Sunday, September 29, 2019

Summary of Human Resource Management

It is very important that human research management to transform from being primarily administrative and operational to strategic partner. The reason is it important is because the human resource department plays a crucial role in determining the culture of an organization. Human resources promote and implement policies and procedures. The key areas are hiring practices, compensation, management relations and employee conduct and behavior. The decisions made by the human resources department will effect an organization in a positive or negative way. The areas that will feel the impact or challenges will be creating awareness, compensation plans, hiring practices and behavior. â€Å"The role of the Human Resource Manager is evolving with the change in competitive market environment and the realization that Human Resource Management must play a more strategic role in the success of an organization. Organizations that do not put their emphasis on attracting and retaining talents may find themselves in dire consequences, as their competitors may be outplaying them in the strategic employment of their human resources†. The human resources department can give the benefit of showing management what the culture is really like. What is revealed may lead to positive changes in the organization culture, it could also lead benefits that the employee’s need. The human resource office can also help management decide if there is a need for change or eliminate programs that are not necessary. The human resource depart is vital when it comes to compensation because it is responsibility for the design or layout programs for the organization. A lot depends on how well the human resource department does their job, such as the positive and negative impact on organizational culture. It is instrument that the HR department creates a plan with an incentive program for employees, which could motivate the employees and increase productivity. If productivity is up, then I believe they are headed in the right direction. The human resource department also determines the hiring and recruiting practices used by the organization, which has a great impact on the organizational culture. The relationships between a successful business and Human Resource Management have to be incorporated into an organizations plans and strategies to be able to maintain longevity of success. The history of the development of human resource management can be traced back to the early 1900s. Human resource manager’s original function was to basically manage the relationship between businesses and labor unions. Galbraith and Nathanson developed a model for the human resource management function that divided the human resource management function into four basic sub functions. The human resource management function was divided into seven parts. Human resource management are viewed as an essential part of an organization, also seen as a necessary to deal with labor unions. Human Resource Management focuses on securing, maintaining, and employing an effective work force, which organizations can strive. Human Resource Management involves a variation of activities, which include recruitment, and screening employees, preparing training needs, analyze human resource forecasts, compensation systems, and an understanding of the laws. The Human Resource Management function has evolved significantly since the early 1900. The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) was undergoing a renewal period. With renewal and change, it is essential for the human resource management function to adopt a strategic role in order to support and enable CSC ‘s business drivers. CSC is in the people business, and people and positive relationships comprise our most important asset; this is essential for fulfilling our public safety mandate. Every person at CSC has a role to play in helping to achieve the results set out in this Plan. CSC ‘s managers have shared accountability for these results. The Assistant Commissioner Human Resource Management is accountable for setting the foundation and people services that will enable managers to meet their business goals efficiently and effectively. The Deputy Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners, and managers and supervisor within their region or sector, are accountable for the implementation of good human resource management to provide a healthy workplace and ensure a productive and innovative workforce, and enabling learning and development. Employees are responsible for being a partner to create a healthy workplace, productive and innovative workforce, and for their learning and development. Regional support for the Plan will be assumed primarily by the Assistant Deputy Commissioners of Corporate Services. [Full description of figure: CSC's Program Activity Architecture] This Strategic Plan for Human Resource Management covers the period of 2009-2010 to 2011-2012. The Plan integrates CSC's business lines as found in the Program Activity Architecture and as outlined in the CSC Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP). In December 2007, after completing an in-depth review of the federal correctional system, an Independent Review Panel delivered its report, A Roadmap to Strengthening Public Safety. The human resource management priorities are aligned with the Review Panel's observations and recommendations. The CSC Review Panel endorsed CSC ‘s Strategic Plan for Human Resource Management for 2007-2008 to 2010-2011. The Review Panel developed a set of recommendations to respond to issues that came out of discussions with frontline staff and to the underlying issues CSC must address in order to further the strategic priorities outlined in the Plan. The following chart provides a summary of the Panel's recommendations. These recommendations are integrated throughout this plan. Full description of figure: Human Resource Management] In endorsing the previous Strategic Plan for Human Resource Management , the Panel stated that â€Å"CSC ‘s priorities in matters related to human resource management must ensure that practices are robust and effective to allow the organization to deliver on its key operational priorities and other activities in a cost effective manner, and that this is done in a way that is consistent with public service values that are essential to a healthy workplace and to the confidence and trust of Canadians. † 2 This statement is as true today as it was then, and whil e the previous 2007 CSC Strategic Plan for Human Resource Management achieved a number of milestones and brought ownership and accountability to CSC leaders by placing important HR issues on the organization's agenda, there is still much work to be done. This Plan builds on the results of the initiatives put forth in the previous plan and continues to build on those important achievements to further support the organization in meeting its evolving business needs and the Government's overall public safety agenda. Regional and Sector activities in the area of human resource management and services flow from this Strategic Plan. Integrated into the foundation of services provided by human resource professionals in all regions and at national headquarters in support of CSC activities, are plans and measures related to CSC priorities. Of importance in the medium and longer term is forging relationships and engaging our partners to continue to build on the current foundation of human resource management, and investing in our people through several key activities outlined under these three priorities. These priorities and key activities, including Public Service Renewal, will bring about improvements in human resource management in support of CSC's transformation and business objectives. The organization that I would like to discuss is actually the United States Air Force. As the Career Assistance Advisor, I work with the hiring officials and putting the proper individuals with the right job. There is a process that the Human Resource department has to follow and it is imperative that they get it right. Each year the military need individuals in certain positions that meet certain criteria fill jobs. The HR department at Randolph Air Force base has to work closely with organizations or units to fill their manning needs in order to support their mission. There is an analysis of manning done for each career field to determine if a position needs to be filled, once that is determine, HR department matches members with the location and job. Also, each year the Air Force determines that some career fields are over manned and some are short manned. This situation creates a need for hiring for the short manned career field to meet the Air Force retention goals. The HR department works with units to fill special duty, regular and chronic critical jobs. The HR department finds out the needs and requirements for the positions from the units. Then the HR department creates the advertisement and screens the applicants that apply to ensure that they make the right decision based upon the needs and requirements. The HR department must ensure that the applicants meet the requirements, because when they do hire the individual, there is a lot that follows. The first thing to follow in getting the individual trained which might require technical school. The next step is getting the member to the new job location, which both cost the government money to do. The HR department that I deal with on a daily basis does a thorough job of ensuring that the individual is even eligible, before they go any further in the process, so by doing so save the government time, money and resources. The HR department is the key to keeping the Air Force properly manned and ready at all times for the mission. (2013, 02). Discussion Essay Questions. Retrieved 02, 2013, from (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })()

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