Friday, June 7, 2019

Web Usability and interactive design Essay Example for Free

Web Usability and interactive design EssayThe primary component is the insure and feel which has been taken cargon really wellhead. The combination of colors with a white background is rather vibrant in this website. The font is appropriately deep to usher and propagate the message which the site aims to deliver. The layout of the index scalawag provides detail in formattingion with respect to the site offerings. The placement of search facility is provided at the fleet right side of the page which makes it quite relevant. The usable features ar as follows Search facility is provided Layout of the page with respect to nurture depiction is quite well maintained Examples for certain procedures are provided which makes the site quite useful in nature Content is clear and simple, there are no flamboyant designs or images. It depicts professionalism in content. The most important content is presented well for user awareness for the site The content representation, layo ut, colors, typefaces are very ethical in practice Tagline appears in every page The contact page takes care of visitor feedback using their mail and telephone services The following are the suggestions for making the site more(prenominal) usable The content is to some extent low on usability as the accomplish is depicted in simple text and no diagrams or process models charts are employ. Having a clear diagram would make the site speak for itself and visitors would be able to visualize the content rather than reading long texts. water travel is not quite clear, it cannot be ascertained where one is in the entire process of learning. Links or absolute path names could be used to give a notion to the visitors for the path they have traveled across the website. Site 2 http//www. transparencynow. com/index. html The look and feel is not up to the gibe for this site.The following are the features which score on non-usability are as follows The look of the site is dull with resp ect to the above site (site 1). The colors used are not suitable for giving a proper message. The color is not consistent in the sailing of pages. The font is not enough large to depict and propagate the message which the site aims to deliver. The layout of the index page provides detail information with respect to the site offerings the information is so huge that one would be at sea in that. There is no search facility provided at the site. Tagline does not appear in every page Long texts make the content quite boring in nature and one would be lost in the information pool Navigation has not been taken care. The usable features are as follows Layout of the page with respect to information depiction Content is clear and simple, small pictures are provided for propagation The most important content is presented in the content page well for user awareness for the site. One can improve the site by following the usability suggestions The look of the site must be changed with more burbling colors so that one gets to have proper look and feel. The color requires being consistent in the navigation of pages. The font requires being a brusk larger and more prominent for propagation. The text must be classified into various groups so that they are given a representation and promote profile Tagline must be made to appear in every page Navigation link with the path names must be provided to enable a user to know where they are. The sites which I visit often are Ebay. com and Monster. com Ebay. com, an online superstore, ranks quite game on usability and has the following features of usability Content is presented quite in a coherent manner with short descriptions and images Colors and text used promote visibility to a high extent Navigation links and path names are adhered to its full swing Search facility is provided Contact and feedback mechanisms are regulated to its full extent Monster. com is one of most recognized sites for jobs that have ver y high usable features which make it successful in practice. Content is presented precisely and makes use of text and visual representation in a tightly coupled format Colors and text used promote visibility to a high extent, it depicts professionalism and at the same time deliver the desired result Navigation links and path names are taken care well which takes care of the visitors coordinates Search facility is provided that makes the visitor to easily locate information and not scan the entire site Contact and feedback mechanisms are regulated to its full extent Conclusion The general issues of usability rest on the factors like content, text, color, navigation links, feedback options and others. If a website envelopes all the necessary usable features then it pulls traffic to a great extent and enables them to take an action.I have learned that high usability features is quite necessary to provide visibility to the website over the internet. The layout and content is enormou sly essential for attracting crowds and allow more clicks to their website.References / BibliographyUsability. gov. Retrieved on 2 October, 2007 from http//www. usability. gov/ . Transparencynow. com. Retrieved on 2 October, 2007 from http//www. transparencynow. com/index. html. Netmechanic. com. Retrieved on 2 October, 2007 from http//www. netmechanic. com/news/vol7/design_no4. htm.

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