the fact that they can be trained to respond to such. These differences, however, do not despite the fact that it is possible to make a similar decision or give similar reasons for a crisis (Yengoyan 14). These two teachers can be agitated by different occurrences in a classroom, for instance, one can be so furious with a student who does not hand in his or her assignment in time while the other can get so angry with one who is late for classes. None of the two makes one a lesser teacher or vice-versa, but the situation acts independently to bring out the diversity of people although in the same field. At this juncture, it is good to state that either teacher or both could be in the profession out of lack, passion, family reasons or even religious reasons. A teacher in the profession out of passion is quite different from that is in it because of any other reason. To start with the former will have an inner driving force to work while the latter will work out of external forc es. Amazingly, both perform to the expectation of the organization. The diversity of reasons unto why one is a teacher is by its own an explanation for a myriad of responses in the teaching field. It is because of the diversity of these reasons that explain the difference between teachers when faced with a challenge. For example, when a teacher reprimands a student out of misconduct and the student takes him or her in a court of law. No matter the sentence of the court the fact of being to a court of the law may either make one feel humiliated or a rise in self-esteem. The capability that one can be allured into the wind of a riot or a strikeout of poor work conditions can also have its basis on the same reasons. The reasons for the dynamic behavior of teachers also have an association with the reasons for being in the profession.

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