Thursday, June 20, 2019

Human resources management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Human imagings management - Research Paper ExampleThis also includes the employees need for readiness and organic evolution so that they may be able to customize their skills as per the need of McDonalds. 2. Advancement in technology MacDonalds needs to train its workforce to not only update them on the latest technologies in the food manufacturing industry, but also inculcate the necessary skills in them to use those technologies in the best stake of the company. 3. Regulatory changes Change at McDonalds is inevitable. Things have been constantly changing both within McDonalds and in the external factors influencing McDonalds since the company has been established. These factors include but be not limited to the laws and regulations, politics, economics, and the lifestyle of people in general. For example, the new laws may oblige McDonalds to keep the calorie count in the kids meal below a certain threshold. In this case, the employees would need to be trained to follow the a lternate menu with low calorie-count. 4. Organizational changes The need to training and develop of the workforce does not only arise from technological reasons. The environmental factors play a prime role in the ability of an organization to grasp the competitive advantage. One such factor is the organizational change. As McDonalds is an international corporation, and the company feels the need to relocate its workers at different restaurants around the globe, on that point is a constant change happening in the organizational structure. The employees need to be trained in order to enable them to adjust to the organizational changes at one time without losing their efficiency because of such factors as change of the leader. Q. 3 Part (b) Comparison of the Responsibilities of Human Resource Specialists and Other Managers in the Administration of the Employees Compensations Responsibilities of man resource specialists Responsibilities of human resource specialists are 1. The human resource specialists participate in the development of budget. So they may advise on the increase of compensation of a particular(prenominal) employee considering his/her exceptional performance. 2. The human resource specialists represent the official at the meetings, so they can openly discuss the compensation related issues of the employees in meetings. 3. The human resource specialists conduct interviews of the interested candidates, so they play a decisive role in the establishment of the employees salary. Responsibilities of other managers Other managers include but are not limited to the Finance Manager and the General Manager. Responsibilities of other managers are 1. The responsibility of the Finance Manager is to make sure that all employees are remunerative on time. 2. Another responsibility of the Finance Manager is to keep a record of all payments made to a certain employee so that the record may be referred to in the hour of need. 3. The responsibility of the Genera l Manager is to provide funds to the company to make the cash flow cycle going so that no compensation issues arise. Q. 4 Part (a) Implementation of Safety Management Program at McDonalds Six elements that McDonald

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