Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Critique of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Range available to Essay

Critique of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Range available to Customers at Tesco - Essay ExampleExecutive Summary Tesco is the largest food retailer in UK, operating more than 2,318 stores worldwide and around 1,878 stores all over the UK. Tesco too runs stores in the rest of Europe and Asia (Dinkhoff, 2009, page 5). offers full online service to customers. The social club also offers a series of online and offline personal finance services. Headquartered in Hertfordshire, UK the phoner operates groceries, bakeries, food and drinks stores, health and beauty services, home and entertainment as well as pets and household services. Tesco has stores in 14 countries spread across Europe, Asia and North America and employs 492,714 people (Theuvsen, 2007, page 69). SWOT Analysis of Fruit and Vegetables Available at Tesco Strengths The company provides a Wide product range including fresh fruits, vegetables, frozen food, juices, nectars, and processed food. It also has a Strong brand name, efficient supply chain focussing and efficient use of technology in processing and constant innovation. Tesco offers their customers the convenient option of online shopping through their user-friendly website. This makes it easy for customers to find the appropriate items they ar seeking. The customers can view products on website, place orders and make an appointment for delivery (Dogra, 2010, page 20). The business has secured a strong commercial standing within the orbicular marketplaceplace after being awarded Retailer of the Year 2008 at the World Retail Awards. TESCO groceries strengths also include posted sales gain of 13% for UK markets and 26% growth in global markets despite retail sales continuing to show a declining or level performance (Palmer, 2012, page 4). Weakness Fruits and vegetables are easily perishable products, which without a reliable marketing strategy cad lead to immense losses (Da Silva, 2009, page 63). The stores chains weaknesses includ e non-essential, high slating price items that will bear the rising cost of living and lower incomes (Tischner, 2009, page 189). Tescos Finance profit levels were affected by credit card arrears, horrid debt, and household insurance claims. The Grocer outlets are not grouped to work as specialist retailers in particular areas of product, which other tailored retailers can capitalize (Faruq, 2007, page43). The smart sets position as a price leader in UK markets may lead to lower profit margins to obtain the substantialprice points. some other weakness lies in reliance on UK market (Pride, 2012, page 33). Opportunities Using the latest technology, Tesco can easily save time and obtain targeted customers. The company could also advertise their range of fresh fruits and vegetables through various media to attract more customers (Blay-Palmer, 2010, page 98). They could also widen their reach throughout the UK market with exclusive, fresh fruits and vegetables outlets. The change mag nitude demand for tropical fruit and valued vegetables annually from the global market is another opportunity for Tesco (Burch, 2007, page 143). Threats Competition still remains the foremost panic Tescos fresh fruit and vegetables business faces. The company has famous competitions like ASDA, Marks&Spenser and Sainsbury. Economic instability and inflation experienced lately in the UK market also pose a considerablethreat to the company. Consequently, the customers save cost on expenditure due to the bad

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