Monday, June 3, 2019

Relationship Between Lifestyle And Health Health And Social Care Essay

Relationship Between Lifestyle And Health Health And genial Cargon EssayLifestyle is the way that a person lives. Therefore, life style reflects our behaviour, attitude, culture and personality. In addition, lifestyle susceptibility claim hoi pollois thoughts, work, social activity and health. It whitethorn be true that the whole t genius of the medical service has improved in the last decade in developed countries and whatever developing countries however, lifestyle patterns be a key role in improving our quality of life. This essay explains the concept of hefty lifestyle and the factors that affect our health in our environment then, discuses some important effects of lifestyle on specific indispositions on the disease preventions and progression.Lifestyle factors have a greater impact than genetic factors. Lifestyle factors might improve the genetics but not the opposite. For example, obesity caused by genetic defect gets better by changing the lifestyle patterns that i nclude following a special diet and doing regular exercise.Healthy lifestyle achievements depend on individuals needs and the environment around them. Therefore, studies and research were done in order to jazz the optimum lifestyle for genders in all age groups. This study revealed that lifestyle modifications atomic number 18 important measures in both diseases preventions and treatment.Achievements of optimum lifestyles required group working. They are not only doctors responsibilities however, parents, teachers, doctors and politicians play a role in achieving this goal. The media also have an essential role in lifestyles modifications by highlight the issues and encourage people to act properly in their lives. Foods companies have greater responsibility toward the in the public eye(predicate) by producing healthy foods to build good environment for people.There are m all a(prenominal) reasons for the disparity in lifestyle patterns between the people from the same country a nd even in the same city. These reasons have been noted by researchers in the public health field. These differences have been discovered to be as a result of social variation, geographical bailiwick and education direct.So, people who live in leanness or in low social program category have a poor chance of survival. In different words, individuals who behave healthily are more likely to be found in higher social classes. Poor people do not care about life quality rather than how they live that due to lack of resources and deficiency in services. For instance, a less nutritious diet may be chosen because of restrictions on income or in adequate food distribution in their area. Less physical activity may be undertaken because of lack of leisure facilities in low class areas or the poor salary they get to make use of them. On the other hand, some situations are the result of a much greater academic degree of choice.Geographical differences also have an effect on lifestyle patter n. For example, people who live in hot areas cannot maintain a healthy lifestyle especially a good range of physical activity as result of the hot climate. On the other hand, those living in very cold area have the same problems as well.Educational level variations in the whole population may cause some difficulties in following healthy lifestyle. such(prenominal) research focusing on the quality of life among qualified individuals and unqualified individuals revealed that better life and living patterns are found in people with degrees and the worse living patterns with those of a low educational level.Scientists believe that there are seven essential factors in lifestyle which have huge impact or well known effect. These factors are diet, physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, stress, weight shit and social interaction. Moreover, scientists found a close correlation between specific diseases and these lifestyle factors such as optic disease especially ischemic heart disease, stroke and diabetes.There are many diseases that have strong relationships between the pathogenesis and the lifestyle factors either in etiological factors or preventive measures or as non pharmacological treatments. For examples, diabetes may be caused by obesity or weight gain ischemic heart disease may be caused by smoking and foods contain high fat as well as stress. In other words, different types of diseases are caused by variable lifestyle factors. Thus, eating healthy foods can prevent the occurrence of some illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, stroke and ischemic heart disease. Moreover, quitting smoking may decrease the chance of developing pubic louse. Lifestyle modifications are used as non-pharmacological treatments for example, salt reduction in diet is one of the measures used in treating hypertension.A study shows relation between lifestyle factors and mortality rate in individuals has cardiovascular diseases. Obesity with body mass mightiness over 3 0 is three times more likely to die of cardiovascular causes than those with Body mass index less (18.524.9). One quarter of cancer deaths and one third of heart diseases deaths were attributable to smoking. Individuals who exercised more than 5.5 hour per week are approximately half as likely to die of heart disease as those who are less active. On the whole, 72 percent of cardiovascular mortality, 44 percent of cancer mortality, and 55 percent of all-cause mortality were attributable to having any of cardinal risk factors being overweight, smoking cigarettes, not engaging in physical activity, and having a low healthy diet intake.Lifestyles modifications have greater influences on the overall health statues of the communities. These changes may improve the diseases outcome, reduces the chance of diseases progression and control its complication. For instance, decrease dietary intakes of foods containing unsaturated fat improve already exciting heart disease. These changes also ha ve noticeable effects on ageing related problems such as Alzheimer disease.There is a huge gap at the level of health promotions in dealing with different lifestyle factors. Tobacco control policy has been facilitated by hundreds of epidemiologic and corroborative laboratory studies over more than four decades has made a clear connection between smoking and many cancers, heart diseases and many other health problems. Unlike nutrition and physical activity, those are necessary parts of our daily life. Therefore, public health specialists act to fill the gap and promote the health of the human being by doing research and through a deep study of these issues.In conclusion, lifestyle is a manner of living that reflects individuals behaviour, attitude, thought and believes. Regardless the improvement in health services maintains healthy lifestyle is mandatory to live healthy wonderful life. Healthy lifestyles are not what we think healthy but what research addressed healthy. Many factor s affect lifestyles optimizes such as people needs and cultures. Lifestyles factors have greater influence than genetic factors on the health status of the individuals. In order to achieve a healthy community the multidisciplinary approach is essential. Differences in lifestyles between people are due to their socioeconomic classes, living area and the education level. There are overwhelming evidences that show a strong relationship between the lifestyles factors and diseases risk factors and diseases treatment. Underestimations of some lifestyles factors overcome by doing deep investigation by health care providers. In fact, healthy lifestyle is the aim to get healthy life.Abdullah ALMilibary

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