Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Evaluate Our Rukun Negara Essay

Evaluate Our Rukun Negara EssayThe principles of the Rukun Negara formulated by National Consultative Council with together headed by our second prime minister, Tun Abdul Razak at 31 August 1970. The exercise of formation of this subject field principles argon to created unity of various race in Malaysia after the riots of different races at May 13th 1969 in Malaysia. That riots happened had proven the Malaysian racial issues and stability had fragile.The formation of Rukun Negara ar peerless of the method to overcome the racial issues between different races in Malaysia after the May 13th incidents has happened which snarly hundreds of wad are finish in that particular incident. It happened when after choice at year 1969 where Parti Tindakan Rakyat (DAP) dan Gerakan get a very good respond from the resultant role of the election. Procession was held by them purpose for incident of bingle y revealh Chinese was killed in battle with policemen before the election was held. UMNO was felt be challenged of the result of the election although them belt up win the mass seats in parliament.Datuk Harun Idris led the riots happened. Purpose of this provocative procession happened was to set fire to the spirit of nationalism of all races in Malaysia. This riots happened until the police force was unable to control the situation. Army force had to be called to help police force to control the situations.This incidents has make all the leaders in Malaysia has realized of importance of unity issues of various races in the inelegant. In the official report, there are totals of 493 people was injured and 196 people are reported death of that incidents. Emergency in the country was declared by our Yang Dipertua Agong, with advices from our first prime minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman based on article 150 in constitution of federal Malaysia.The Rukun Negara shag be related with several place that we catch in the trips. The first principle arse related with Batu C aves and National Palaces. Batu Caves are rich with Hinduism cultural. The cultural still preserved until today that let us to enable to study and get to know the elements and everything cultural closely Hinduism. National Palaces are rich with Islam religions and cultural. Inside the palaces, circularise of architectures are follow Islam and mixed with Hinduism elements to build with it. Switch of the light and fans are made of gold plated, which represent the wealthy and spiriteder form people in society.National Museum represent the place to let all the people to overture the past cultural and present cultural in Malaysia. In museum, we faeces access different races occupations, cultural, rituals and doings being practice in past and until current today in Malaysia. It too show us how the t mavin, ritual and cultural of orangutan Asli in Malaysia.Examine carefully the importance of Rukun Negara for our country how it cultivate social structure and social organization in society.We are admitting that Rukun Negara was important to our country in Malaysia. Rukun Negara was created to meet its purpose of unity of various race in Malaysia, and prevent the riots of races happened again within the country. Analysis of sepa straddlely elements of national principlesBELIEF IN theologyNation and the State was created based on a strong belief in God. It would make the sovereign country or nation thru these religions belief. The Federal spirit declared that Islam is the official religion, but other religion and beliefs green goddess be practiced in freedom and tranquility. Any actions discrimination against any citizen on causal agent based on religion are prohibited. Pillars of the drafters of the committee recognize the importance of belief in God and religion in human life. This principle has been selected as the first principle of the Rukun Negara to recognize the importance of community subdivisions holding robustness against their teaching of reli giousLOYALTY TO KING AND COUNTRYMalaysia practices a system of thoroughgoing monarchy and parliamentary democracy with head of state, His Majesty the King. This element core that every citizen should be devoted faithful, honest and sincere to His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. At the state level, the citizens are required to devote loyalty to the king who ruled the land where they reside without reducing allegiance to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.THE SUPREMACY OF THE CONSTITUTIONThis principle pressing need for people to accept, obey and defend the Constitution of the country or glory. Constitution is the highest legal source. Its function is to provide protection to every citizen of this country because of their privileges and rights as citizens in this country. The Malaysian citizens are required to keep an eye on, appreciate, and understand the history, contents and definitions of the Constitution. Constitution was drafted based on consensus of all parties and races within th e country. Thus the social contract that people can non be questioned about it and threatened by any individual or any party. Constitution of Malaysia made for determine the pattern of socio-economic and political position of the citizens in this country.THE RULE OF righteousnessJustice based on the rule of law where all citizens equal before the law in the country legally. State law based on the Constitution. Thus the need to be accepted and defended its sovereignty. Without the law, social and state life is non peaceful and stable. By the laws of the country are guaranteed by an independent judgeship and competent. Every country needs laws to regulate and create peaceful, prosperity and stability in society. The existence of the law will guarantee a life member of the community can move with freedom and orderly, without any disturbance which not threated the safety of other citizens in the country. All citizens has right to practice freely as long as no violation of the law as well as things as guaranteed by the Constitution. The freedoms right declared in the Constitution does not means citizens have the right to overthrow the current disposal.COURTESY AND MORALITYThese five principles to emphasize the development of ones personality and behavior of the people. The aim is to form citizens politeness and manners in line with the campaign Courtesy and Noble Values conducted now. Individual nature of courtesy and manners are the most important and meaning(prenominal) in the elements of relationships with other various races within the country. Attitude of courtesy and manners should be taught and practiced to develop the individual as well as high discipline and morality that will help create harmonious in the society. Conduct hate and condemn this behavior or act arrogant or offend any person or class. Polite behavior within the person are contains of high degree of morality in his / her life.Importance of Rukun Negara are create unity among the differe nt races, Chinese, Malay and Indians in Malaysia. In the national principles, it has avoid any racial issues happened between among the three main racial in the country. It was law binding for those go against with it will be arrested.National Principles also create function as a guidance in the formation of one nation in the country regardless of religion and race. It has suit important guidelines for government in Malaysia ruled the country. (Utusan Online, 2004)National principles also creates the way of democracy life in the Malaysia nation. In the federal constitution, it was stated practice of democracy must in element for governing in nations of Malaysia. The constitution are almost resembling corresponding United States. National principles also to serve purpose of the wealth in the nation shall be equitably shared among the nation. It also to ensure the swelled approach of diversity and rich of different cultural traditions within Malaysian nations. (Utusan Online, 2004 )In first elements of national principles, not one were racial, each citizens of Malaysia was respect each other cultural, traditions and religions been practice by different races. In today, we can bring out the effects created by the national principle in our country, Malaysia. Every races still dole out to get mixed well by each other. (Utusan Online, 2004)Different races mix well togetherSecond element in national principles are made the citizens in Malaysia have love and loyalty to their country and Kings. Not only that, they are expected to be love their leaders as well. In Today, although we can see Sultan are functionless in our country, but Malaysians are not going to oppose the Sultan but to love the Sultan more and respect them as there are one of the leaders in Malaysia. We can saw Malaysia are developing far behind than Singapore. But, we still love our country as we can see the superfluousty of Malaysia are united three races in one nation one country, which this re asons are attracted the foreign tourists come and send for to Malaysia. (Utusan Online, 2004)Third elements in national principles enable the citizens in Malaysia live in democracy way in their country. There is freedom to practices their own rituals, cultural and also religious for each races. Every citizens have their right and own voice to protest the wrong doing in the society. Very good example are referring to Bersih Campaign. It is one of the democracy way for Malaysian citizens to voice out their dissatisfied with the wrong doing in past elections. (Utusan Online, 2004)Bersih CampaignThe Law Binding were cultivate the society become more alert when they commit any illegal activity. One of the example, any drug trafficking was arrested and had been judged by court, it will received penalty as dead sentences in final.The brave out principle has enabled all the citizens to build up better or superior personality which consist good moral and behavior. The superior of personali ty are the important elements of the development of the country. It also able to avoid any riots happened within the country among the different race. In opposite, it able to create harmony among the race for percentage each other, complement each other which gave a fast lane for a country to become developed country. Crime rate also can be reduced at the same time. Hence, the Ultimate goal of Rukun Negara also can be achieved at the same time.Different races of Bersih Activists help to save out the victim which hit by policemen car in Bersih Campaign. They eventually help policemen get out of the car after they save the victim of accident.In my opinion, national principles have its importance and it have affect the Malaysian society to get united even better compared with time at post- independent. In today, we can see everyone can have different races of friend in their life. The freedom of Malaysian citizen to practice their cultural and rituals without anyone restrictions are a mazing, it has attracted the different country tourists just to come and visit the Malaysia for experiencing this multiracial cultural in Malaysia. In today, we able to see even we from different races but they really help each other when we have obstacle in some situations. My personal experience, when there are a accidents occurs, i can see the Malays and Indians come and help out each other.But, we still can see some group of people which have power in political and position which seen Rukun Negara as nothing. Here, i not wish to refer anyone in Malaysia, but we commonly know what is actually happened in our country. Death of Teoh Beng Hock was still became mystery until today, although court had given final judgment as he commit suicide. We still can see many corruptions happened around the country, which the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission cannot do anything on it because the excessive power involve which can overwrite everything and bring off run away from judgments incl uding legislative.In conclusion, Rukun Negara are play very important roles in Malaysia. It gave peace among our country. It also born good personality of the citizens, which love their everything in their home country. Unity among the races are become the specialty of Malaysia toward other countries in all around the world.Others discussion questionsExamine Malaysian crime rate and compend the statistics based on Roberts Merton s Typology of Deviance.In Robert Merton theory of Deviance typology, there are five elements. There are conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism and rebellion. Basically, he explain about deviants behavior becomes crime when the crime too disruptive and uncontrollable through informal sanctions. All forms of deviance are related with crime. (Tepperman Curtis, J., 2006)Conformity are refer to achieved of societal goals by social s means which both of them are accepted by society. Innovation is the attaining goals by using unacceptable way by the societ y. Innovators ever think and take of creative ways to achieve their goals, which the creative ways are not accept by society at most of the times. Meanwhile, Ritualism is the means accepted by society but the loss of the goals. Although they has rejected the goals, but they still continue the means. Retreatism is the rejection of both the goals and means. They often find a way to duck from goals and means. Rebellion are same meaning with retreatism but they are with spic-and-span goals and new means. Merton defined innovation and ritualism are the pure cases, it is because both cases there is a discontinue to implied and pursue between goals and means. (Tepperman Curtis, J., 2006)Based on Malaysia statistics related with crime and law, there are fourteen type of crimes. In concern of increase play of crimes are violent crimes, property crimes, commercial and serial commercial code crimes. Violent crimes are included case of murder, rape, fire armed ring robbery, gang robbery w ithout firearms. Property crimes covered stealing of truck/van, car, snatch thefts and burglary. Commercial crimes covered those trick in business deal, criminal breach of trust, the fraudulent clapperclaw of property and others related. (Statistical of Goverment Malaysia)Relation between Malaysia crime rate and Robert Merton theory, He try to stated that deviances. There is an adaptation by the people to dominant the culture in the society. As the grows between the means and goals, the people will experienced the most internal conflict. Good example, a poor people desired middle class people goal, such as a new LCD television in the home. They find difficulty of means to achieve their goals, in result they felt stress. He argued that they use illegitimate way to accomplish a legitimate goal. Very good example, stealing are one of related element of crimes rate and Robert theory. Thief choose to use stealing ways to achieve their goal of acquire money to survive in this society. Th is term called as innovations, and the thief called as innovators.Ritualism has some similarity problems with innovators experience. But, they choose to dissent for attaining the goal, and continue with their means (ways to achieve the goal). Example, some people know the way of they achieve the goal are not going to work, but they still practice the ways.Best way to describe retreatism are referring to drug addicts. They did not choose the way to achieve the goal, they also refuse to achieve to goal. They choose to escape from everything.Rebellion are referring group of people or individual who reject the norms, goals, and values of society, which they choose go for another new norms, goals, and values which do not exist in that particular society.Sometime, it is a society itself led the crime happened. Examples, everyone was addicted with the New IPhone which personify very high-priced in price. But, because of the societys demand pressure, everyone essential has one by themsel ves. Some of them might be not afford, they choose perform deviance ways to achieve the cost which enables they to buy the phone, including steal, rob and involved in prostitutions.Father and drive should play a very important role in teaching their children which are honorable ways to perform a decision. It same go with teachers and lecturers in study institutions. Morality values should focus by the teachers in school for their student. Father and mother should become of role to be teach their children should not fall into the trick of deviance typology.In conclusion, everyone has the responsibility for judge whether the ethical decision has been made for majority benefit and agreement in the society.Evaluate the status of women in terms of career and education in Malaysia compare with United States, Kuwait and Nigeria.Status of women in different country has different answer of it. Example, women in Malaysia are far better than women in Middle East countries, which they are more pity, less improve and only play important role in family for caring the children in the home. There are heavy discrimination of women in Middle East countries. Generally, women in Malaysia are consider lucky. They able to receive education and handle certain higher position in several multi-national company. Although, there are small flesh of discriminations toward to the women, but the situation still consider small matter if compared with Nigeria and other Middle East countries. Malaysia government gave lot of supports for concert their rights to make decisions and advance, aspect of wellness, education, women in social welfare, and removal of legal obstacles. Formation of the Womens Affairs Ministry in Malaysia at year 2001 to recognize the contributions and the roles of Malaysian women. Based on data of the world swear at year 2011, 47 % of labor force in Malaysia are women. In any study institutions, we able to see majority of students are consisted of female. (The orbit Bank Group, 2013)Today, women in Kuwait generally consider most emancipated. They have right to drive, travel, and work without their fathers or husbands consent. They even hold senior positions in government department. They basically can work freely and can achieve positions of power and influence. (Womens Voting Rights in Kuwait, n.d.)They also gain right to vote at last at election at year 2005. (BBC News, 2005) In year 2009, they able to get their own passport without his consent of his husband and father too. The change of the pattern in the country in result of election has change the destiny of women in that particular country. There even has women work in police force, special force and army force. Basically, women in Kuwait get equal chance of occupational. But, Women in Kuwait get some social discrimination. In Islamic law, Sunni Islamic women inherit only a portion of property from family. Women in Kuwait are receive enough education compared than women in Nigeria.Wom en in Nigeria are pitiful. They did not enjoy their equal rights as like women in other country. Because of polygamy practice of male in Nigeria, women cannot expect faithful from their husbands. Women are expected to bear discomposure and suffer in silence. Women taken suffer from any venereal diseases, including HIV/AIDS without any words spoken from their mouth. Nigeria women get lower status in the family even had married with her husband. They often get violence from their husband. The economy pressure (higher poverty) led they work as prostitution in their home country. This also one of the reason they get inflection of STD and HIV virus. Nevertheless, majority of them are less educated. Most of the time, women in Nigeria are spend lot of time in residence to do their household stuffs. They never have chance work in outside work as like men in Nigeria. (Women in Nigeria Religion, Culture, and AIDS, 2003)In today, women in United States are gain most freedom in all around the world. According to OECD report, 71% of men are in pay work, compared with 62% of women. In education aspect, This is truer of women than men, as 88% of men have successfully completed high-school compared with 90% of women. ( OECD, n.d.)Across the economy, women now earn 81 cents for every dollar earned by men. According to Forbes (2013), Women are get best paying of wages in place number four of job of health care sectors. (Forbes, 2013) According to the David Alexander and Phil Stewart (2013), US remove lift ban of women involved in role of front line combat. It has release thousands of job opportunity to women in Unite States. (Alexander Phil Stewart, 2013) Education status of women in unite state are far better than any women in Kuwait, Malaysia and Nigeria. According to the United States nosecount Bureau, there more women attained bachelor degree than men in education. It has shown women get more freedom and opportunity of education in United States. (United States enumer ate Bureau, 2011)In conclusion, my opinion about women toward career and education term should be equal same as male. Women should have the equal right same like male, because they also same like male. We should exploit and limited them to involve with the things as they like to be.

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