Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Iago’s Soliloquies and Intentions Essay -- William Shakespeare, Othell

Iago’s Soliloquies and Intentions In every play, there is at least one character that jumps off the page and begs for your attention. In The Tragedy of Othello the Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare, this character is Iago. Iago is a devious man, a liar, a manipulator, and a psychopath. It seems Shakespeare developed a very maniacal character but not one that is unreal. I feel as though we have our fair share of Iago’s in today’s society. Many politicians seem to fit into this category, manipulating people for manipulation sake. However, to me the most interesting psychopath of all, is in the play Othello. In this play, Iago is Othello’s trusted ensign. However, Iago is not what he portrays himself to be, to the characters in the play. In his soliloquies, he exclusively reveals to the audience his mal intent. He betrays Othello in the most deceitful ways, abusing Othello’s trust. Plotting against him, Iago seeks revenge on an unknowing Othello. One would conclude that Iago would have motive behind his ruthless and elaborate plans. However, it seems that Iago committed these amoral crimes, for power, for psychopathic reasons, and for sport. He has displayed his power over Othello by proving to himself, that he could in fact exploit those around him, distorting what they believe to be true. We will look into Iago’s soliloquies, dissect them, and discover his plans. Iago, the obvious villain in this love story gone array. Shows us his true colors from the beginning of the play. In act one scene one, Iago is speaking with Roderigo, he confides in Roderigo telling him â€Å"I know my price; I am worth no worse a place†. Here Iago is holding himself in high regard in an exceedingly conceited manner. He ... ...ful newly wed couple and destroyed them. In some respect, you have to admire how truly devious Iago is. He takes the innocent Desdemona and making her look so guilty when she did absolute nothing wrong. He successfully convinced Othello that Desdemona was unfaithful to him, so much so that Othello kills his innocent wife. Iago receives his title of lieutenant if only for a moment, and his revenge against Othello. Iago throughout the play uses his manipulation of words to destroy those around him. In the end, his plan was unveiled, however it was too late the deeds were done. Iago has the last laugh, his gift of language he keeps to himself "Demand me nothing. What you know, you know. From this time forth I never will speak word". He laughs knowing that he will never give the others the satisfaction of knowing why he did this. Evil is triumphant at the end of Othello.

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