Sunday, June 9, 2019

Business Plan and Business Planning Process Essay

Business Plan and Business Planning Process - undertake ExampleIn this write-up, Stutleys assertion that The chief executive of the business or business unit should take overall responsibility for the plan, but the vanquish business plans are developed by the whole.for an enterprise-wide plan, all departmentsshould contribute to the grooming process and the final documentation (2007, 17) shall be linked to how an all-inclusive form _or_ system of government in the construction of a business plan can lead to successes for companies.Difference between business plan and business planning process harbor (2000) explains that a business plan is a document that summarizes the operational and financial objectives of a business and contains the detailed plans and budgets showing how the objectives are to be realized. Giving a closely related definition, Berry (2011) explains that a business plan is any plan that works for a business to look ahead, allocates resources, focus on primal poi nts, and prepare for problems and opportunities. On the other hand, Gleeson (2011) posits that the business plan process is simply the steps you go through and actions you take when producing a business plan. From these definitions, the differences that can be drawn between a business plan and the business planning process are that whereas a business plan is a document, the business planning process is an action. Again, whereas a business plan is an end product, the business planning process is a means to an end and is actually the means that results in a business plan. To this effect, it can be said that an effect business planning process leads to a workable and effective business plan.

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