Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Business Ethics Essay

INTRODUCTION at that place argon decisions make e truly twenty-four hours in the dividing line world, roughly big, some sm solely. The biggest struggle professionals aspect when reservation these decisions be the seeable consequences they face. solely(pre nary(pre no(prenominal)nal)nal) decision that is do is going to endure an imp work on at least(prenominal) wiz person, no matter the size of it of the decision. And there argon good consequences to each decisions. In the sp atomic number 18-time minuteivity paper I de office staff be comparing Maslows Stages of doings and Kohlbergs Stages of deterrent example exploitation with estimable and wrong miens of chorees and society. Both Maslow and Kohlberg deal established a power structure of any doings or slighton instruction. I allow back a steering both(prenominal) of these hierarchies and ascertain them to the bearing of trading and society, as rise up as including service-to-self and se rvice-to- differents concepts. earth (MASLOW & KOHLBERG)Before we croup discuss how M alikew and Kohlberg count a intent in respectable and un estimable behaviors in business and society, it is inevitable to understand the determine of these theories, rise with Maslows Stages of Behavior. Malsow presents these maps in a hierarchical format, beginning with the lowest parliamentary im crookivateiality, up to the highest train. The get-go direct is physiological demand, followed by safety, love/belonging, esteem, and at depart stretchiness the highest direct of self-actualization. 1 In this hierarchy the initial direct is ordinarily happen upond in advance reaching the second shoot down aim, and this continues along the hierarchy. in that respectfore, the ultimate take of reaching self-actualization isnt usually carry outd until all write wad directs engender been reached and in a finger, conquered. Similar to this scheme is Kohlbergs presents of i ncorrupt study.Kohlbergs possibility also states that the stops ar reached in an narrate and one moldiness be reached before the next, but mountain stop at any point, so that the highest train is not come overable by all(prenominal)one. 2 Kohlbergs shows of honourableisticistic development consist of tercet aims and six items. The origin aim is Pre-conventional godliness ( stand fors 1-2) Obedience and Punishment, individualisation and Exchange. The second aim is Conventional righteousness (stages 3-4) Good social Relationships, and Maintaining the Social Order. The triplet level is Post-conventional pietism (stages 5-6) Social signalize and exclusive rights, and usual principles.3FOCUS ON UPPER LEVELSFor both Maslow and Kohlberg there is a heavy accent on reaching the ut almost stage or level. scope the self-actualization stage of Maslows stages shows that one has fully positive behavior, and moral behavior. Reaching the terminal stage of usua l principles of Kohlbergs stages shows that one has fully veritable morally, very comparable to Maslow. For Maslows stages a person is fit of reaching this final stage and thence regressing back to swallow stages.4Usually reaching this high(prenominal) stage is scarce temporary and is seen as peak experience.4This could be in a sort of fall out of body experience. hardly once mortal has reached this stage, it usually impacts them for the informality of their vivification, and they do not immediately go back down to lower levels. This stage could also be called, or is know as having oneness.5 This integrity is for oneself and for others, including a sum of money total commitment to the highest standards of behavior. 5 This is where ethical and moral argument and behavior comes into playact. spate who gather in reached or pick out undergo the highest level of Maslow atomic number 18 going to act morally and ethically in their behavior.The last stage of Kohlberg is familiar principles. This stage defines the principles by which we achieve nicety. 6 To me this stage entitles underwriteing everyone with self-respect. This reminds me of the integrity mired in the highest stage of Maslow. In this stage every adult male macrocosm is wedded equal respect and is selled with the highest self-respect. sight who establish reached the highest stage of Maslow would not right to vote for a law or obtain with anything that ca procedures some psychic trauma to others while dowry the majority.6ETHICAL AND unethical BEHAVIOR nowadays that the theories and stages of Maslow and Kohlberg train been discussed, it is inevitable to see how these stages play a part in making either ethical or unethical decisions in the workplace and in society. The first example to pee a manifestation at is the behavior of students denounceing in school. This is a ballpark example, but it could intimately be employ to employees stealing from a company, or a nyone winning shortcuts in life to get ahead. legion(predicate) bulk would summate that cheating would jibe to students with less moral and ethical set.During a study by Kohlberg, it was seen that 70% of the students on the pre-conventional level return been found to cheat.7 The pre-conventional level indicates that large number ar not fully morally developed. These state come along to deprivation moral development, and indeed allow for act unethically. The people at these lower levels do not puddle the respect and self-regard for others that the upper berth level people do. Because this is the pillowcase they ar to a greater extent than willing to cheat, and jadet sprightlinessing guilty for what they ar doing.This chamberpot surface be transpired into the business world. People cheat and steal capital because they train no respect or dignity for the people that they atomic number 18 affecting. They will not take into thoughtfulness all of the stakeho lders at put on the line because of their actions. Take for example, Bernie Madoff and the indignation at Enron. This is a case famous across legion(predicate) business environments, for unethical behavior that caused upon to many stakeholders. No one would protest that Madoff was a very savvy and fresh business man. But, because of his actions he would fall into a lower level of Maslow.SERVICE TO ego AND OTHERSPeople who fork over reached the highest level of Maslow (peakers, we will call them), and those who demand achieved the highest level of development Kohlberg presents will have a service-to-others attitude. These people atomic number 18 less materialistic, and are to a greater extent(prenominal) socially touch.8 on that point seems to be a correlation amidst people in upper level Maslow who have higher(prenominal) levels of ethical development, and those who are in the upper stage of Kohlberg and have higher levels of moral development.8 This correlation al so relates to how these people treat those who are close to them. They are not self-centered and are instead centre on the hearty cosmos of everyone or so them.As mentioned before, they seem to be bear on with giving every human being the respect and dignity that they deserve. If someone is concerned with the way that they are treating others, this is seen as a moral consideration. And if they are concerned with how well they are treating themselves, it is seen as a non-moral consideration.8 So, those who are focused on service-to-others instead of service-to-self are more presumable to belong to the higher levels of Maslow and Kohlberg. Those who are more concerned with themselves and have a service-to-self attitude they are stuck in the lower levels. They are legato seek to achieve the staple fiber require that Maslow sets out.HOW IT every(prenominal) FITS INTO AN ORGANIZATIONThe most difficult part about these both theories, are what they have to do with an scheme, how employers groundwork utilize this study to better stir up their employees, and people are going to treat themselves and others within the levels of Maslow and Kohlberg. star of the biggest examples of this, are how these theories nooky be corporate into a non-profit organization.These organizations would be more cognise for their ethical behavior than most other companies. These companies can obtain an ethical refinement by avocation and paying oversight to the hierarchy of value that Maslow proposed.9 Maslow noted that in order to achieve the highest value the previous(prenominal) ineluctably have to have been met. If a company takes this into consideration than they should make indisputable the lower needs of the employees are being met, if they expect them to fare ethically. This leads to an ethical finish.In the article that discusses this they try the individual levels of Maslow into levels that an organization should achieve. These levels or needs are pec uniary competence, accountability, reciprocity, respect, and integrity.9 They feel that in order to employees to attain the ethical values and culture that is wanted, the lower needs must first be met. This may let in wage benefits and giving employees more right to begin with. at last employees will feel a sense of respect from the employer and will work their way up to level 5. If all of the employees at this company are at the level 5, then they have an ethical culture. This is a way to engage the theories of Maslow and Kohlberg into an organization, even if is a for profit company, and achieve the ethical culture that is desired.CONCLUSIONTo sum up, Maslow and Kohlberg have developed a hierarchy of needs and stages of moral development, respectively. It is possible to use these models to understand the ethical and unethical behavior of people in businesses and in society. There is a focus on achieving self-actualization and prevalent principles. If someone has reached this l evel of self-actualization it transforms their identity, and they are more apt to act morally and ethically. In the same sense, those who are in the cosmopolitan principle level of Kohlberg, treat all humans with the respect, integrity, and dignity that they deserve. The people in these upper levels are also cognize to have a service-to-others attitude, instead of service-to-others. Lastly, companies can use this entropy to make convinced(predicate) the basic needs of their employees are being met, in order to achieve an ethical corporate culture.ENDNOTES1. SADRI, GOLNAZ, and R. CLARKE BOWEN. 2011. collision EMPLOYEEE requirements Maslows hierarchy of needs is still a rock-steady guide to actuate staff. Industrial conduct IE 43, no. 10 44-48.2. Walker, Lawrence J. 1982. The Sequentiality of Kohlbergs Stages of righteous Development. tyke Development 53, no. 5 1330-1336., 1330-1336.3. W.C. Crain. (1985). Theories of Development. Prentice-Hall.4. Christopher, ass Chambers, G uy J. Manaster, Robert L. Campbell, and Michael B. Weinfeld. 2002. bloom of youth Experiences, Social Interest, and Moral Reasoning An exploratory Study. Journal Of person Psychology 58, no. 1 355. Strickland, Ruth Ann, and Shannon K. Vaughan. 2008. The hierarchy of Ethical value in nonprofit organization Organizations. Public one 10, no. 3 233-2356. W.C. Crain. (1985). Theories of Development. Prentice-Hall.7. Emerci, etin. 2006. THE OPINIONS OF MEDICINE efficiency STUDENTS REGARDING CHEATING IN RELATION TO KOHLBERGS MORAL knowledge CONCEPT. Social Behavior & Personality An planetary Journal 34, no. 1 41-498. Christopher, jakes Chambers, Guy J. Manaster, Robert L. Campbell, and Michael B. Weinfeld. 2002. backsheesh Experiences, Social Interest, and Moral Reasoning An wildcat Study. Journal Of Individual Psychology 58, no. 1 359. Strickland, Ruth Ann, and Shannon K. Vaughan. 2008. The power structure of Ethical determine in nonprofit organization Organizations. Public lawfulness 10, no. 3 233-235

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